After Sister Mei came to Luo Chen's office, she was naturally very respectful and modest.

After all, now, these achievements made by Luo Chen have said it all.

This eldest young master is not just a rich second generation.

More are likely to be the top masters in TV production, much more powerful than her sister Mei!

After all, Sister Mei can only do outdoor variety shows, even if she does have a very good reputation and status in the variety show industry, but she only has such achievements in one field.

And Luo Chen is a generalist and plans a variety show: "I am a singer", which is now known as the top domestic variety show and a phenomenal variety show.

After only one episode, it has already achieved a very shocking effect, and the second episode can be described as highly anticipated.

Not to mention the TV series, Luo Chen shot three TV series, all of which won the ratings championship.

With the continuous broadcast in the next few days, the ratings are still rising, and the three TV series directly dominate the ratings champions in different time periods.

And Luo Chen's weekly drama "You from the Star" has produced a huge influence, and now the entire entertainment industry is discussing the trend of the later plot.

Everyone is learning this phenomenal idol drama and some new shooting techniques.

It can be said that Luo Chen has touched the entire entertainment industry with his own strength!

Such an ability can already be described as a super big coffee.

Therefore, in front of Luo Chen, Sister Mei did not put on the faction of her top management talent in the industry, and was very modest and asked Luo Chen for advice.

If people who are familiar with Sister Mei know what she looks like, it is estimated that they will lose their glasses.

Because usually Sister Mei is usually arrogant or satisfied, for those who are better than herself, she will not say that she looks down on it, but that pride cannot be concealed.

But in front of Luo Chen, Sister Mei could only put away all her arrogance.

After all, Luo Chen is not everyone who will give this idea and creation planning.

Sister Mei looked expectant: "Young Master Luo, you can't break your word this time!" After all, you promised me, you must give me a good variety show! Chen Feng already has it, can't you owe me this one, right?

Luo Chen smiled: "Isn't the plan for you?" Also give you time to prepare, how is it now? The funds have been allocated to you. Sister

Mei: "The preparation is almost done, I will give you a look at the first phase of the plan, but you have to equip me with personnel!"

Now that the whole team is ready and the game session is designed, it's bad! At

this time, Sister Mei could be described as staring at Luo Chen directly.

He is not afraid that Luo Chen is a boss, after all, his ultimate reliance is still Jiang Yingxue, the Jiang family in Jiangnan.

So now for Sister Wen, it is an opportunity for her to cooperate with Luo Chen.

It was also a very important turning point for her.

Hearing Sister Mei's words, Luo Chen smiled, and a drink was pushed in front of Sister Mei:

"I said sister, don't worry, you also know, it's not easy for me to invite people now, so what I'm cultivating now is my own people."

"If you can sign some long-term contracts for us, or continue to develop artists in our company and TV station, I will consider joining this variety show."

After all, I know that this variety show must be able to become popular. So next, Gedina and I will join this variety show, so that there will be a lot of traffic at the beginning!

And a couple of newcomers from the love apartment, all of whom joined in. There is also my brother Chen Yue, so that basically the personnel is enough.

Just these days, the recording task on my side is almost complete, and I can take two or three days to record your variety show.

You get ready, I'll hand you the list later, and then I'll get all the props and everything ready, and you can start recording.

By the way, the venue for the first episode, I will choose to record in our Roselle TV broadcast building.

In this regard, I have already told you in advance, it should be ready, right? When

Sister Mei heard Luo Chen's arrangement, she immediately agreed:

"It's ready, Young Master Luo, I will definitely not let you down this time, I hope you will also give me the most adequate support!" I want to make a top variety show that is even more popular than "I am a singer"! Hearing

Sister Mei's words, Luo Chen smiled and said: "Of course, support is to be given, after all, now you are our variety show in charge." Sister

Mei rolled her eyes: "Don't you dare to be this, Chen Feng's kid is the variety show responsible, "I am a singer" such a variety show, make him popular, this kid has the strength and luck." When

Sister Mei said this, she was obviously a little complaining.

After all, as a variety show that opened the door of Luochen TV, it has indeed caused a very huge impact.

Seeing Sister Mei's appearance, Luo Chen cried and laughed:

"Sister Mei, your variety show will definitely be more popular than that kid, and that kid's heart is not on the variety show in the end." It's still a bit far from your achievements in variety shows. "

What Luo Chen said is not a compliment, it is still based on facts.

But now Chen Feng is undoubtedly famous in the industry, and many TV stations want to invite him to do variety shows.

But until "I'm a Singer" is finished, he won't go anywhere else.

And even if it is completed, he will not go, now as long as he follows Luo Chen, he has unparalleled development prospects, why run around?

The most important point is that he is still worried about the movie script in Luo Chenqiu, the script is given to him, but there is no funds, who will shoot it? All this requires Luo Chen to support him.

So after filming "I Am a Singer", he was going to prepare for this movie.

The most important thing now is to maintain the ratings champion momentum of "I Am a Singer", and not let other shows steal the limelight.

In this regard, whether it was Chen Feng or Luo Chen, or Sister Mei, who was watching from the sidelines, they were actually very confident.

This show has come to this moment, and it has started an indomitable momentum.

So basically the general trend has been achieved, there is no need to worry too much, as long as there is no fatal blow to death, there will be no problem.

At this time, the TV series and programs prepared by Luo Chen were basically aimed at the National Day file.

Because the National Day file, for many people, is a leisure break, can relax the mood of the day, watch TV to watch the programs inside, naturally is also the choice of many people.

But there is one more thing, Luo Chen now has a little new idea.

That's the movie, and now it's too late to quickly make a movie.

But he has some other means, and the box office of the movie on the National Day schedule can undoubtedly attract the hearts of many people.

For Luo Chen, he naturally also wanted to get a piece of the pie.

But even if he has a lot of creative ideas, many movies can be reproduced, and the classics are shown in this world, but now time does not allow.

He had been preparing for the TV station's resumption plan before, and finally got through this difficulty, and he was a few days ahead of schedule.

This is undoubtedly good news for Luo Chen, and there is not much pressure on the ratings of the TV station behind.

Because it's just a business problem of their own, and now these works, whether it is a TV series or a variety show, have firmly occupied the first place.

As long as this momentum is maintained later, then Luochen TV Station is rising strongly, and there is no need to have any doubts.

But how can you get a piece of the box office market of the National Day file?

Luo Chen couldn't help but rub his eyebrows and think about the layout behind.

And if you want to do it, it will be the first movie directed by Luo Chen!

What a significance!

For Luo Chen, it was undoubtedly a huge challenge, but soon he already had a new plan in his heart.

But there were some details he had to make sure.

At this time, he directly called Bai Ru's phone: "Good sister, where are you?" Bai

Ru's sister Luo Chen's calls were answered in seconds, and when she heard Luo Chen's words, she immediately smiled:

"Ouch, it's so sweet, don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, is there something for my sister to do?"

Luo Chen smiled heartily: "Hehe, or does my wife understand me?" But there's really something I need to ask you about.

If I quickly get a movie out now, can you help me quickly pass the review, and then find the channel and get the number of films? The

author has something to say

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