Hearing Luo Chen's words, Bai Ru couldn't help but be surprised:

"My God! Husband, when did you make a movie? How did I not know at all? How many things do we don't know? "

Mainly because Luo Chen has never said before about making movies.

Even if it is mentioned, it is a plan for the future, not that it will be eleven in a few days, and suddenly it is said that a movie will be online.

Moreover, Luo Chen's previous things were relatively planned, and suddenly came out like this, Bai Ru was a little stunned.

"This is an inventory I used to have, which I made during my previous idle year and a half. It's not a live-action movie, it's an animated movie.

Didn't I sing the song Goku in I'm a singer before? I have a theme about Qi Tian Daisheng.

Anyway, it is also hairy there, can you give me a quick publicity and do a publicity. At that time, it will be released on the National Day file, can you see it? Hearing

Luo Chen's words, Bai Ru patted his tall heart, and said with a sigh of relief:

"You scared me, husband!" If that's the case, it might be considered.

After all, on National Day, many children wish they could watch cartoons, but did your finished film come out?

Luo Chen responded with a smile: "It should be possible to come out soon, go back at night to show you, let you check the color, just to see how powerful my golden hoop rod is!" Hearing

Luo Chen's words, Bai Ru couldn't help but smack him: "You scoundrel has become speechless again, and it used to be said that we are getting worse and worse now!" Hearing

Bai Rujiao's words, Luo Chen couldn't help but let out another bad laugh: "You guys can't jump for a few days, and when my divine achievements are completed, you will know, what is the body of King Kong not bad?" What is the Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick!

Bai Ru rolled her eyes on the phone: "Just blow your husband, you have achieved great feats." How many days have we been waiting for?

Let's talk about it when you really have this effort, but I'm curious about your movie now, and now everyone says that Luo Chen's production must be a boutique.

You can't spoil your signature with shoddy works.

Luo Chen smiled: "Don't worry, it's absolutely good-looking, let you shed tears after reading it." Hearing

Luo Chen's words, Bai Ru became even more curious, so that she would have more confidence to do this.

She can help quickly pass the trial, and the amount of films depends on whether Luo Chen's reputation is good?

However, there should be a little possibility.

Bai Ru also remembered something: "By the way, husband, does your movie cost much?" If the cost is high, I recommend not to go online in such a hurry.

At that time, we are in the next schedule, make good arrangements, as a publicity roadshow or something, no one can be less.

Luo Chen said with a smile: "It's okay, the cost is not very large, the small production is absolutely wonderful, you can see it at night." "

For Luo Chen's words, Bai Ru naturally believes it, since he said so, let's try it.

Anyway, if it fails, the small-cost movie is nothing, and it will not be a loss at that time.

And since Luo Chen has already said so, it is basically a sure thing.

And now a group of young ladies are very satisfied and confident with Luo Chen's creative works.

To such a extent, everyone has already seen that as long as these projects handled by Luo Chen are absolutely boutique.

For the follow-up, what kind of performance, they have never worried.

It's just that Bai Ru is also curious about how Luo Chen managed to get an animation so quickly, and the film work came out.

It made her a little surprised, and at the same time full of anticipation.

Luo Chen explained to Bai Ru, and also looked for Jiang Yingxue, and also saw if there were any animated movies, online channels, and when the time came, you can get it together.

After all, Jiang Yingxue is also the existence of the industry leader in this regard, except for Luo Chen, it is her.

And her home in the south is also very influential.

It is precisely like this, so looking at Jiang Yingxue to see this aspect of things, naturally there may be a better way out.

Sure enough, as soon as she contacted this young lady, Jiang Yingxue was immediately excited:

"Husband, when did you make an animated movie?" In this regard, our country is still relatively backward, but my husband knows if it is as soon as he makes a move, I think what you do must be super boutique! "。

Hearing Jiang Yingxue's words, Luo Chen couldn't help but smile again, it seems that the little daughters-in-law are very confident in him.

"Since you said that, then you must have some other channels that can help me get this movie out."

Although Luo Chen is looking forward to it, Jiang Yingxue can help some.

Jiang Yingxue was naturally very happy and said: "Then naturally there is, you leave this aspect to me, and you will definitely be satisfied when the time comes!" "

In fact, every holiday schedule, there is some demand for cartoons, and these animated films have not been too outstanding in recent years.

The national comics of this time and space are still in a relatively backward state, and it seems a bit whimsical to want to put an animated film in the cinema to compete with others.

This is different from another time and space that has made animation a large industry, and the entire industry has a rapid development environment.

In such a parallel time and space, it is a bit difficult to launch an animated film in the Oriental Land Cinema.

And even if it goes live, it may only be a few days, and it will soon be overwhelmed.

But Luo Chen believes that as soon as his animated movie comes out, it is definitely a big killer-like existence.

At this time, he quickly dispatched the animation editor in his mind, and it was time to take out this big killer.

Anyway, he is now very popular, in addition to the lottery, it is to use these very precious film and television works for post-production or special effects creation.

And this time, Luo Chen directly paid attention to his thoughts in the animation editor, and at the same time wanted to make some new promotional videos.

Because at this time, if you want to promote yourself, it is still more difficult, then through the power of the Internet.

Let his anime fans, have a new outbreak!

You know, when the Sea King was broadcast for the first time, it was purely driven by fans, and he quickly won the primetime ratings championship.

This can see how strong Luo Chen's appeal is in the animation industry among these fans.

In this way, he immediately had a new idea, animated movies can't just come to such a wave, just come to two works!

Anyway, when the time comes, the theatrical version of the Sea King will definitely be able to harvest a wave.

This really is, don't do it in vain!

So, Luo Chen thought about it so quickly, and quickly began his own animation creation, and a movie about Qi Tian Dasheng appeared.

And another part of the Voyager King theatrical version was also formed in his mind, and quickly added to the upcoming National Day schedule!

Luo Chen did not expect that Luo Chen used two cartoon movies to directly kill in the National Day for a box office plundering war.

And also achieved impressive results that everyone expected!

Everyone is still intoxicated, the upcoming National Day schedule, with their film circle money, secretly happy.

But I didn't know that Luo Chen picked up two anime sharp knives, and was already sharpening the knife Huo Huo to the pig and sheep!


-The author has something to say:

the fourth change, plus more, and then there is an update! Five-star reviews and gifts, come more violently!

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