For the appearance of Luo Chen, the audience naturally liked it very much.

After all, Luo Chen's national popularity is very high now.

Two super popular TV series, plus "Hundred Family Forum", really occupied several markets.

Interestingly, now in the "Hundred Family Forum", Luo Chen's shape suddenly gave everyone an illusion.

It's like watching professors lecturing at a university!

Now, "You from the Star" has not yet aired Episode 2, but "Hundred Family Forum" is already more popular than before.

Because everyone said: we are going to the Internet to see the professors talking about the Three Kingdoms!

This meme is really amazing.

The terrible thing is that it really attracted countless fans to watch it.

Originally, this program was the same program as teenagers' extracurricular reading, and then some experts and scholars went to study this topic.

But after adding "You from the Star", plus Luo Chen's "Hundred Family Forum", this progress is still slowly recording, and it should be broadcast for more than a month.

In this way, it completely made up for the popularity of "You from the Star", and instantly made Professor Du talk about the Three Kingdoms a very popular song now.

After all, Luo Chen was commenting on the Three Kingdoms, and on the podium of the "Hundred Family Forum", he was also wearing a straight suit, very scholarly.

And such a young and handsome super lecturer, it is easy for everyone to have a good impression of him.

"Oh my God, we came over to see the professors lecturing!"

"There is really a feeling of joining the crew of "You from the Star" directly."

"Oh my God! Suddenly found that there are many big stars in the forum of the Three Kingdoms, are you sure they all teach live lectures?

"Haha, the picture of Professor Du and Qian Songyi meeting together has been reproduced, and I didn't see Gedina listening to the class with great relish!"

"Oh, and Tong Yaya is there, my mother, this lineup is a bit strong."

"In the past, I was watching the stars in "Hundred Family Forum", but then I was really listening to the professors lecturing, and I didn't listen so seriously in school."

"Haha I don't care what he says, as long as he talks at that stop, I feel like a pleasure!"

Such remarks were suddenly on the Internet, it was boiling, one by one, listening to the professor's lecture is really a super enjoyment.

If you have a face and content, that's enough!

And now Luo Chen appeared on the stage of "I am a singer" again, and it was a different situation in an instant.

"Hello everyone, I'm You from the Star, all professors!"

"Hello everyone, I'm "Full House", big star Li Yingcai!"

"Hello everyone, "I am a singer", Luo Chen!"

Three different, hello everyone, three different opening lines.

Three different temperaments instantly showed Luo Chen's excellent acting skills.

Because Luo Chen used his expression, figure and posture to interpret three different roles.

Three people are separated, and three people are integrated.

None of them are Luo Chen, and they are all Luo Chen!

Seeing such a performance of him, everyone present was crazy about it, and set off today's shout!

"All professors! You're handsome!

"Li Yingcai! I love you!

"Luo Chen! I love you! The

screams of countless female fans seemed to overturn the ceiling of the recording hall!

This is the charm of Luo Chen.

Because just now, through her different interpretations, she interpreted the essence of each role to the fullest.

Of course, in the end, it comes back to his own person, the identity of this singer.

The momentum is completely different, and everyone's physical expressions change so differently.

The subtleties make everyone suddenly have a sense of role switching.

The terrible thing is that Luo Chen can switch to the aura of each character very clearly and accurately.

Let everyone feel at a glance that there are three different people standing in front of them, and finally the same person.

This is the most fatal manifestation.

A group of people said that Luo Chen's performance was really amazing, and he was simply a natural actor!

The audience and singers below are already excited.

The singers who watched all the progress in the background are now also stunned to watch.

Uncle Liu said with a smile: "Oh, this is really a natural actor, in the future, the actor will have his part, my nephew is powerful!" When

Tong Yaya saw this performance, she was even more adored: "Haha, it's really my idol, it's too powerful, it's too powerful!" Ark

: "I'm a little brother, it's really too strong, this opening is too strong!" Everyone

was admiring Luo Chen's performance, but in the end, Luo Chen returned to the identity of the singer.

After all, everyone knows very well that today's performance is singing and nothing else.

But Luo Chen's wave really resonated with everyone.

A group of fans are already excited, you must know that many people present now are watching Luo Chen's TV series and are happy together.

And now Luo Chen shows this, as if it brought them into the plot of the TV series.

"Haha, just kidding, today is the second competition of "I Am a Singer".

There are many TV peers who are saying, how long can this show last?

Can their singers continue to behave like this? "

I think so!

When I first started the show, a lot of people thought I was whimsical. Whether you can invite these old-timers to sing is a question.

And yet I did.

At the beginning, many people said, can I shoot two TV series well?

And now, there are two characters who are loved by everyone, and I can guarantee that the next plot will be even more exciting!

There are many people who ask, as a novelist, cartoonist, can I sing well? My answer is..." Luo

Chen handed the microphone in the direction of all the audience, not needing him to answer at all.

Everyone had already answered a firm answer for him: "Yes!!

Luo Chen said with a smile: "Haha, it seems that everyone still knows me quite well, I dare not say that I can." Let you guys help me, answered.

Luo Chen's words immediately caused laughter from the audience below.

"Well, the next competitive singer is actually a person who likes to make the impossible possible!

Recently, he has been very popular, he has played a role called Professor Du, which is called the dream of all women.

He didn't even know himself, how did it become a dream?

In fact, no one knows that he actually experienced a lot when he completed these things.

There is a change of mood, and there is also a determination to move forward in the future. The

song he will sing next may represent his state of mind for a while.

At the same time, he also wants to sing to his women and show them his determination! "

The next song, I hope you like it."

Luo Chen Shi Ran finished his lines.

Then dashingly put the inscription back into the trouser pocket of his clothes.

Then he Shi Shiran walked to the center of the stage and directly switched the singer mode!

And now it is clear to all the audience that the first to sing is himself!

It immediately caused a lot of laughter, but it made everyone look forward to it even more.

You know, the first singing is very bad.

But Luo Chen still came indifferently, and there was no stage fright at all.

At the same time, it also represents the new meaning and determination of the singer this time.

Challenge the impossible, hang directly on the clouds and sails to the sea!

Today, Luo Chen did not enlarge his moves like last time, changing into a bright and shining equipment of the Qi Heaven Great Sage.

It's just a gorgeous suit, but it shows his male temperament to the fullest!

Soon, a series of passionate soundtracks sounded directly.

Hearing this series of musical sounds, such a passionate prelude suddenly made all the audience's hearts chill!

Luo Chen, what song is he going to sing?

The fourth is sent, and today's update is complete. Good night, readers, see you tomorrow! Finally, I recommend a good star brother's book, which is really good. The title of the book: "The Richest Man: Starting from Being Chased by School Flowers" feels like a taste that everyone likes. Check it out

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