At this moment, all the soundtracks have all advanced, accompanied by Luo Chen's instructions, quickly giving people a passionate feeling.

In this opening moment, what Luo Chen did really had a shocking effect.

The main thing is that this music is very exciting to listen to, which is undoubtedly a very good experience for the listener.

At this time, the listeners suddenly entered the mood of Luo Chen's song.

As if on the eve of a storm, there was a very depressing feeling.

Immediately after that, Luo Chen was a burst of high notes, which played this series of soundtracks to the extreme.

After all, everyone comes here to listen to their competitive performances.

So at this moment, everyone hopes that these singers can actually have a better performance.

Luo Chen is a surprise for many people.

Their previous understanding of Luo Chen was a lecturer, cartoonist, and novelist.

The works given are already very amazing, but in fact, to this extent, everyone can see that Luo Chen is not only here.

His acting skills and the ability to perform roles in the future, as well as his current singing ability.

It is an exaggeration to fully express the charm of an artist after being all-round.

Especially now he has two very famous roles, one is Professor Du, and the other is the big star Li Yingcai.

In reality, he is also a big star now, so he is regarded by many people as Luo Chen's true color.

For such an evaluation, Luo Chen just laughed it off, after all, these roles are really hand-to-hand for him.

Both roles are actually more difficult to teach.

Because he should have that sense of historical heaviness, and after such a performance, Luo Chen has actually won the recognition of many people.

If you let a unique actor with facial paralysis like in the previous life, it is actually not enough to support that role based on his appearance.

It can be said that the actor of the Goryeo Kingdom in the previous life performed it can only be said to be decent.

The dividend of eating is completely supported by his appearance.

At the same time, there is also the fawning of this character's character, which has quickly moved many female fans.

So it's easy to bring this character into your ideal environment.

Some of the subsequent interpretations of that Korean actor, in fact, Luo Chen is not satisfied.

At this time, in this time and space, the professors he has deduced have added their own understanding.

At the same time, it also makes many subsequent performances of this character very masterful.

It is precisely because of this that the role of Luo Chen will set off a different influence in the history of the interpretation of the East.

At the same time, it is also listed as a classic textbook level role by many film schools and art schools.

Because in this role, Luo Chen fully exerts all the acting skills that an idol drama can play.

Really even a look, an eyebrow and the corner of the eye are dramas, and even a trace of muscle changes is a play!

This is undoubtedly a new inspiration for many film and television drama producers:

idol dramas do not need acting skills!

Idol dramas are not without power!

They are just a little more good-looking, but if they really use their strength to act, they will not lose to those old drama bones at all.

Luo Chen directly redefined the upper limit of idol dramas with his own actions.

Of course, everyone has forgotten for a moment that he was influenced by the role of a professor and another big star.

Redefine him to such a position as a singer.

With a high note on his note, everyone's goosebumps rose.

In fact, this kind of dazzling skill does not have any difficulty for Luo Chen.

Everyone knows that his singing skills are actually very good, after all, the last issue of "Wukong" has already explained the problem.

Especially these veterans who had heard him sing Vitas before, knew that Luo Chen's high voice was very shocking.

At the same time, it has the thickness of bass and alto, such a multi-range singer is really very rare in the music industry.

And Luo Chen can exercise his singing skills in such an environment, which is indeed very difficult.

At this moment, many people can't help but continue to look forward to Luo Chen's next performance.

It's just that the opening has already shocked them.

Ordinary people can't help but be very shocked in their hearts!

Everyone was looking forward to the next singing:

"Love is like a gust of wind, after it blows and it leaves, it keeps up with the rhythm, but I can't help it..."

After a burst of high notes, it quickly moved into the middle singing.

Such a kind of singing naturally made everyone go from the high sky just now, and suddenly returned to a slightly calmer state.

This roller coaster-like feeling made everyone can't help but quickly mobilize their emotions with Luo Chen's music.

And Luo Chen undoubtedly has a different meaning for others at this time.

After all, this is a new song!

Last time they had a new song, they had already seen Luo Chen's creative ability.

The two songs are still dominating the new song chart.

The next new song, is it going to make Luo Chen's dominate the list again?

But just hearing such a prelude and this part of the main song has been refreshing to everyone.

What kind of song is this?

Love is like a gust, the wind blows it and leaves? Is this a song of lost love?

Just now, sharp-eyed viewers have seen the name of the song, called "Tornado".

Just looking at the name, it feels very destructive.

And at the beginning, the high notes have drawn everyone's attention into it, and instantly filled their emotions.

"Oh~~~ Love comes too fast, like a tornado! Can't do without the storm, but there is no time to escape... I can't think about it anymore! I can't think about it anymore! I can't think about you anymore!! "

When I saw this lyric, everyone was able to see what song this song was.

It seems to be a song that breaks with old love.

At the same time, it also has a very big impact.

The final treble soared to a new level again, and everyone followed Luo Chen's high note.

As if rushing into the sky, as if also shouting, to break through the emotions in his heart.

At the same time, the people who pay attention to the singing of this song are not only these audiences.

Especially these goddesses around Luo Chen were stunned one by one.

Bai Ru was also standing under the stage at this time, staring intently at Luo Chen's performance.

After all, this is undoubtedly a new challenge for her.

At the same time, when he heard this song, as well as what Luo Chen said before, this song also showed some of his previous state of mind.

Couldn't he still let go of that Yang Mier?

He seems to be pushing everything away from the past with all his strength!

By this time, for Luo Chen, all this was actually less important.

It is less affected by the past, and more is looking to the future.

But singing this song is obviously to reassure these goddesses around you.

As he said just now, it can be regarded as a sign of the heart, the past is completely gone.

Like a tornado blowing, blowing away the past love!

But singing to the end of this heart-wrenching cry, how it feels, makes those goddesses have a sense of crisis again.

In their hearts, they are even more worried!

Following Bai Ru, there are also Gedina and Jiang Yingxue, and now the three girls can't help but look at each other.

But at the same time, they can see some unconfidence and uneasiness in the eyes of the other party.

At this time, Bai Ru couldn't help but turn her head and say to the two sisters:

"Sisters, we are going to do that thing tonight no matter what!"

Gerdina also strongly agreed: "Yes, you must break the work for your husband!" Can't wait any longer!

Jiang Yingxue was a little entangled: "My husband has said that his divine skill is about to be completed, or should we wait a little longer?"

Bai Ru was more determined: "If it was before, I could have waited, but after listening to this song, I don't think I can wait!" "

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