At that time, Luo Chen's skill improvement speed was quite fast.

So, a year and a half inside.

He kept coming out some classic old songs from another world.

Play and sing and make your own compositions.

All were registered on the National Copyright website, but were not published.

Because he wants to prepare for his future.

During the days in the Yang family, he couldn't do anything, and he would accumulate these forces first, and it would always be useful later.

No one expected that Luo Chen was practicing on his own and at the moment of his work.

There was another woman watching her silently, watching all this move.

And also because of his work, I felt deeply shocked.

At this moment, Luo Chen had a feeling of unintentional insertion...

In this way, he gained the favor and even loyalty of a goddess.

He thinks it's no different from picking cabbage....

On the other hand, Gedina huffed and returned to her room.

Knowing that Tong Yaya will definitely keep an eye on her every move for a while, it is estimated that it is a little difficult to implement today's plan.

But think that's it, you can stop her?

So naïve!

On this point, you still want to prevent her?

Then let's walk and see!

At this time, Gedina felt that Tong Yaya must not have left yet, and it was estimated that she was not far away.

Watch closely with her every move.

Who made her unreassuring.

Such a-for-tat confrontation made Gedina quite depressed.

But at this time, he thought about it and directly wanted to call Luo Chen.

It's just that what makes her depressed is that Luo Chen's guy directly turned off the phone.

It is estimated that I know that tonight is restless, so I directly shut down and worry freely.

See such a performance.

Gedina was completely out of recruitment, and she originally had some new means that she wanted to use.

At this time, he had to let it go first.

After all, there are too many obstacles to this matter.

But if she can't get through to Luo Chen's phone, she can call other people's calls.

At this time, Gedina did not think about Tong Yaya.

She picked up the phone and dialed a number: "Sister, I met someone I like."

"But this man is too good, and I have a lot of competitors!"

"Didn't you say you're an expert in relationships? Hurry up and give me ideas! I couldn't stand it anymore.

"I especially want to be with him!" But now, there are a lot of girls around me who like him, and they are all my sisters.

"I know the roots, it's too tangled!"

Hearing Gedina's words, the girl on the other end of the phone suddenly showed a very surprised voice:

"Oh my God! What kind of person can make such a national goddess so worried! "

Send me the photo!" I'll help you taste it! Gedina

suddenly said: "Sister, don't talk about this first, you should tell me the way!"

The sister: "You... Okay, the more detailed information you have about his personality, hobbies, and information, the better.

"I'll make a targeted plan for you!"

Gedina immediately fawned and said: "Hee-hee, I know, sister, you are the best."

The sister smiled and said, "Little Nizi, it's nice to talk, but if you don't want to send a photo, are you afraid that your sister will rob you of someone?"

Gedina was speechless: "Sister..." The

sister: "Okay, okay, tease you, even if you send it, I like it very much, and I won't do it."

"I can't do the thing of robbing my own sister's man."

"But well, we are born with advantages, exotic, look at you are still so beautiful!" Talent is also very good.

"I don't understand, is that boy really blind?"

Gedina was also very depressed and said: "I can only say that he is too good, and I can only watch with my eyes."

"Actually, I already confessed to him, but he didn't give me a letter."

"The main thing is that there is a problem at home right now. He had to deal with this matter before he dared to talk about feelings.

"And there are other people out there!"

The sister was immediately upset: "Then no, what's the problem here, can it be as important as our family Xiaodi?"

Gerdina explains: "He has a TV station in his house, which needs to be dealt with, but I think he should be able to get through it."

"After all, he lives in a courtyard house of 2 billion yuan, and he drives a sports car of hundreds of millions..."

The sister was shocked: "Wait... What did you just say?? He lives in two billion quadrangles? Drive a sports car for hundreds of millions, you won't be deceived, right? Gedina

hurriedly said: "No, no, I found it myself, and I live in his courtyard now."

"He didn't lie to me at all, and she didn't seem to want to confess to him."

The sister: "Shhhh So is he handsome? Grow tall?

Gedina: "Uh...

The sister: "I'll go, Gedina!" Your sister is not kind, such a good resource, you actually told your sister so late! It's too much!

"But I really don't believe that there are such men in this world!"

"With this capital, you are still chasing upside down, it's a man who is willing to accept ah, it's a big deal to play, what you said is unreasonable..."

Gerdina was anxious: "Sister, can you stop kidding, Luo Chen is not such a person, his character is very good!"

The sister: "Yo, my sister just said that he is not, and you will protect it?"

"It seems that you really like to care!"

"It's still the kind in the bones!"

"In this way, sister, I am even more curious, if you don't send a photo, I won't believe it, don't think I'll give you an idea!"

"Sister is also a man who helps you guard your boyfriend, our national goddess Gedina, absolutely can't pull your crotch!"

"Hey, hey, you haven't dared to send it for so long, is that man an ugly man, just rich?"

When Gedina saw this sister's words, she immediately retorted:

"Go and go, my family Luochen, the first handsome in the world!" Not one!

The sister on the other end smiled: "Then you sent it to see, it seems that your confidence is very insufficient."

"No picture, no truth, no truth, don't blame your sister for not helping you!"

Gedina responded angrily:

"Okay, okay, can't I send it?" Hang up the phone, mobile phone to receive! Gedina

huffed a little and sent a photo of Luo Chen.

It was an angle she liked, with angular side faces, sword eyebrows.

360 degrees of immortal appearance without dead ends.

It's a girl who is easily thrilled when she sees it.

This is my handsome man! There is absolutely no room for doubt!

However, as soon as it was sent, Gedina regretted it.

It won't make this sister's eyes gluttonous, right? That's the legendary high-level love expert!

Sure enough, half a day has passed since the message was sent, but there is no response.

Gedina was a little anxious at this time, and directly on her social software, she said to the sister:

"Sister, how is it?" You're saying something! "。

The sister immediately responded: "Gedina! Your sister is really not interesting enough!

"Such a superlative, such a fairy man, you just sent it to me now?"

"Hurry up! If you are still so rich and talented, it is simply the best in the world!

"But then again, I have a question for me."

Gerdina: "What's the problem, sister?" "

She had a bit of a bad hunch.

The sister: "You male god, what brothers don't have ah, it's really not good, handsome uncle can too, I'm really hungry!" "


-The author has something to say:

(2) is more sent, good evening, dear readers.

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