Hear what my sister said.

Gedina was really crying and laughing.

However, in her heart, she couldn't help but be a little nervous:

"I said sister, you can't do anything to rob a man with me,

or I won't be able to rob you."

"This man is my favorite, the favorite, and has already killed me!"

"If you dare to do something excessive, I will be anxious with you!"

The sister couldn't help but giggle:

"Oh, you little girl, how can you have so many hearts."

"My sister definitely can't do this kind of thing, we are all good sisters from one place, and we will never do this kind of sorry for our sisters."

"Don't worry, my sister will definitely find a way to help you tie this man's heart well."

"Now you just have to remember two words."

Gedina was immediately interested, and quickly asked, "Which two words?"

The sister said directly: "Pan him!"

Gedina was surprised: "Huh?

The sister: "Just fine, entangle him." Good women are afraid of male pestering, and the same is true of good men.

"Plus you are so beautiful, pure and cute, there is no man who can't take it."

"You, you just haven't been in love before, and now the first time you have this thought, your heart is confused."

"Don't mess around at this time."

"What's wrong with a competitor? Good men will have many women to rob, prove that your vision is right!

"And I see that you are a man, you just said, he did not accept the kindness of any woman."

"Prove that he is a very firm person, such a man you don't grasp, you will regret it for the rest of your life!"

"So I desperately entangled him regardless of three seven twenty-one, and used all kinds of methods."

"Of course, I will tell you one by one, you just have to remember, don't give up easily, stay by his side."

"Show your best side from time to time."

"And then care for him from time to time and let him feel your warmth."

"Even if it's iron, it melts for you."

"But don't push too hard, lest you scare him away."

"As for your opponent now, let's slowly find a way to deal with it."

"Don't worry now, I'll tell you, tomorrow you'll be like this

and this..."

After hearing the layout behind this sister.

Gedina couldn't help but be stunned: "Sister, you are really a master of love, what a genius!"

"It's a bit hard to make so many coincidences."

The sister: "Such a good man, how can it be so easy to win."

"Now you say that he has so many problems, in the moment of showing his beautiful side."

"You also have to help him solve some practical problems."

"Men are like this, they want their wives to be beautiful and can do it."

"This ability, there are many meanings, you will understand in the future..." Hearing

this sister's words, Gedina's little face twisted a little blush.

"Sister, why do you tell me this!"

The sister: "Get you vaccinated in advance."

"Men are like this, sullen, you are going to break his boundaries, and then he will become a wolf."

"You're going to get ready."

"But I see that you are very physical, it must be fine."

"It is estimated that it is a man, after tasting you, I will definitely love it..." Hearing

the sister's words, Gedina's little face turned even redder.

She had never been in a relationship before, and she had never been intimate with any man.

Just think about it in my heart, some intimacy that may arise with Luo Chen.

The little face was red and feverish.

She suddenly said a little embarrassed: "I'll ignore you, sister, I'll go and plan well, and you should go to bed early."

"I'll have to behave well tomorrow and get his attention!"

"Tomorrow I'm going to the TV station and go with him to meet the subordinates and senior management of those TV stations."

"I want to appear in front of everyone as a hostess!"

The sister: "Haha, you can think so, now you should change your mentality and recognize yourself as his woman."

"Once this state comes out, everyone's perception of you will become this impression in the future."

"It's best to make everyone around him think that you are originally a couple."

"Assists from others."

"Sometimes, it's better than anything!"

"Especially the people around him, if they recognize you, everything will fall into place!"

When Gedina heard it, she also felt suddenly cheerful and very happy:

"Hee-hee, sister, you are really a genius, I love you to death haha!"

The sister: "I don't know if you love it or not, but you definitely love that man very much, and I hope you can succeed." Gedina

smiled and said, "It must be, if you drink happy wine at that time, you will be my bridesmaid."

The sister scoffed, "Aren't you afraid that I will rob a man with you at this time?" Gedina

: "Hehe, I'm sure you won't..." On

the other side of the phone, the beautiful sister, couldn't help but smile.

Finally, Shi Shiran hung up the phone.

But after hanging up the phone, the beautiful sister remembered: "Ouch, I was shaken by this little girl for a long time, and there was no benefit at all in the end."

"Does this little handsome guy have a brother?" Forget it, let's ask later. "

Oh, but, this little handsome guy is really delicious, and I'm so impressed..." This

beauty looked at the mobile phone and said, Luo Chen's handsome side face, and couldn't help but say a little idiotically.

However, when others saw the appearance of this goddess, they were estimated to lose their sleepy eyes.

Because this girl is known as the goddess of icebergs in front of outsiders.

Even in the entire Eastern business circle, it has a high position.

Gedina can run amok in the entertainment industry, and not many people have ever dared to do anything to her.

It is also thanks to the care of this young lady.

At this time, after Gedina received guidance and information in this regard, her heart was much more stable.

On the other hand, Tong Yaya is outside.

After looking at it for a long time, I found that the lights in Gedina's room were also turned off.

I shouldn't be tossing today.

She herself felt that it was time to go back and rest.

She felt that she had to use her most dignified and beautiful side to face some of Luo Chen's colleagues tomorrow.

I don't know what the situation will be, but I must travel beautifully.

Anyway, you can't lose face for Luo Chen.

In the future, Tong Yaya thinks he is his wife.

This TV station also has her share!

Tong Yaya couldn't help but look at the location of Luo Chen's room.

In that direction, there seems to be a little bit of starlight lit up.

Luo Chen should still be looking at the gift he gave him.

Thinking of this, Tong Yaya couldn't help but feel a little shy, more sweet.

I don't know how Luo Chen will feel after reading these diaries and letters of her and listening to her CDs.

It's really a bit embarrassing to see him tomorrow.

But all this is voluntary by Tong Yaya, and now she is full of expectations for tomorrow's TV trip!

This is a difficulty that he faces with his man!

At the same time, it is also another new beginning in her life!


The author has something to say:

(3) is coming, if there is no accident, there is another one, I hope you like it.

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