Roselle TV was once also the No. 1 variety entertainment station of the Celestial Empire.

He has created many unique programs.

It has left an indelible mark on the youth years of many people, even their childhood years.

However, with the suddenness of the two founders, they suffered a plane crash and their whereabouts were unknown.

The TV station immediately declined, without its past glory, because it lacked the leading figure who led them.

And as the successor of the TV station.

Luo Chen has always rarely asked about the operation of the TV station.

Most of the time, it was Zhao Lao's agent.

In the end, it became what it is now, extremely down.

The entire TV station has arrived, and the situation is thinning down.

Luo Chen had actually created some unique works in that year and a half before.

For example, those two, online novels.

But whether it is the writing fee or some remuneration, it is basically used to subsidize the expenses of these TV stations.

So I don't have much money left in my hand.

Of course, it is still okay to let him live a more moist life.

But let him do this TV station again, he was not sure before.

Mainly because there has not been much improvement in terms of funds.

Even if he has some unique plans.

It has some very classic works, and there are many unique variety show ideas in the follow-up.

But without money, there is no way to start.

So it fell into an endless vicious circle.

Fortunately, after divorcing Yang Mier.

The system upgrade brought a series of changes.

Now he has that capital.

In just a day or two, his ambition was ignited again.

This time, he can really do a big job and stir up the storm.

The key is that there are now two more capable players.

Two super goddesses surrounded her, both dead set on him and loyal.

Moreover, their popularity flow, that is definitely not covered.

The existence of the king fried level!

They joined.

First of all, the next show is guaranteed.

For this, Luo Chen is very confident.

Now it's time to clear the obstacles in this TV station.

No, so many people expect him to succeed.

There are even countless people waiting for his defeat.

Because a TV station involves a lot of things!

There are many interests involved, and there are many disputes that others cannot see.

All this, Luo Chen naturally knows.

But now, he has to face it.

He didn't have this capital before, but now that he has, he naturally wants to clear out everything that blocks his advance!

And Luo Chen is driving his own supercar today.

The ghost sports car, which came to the side of the TV station, attracted the attention of countless people.

And Gedina and Tong Yaya, with their own unique nanny car, are responsible for pick-up.

Of course, these Luo Chen can be arranged.

And the TV station side.

There has already been a large group of people waiting.

They heard that the young owner of today's TV station is coming over and giving everyone an explanation.

After all, for three months, they were in a state of panic.

Some people feel that the TV station will soon go out of business.

Many capable people have already jumped ship.

Those who stayed, or they had a unique friendship for this TV station, and they had a deep friendship with Luo Chen's parents.

Or the qualifications are mediocre, and there is no way out.

Anyway, all this, for Luo Chen, some people can take advantage of it.

Others became his stumbling block.

He had to see everything clearly.

However, if you change to someone else, you may still be in a mess in the face of this series of interpersonal relationships.

But now Luo Chen, mainly has another unique function.

Character template information query!

This one function, for such a situation, has now become a big killer.

After all, these people are the relationship of Luo Chen's predecessor.

Luo Chen was reborn and has not dealt with these people much.

Faintly, there are just some fragments of memory.

But now, query through the character template information.

He could immediately see the past of these people, as well as what they had done, what shortcomings they had, and what advantages they had.

A series of information checks can let him understand the corners of the entire TV station's operation.

Even some unknown things, he can see!

It is crucial for him to control the future of the entire TV station.

In fact, when he got this feature, he didn't have any goals to use it.

When he got up early this morning, he used it on these two goddesses, as well as Su Qing'er.

The information he saw was also very interesting.

"Character, name: Gedina; Gender: female; HEIGHT 173CM, DIMENSIONS XXX; "

Love the color, pink. Specialty: Ethnic song and dance S level.


: A+" "National Instrument Performance: A+

" "Special Attribute: Body Flexibility SS!"

"Hobbies: acting, singing and dancing, cooking food, traveling, photography..."

"Special Habits: Obsessed object Luo Chen!"

"Character, name: Tong Yaya; Gender: female; HEIGHT 176CM; Measurements: xxx; "

Love the color, lilac. Specialty: Singing skills: SS.

""Acting: B

+" "Piano, guitar, violin: A+

" "Special attributes: soul singer, heavenly voice!"

"Hobbies: Singing, reading, writing, painting, jewelry design, costume design..."

"Special hobby: heavy obsession with Luo Chen!"

Of course, these are the most basic information.

There's a lot of information in it that is unknown, what they've done before.

Of course, it's basically a little thing about cute girls.

At the same time, there are some of their glorious resumes in the entertainment industry.

What unique masterpieces have been performed, etc.

The important thing is that Luo Chen knows that the two goddesses have never been in love, and the emotional experience is like a blank piece of paper!

All this is on full display and clear.

Everything seemed to have been pulled apart, and all of them were displayed in front of Luo Chen.

There is even some unique information that can be seen more carefully and clearly.

It's just that Luo Chen didn't have time to study it carefully.

The information of the two goddesses will definitely be taken a good look at in the future.

But at this time, he is more ready to go to the TV station to complete today's task.

After all, the TV station side is panicked.

There are already too many people, ignorant of the future, who all think that this TV station is going to fall.

And Luo Chen's arrival undoubtedly gave them a loss of confidence.

But what everyone didn't expect was that Luo Chen came in a ghost sports car.

As soon as this sports car appeared in front of everyone, everyone couldn't help but feel uncomfortable in their hearts.

Mainly because, since Luo Chen is so rich, he has money to buy sports cars? Why not pay their salaries?

Isn't it too much?

At this time, there seemed to be such a voice in the crowd:

"Oh, this young master is really powerful, driving a sports car, it seems that our salary should have fallen."

"I haven't paid my salary for so long, so I took our money to buy these luxury goods."

"If we can't send this money today, we must sue him!"

"Exactly! It's too much, we are working hard here, but he is enjoying it behind his back!

These discordant voices seemed to slowly increase in the crowd.

However, many people do not know that this is also intentional.

And Luo Chen didn't know that before he came over, he had already been set up by someone.

The difficulties he had to face were even greater than he thought!

Today the four are more completed, ask for a five-star praise wow! Good night readers, and good dreams to all!

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