Seeing Bai Ru, this one, with extremely aggressive eyes.

Luo Chen felt as if he was being stared at by some female beast.

He is that prey.

This feeling made him panic.

Other women have not given him such pressure, Bai Ru is that kind of woman with her own aura.

Coming up already gave him a queen-like feeling.

This is innate, or she has been in such a high position for a long time, which gives her a special charm!

"I want to have the same rights as my sisters, and I will also live in your courtyard!" Hearing

Bai Ru's words, Luo Chen couldn't help but hold his forehead for a while.

He had already predicted this.

I didn't expect this big princess to really come.

"Sister, you allow me to slow down and let me digest and digest.

"You say this one out of one, which makes me a little unacceptable."

Bai Ru immediately turned into a little girl and said with a little grievance:

"Why can't I accept it? My two sisters told you last night and lived in, why can't I have such treatment?"

Luo Chen, who was drinking tea and wanted to hide his panic and embarrassment.

I almost spewed out a sip of tea.

"Sister, do you usually talk so fiercely, we haven't dealt with each other like this before, and we don't know your style!" Bai

Ru couldn't help but smile charmingly when she saw him like this:

"I just want to see how embarrassed you are, it feels quite cute."

I'm not too much, right? My sisters are already living in anyway. More me is not more, less me is no less.

"I'm just going to get to a level playing field with them and don't want to lose in the first place."

Luo Chen was speechless: "The main thing is that you are too strong.

Bai Ru said a little angrily: "Of course it matters, because in this way I am closer to you and spend more time with you, I want to do this!"


Do whatever you want with me!" "

I can do whatever you

want to me!

If you dare to do those negative things, then you will try!" At

this time, Bai Ru spoke, really gentle as water, but in and out of words, how did he feel so murderous and domineering?

Then put it on your pretty face.

She seemed to enjoy the feeling of Luo Chen's hand rubbing on her little face.

It's like a little cat enjoying the comfort of its owner.

Squint into a happy smile.

Luo Chen didn't expect Bai Ru to make such a bold move.

Although I suddenly came to Redina before, I hugged and touched very closely.

But that was a surprise attack.

Now this time, it can be regarded as a surprise attack.

But everything Bai Ru did left Luo Chen completely without time to react.


Bai Ru is already 29 years old.

But like a girl, she is young and beautiful.

It's just that there is more of Queen Fan's mature charm.

So the two unique temperaments are blended together, so that Bai Ru has a trait that men will not forget!

When Luo Chen reacted, he suddenly felt that his hands were crispy and numb, as if he had been electrocuted.

His hand collapsed directly and retracted

: "Sister, don't make this kind of joke now, okay?" Bai

Ru said very seriously:

"I'm not joking, what I said is true."

Luo Chen frowned: "But I really can't understand, why do you do this to me?

"Everything is so bizarre, even if you really like me, there must be a reason."

Bai Ru smiled: "Haha, like a person, do

you need a reason?" Luo Chen: "Don't you need it?" Bai Ru continued to ask firmly: "Do you need it?"

Luo Chen: "..."

Such an answer, suddenly, made Luo

Chen seem to enter a special environment.

As if fusing the previous time and space, in a classic film work before he was reborn, it is the same as the lines inside.

In the beginning, it may be a boring Q&A or a unique exchange.


let Luo Chen believe that the eldest princess of Queen Fan in front of him, all of a sudden, said that he liked him for no reason.

At this time,

seeing Luo Chen's inquiring look, Bai Ru knew that if he didn't say why, he really couldn't win his trust.

The point is that Luo Chen's system did not give a hint.

Yes, the two young ladies had already dedicated the heart of the goddess to him.

He also received a reward each.

Although these system rewards are additional achievement rewards, the help provided to Luo Chen is still not small.

Therefore, he concluded that the system reward of the Goddess Heart was absolutely rich.

After all, it is really difficult to get the recognition and affection of these goddesses!

Ordinary people don't think about it, and Luo Chen got two at once.

He already felt like he was out of shit luck.

Because this is all the favor of the goddess that he unintentionally inserted, and got by mistake.

Even he himself did not know the reason before.

Now the more advanced and powerful Bai Ru has fallen under his suit pants

? It feels too dreamy, can his shit luck go on forever?

He is not thin on her.

Anyway, he did all his responsibilities and obligations as a husband.

It's just that Yang Mier has never appreciated it, and he can't understand why.

Just like now he couldn't understand why some of the women before liked him.

But sometimes, Luo Chen is also an optimist, and if you can't figure it out, you just don't want to.

Anyway, with system authentication, these women will definitely not betray him and harm him.

Dead set on being nice to him.

But now Bai Ru does not have system authentication, and Bai Ru's identity, various statuses, is too special.

Her identity and status are like a huge magnet that can attract countless excellent men to the past.

But this is also thorny armor, and if you don't get it in the past, you will be stabbed.

Therefore, Luo Chen also needs to be extremely cautious.

And at this time, Bai Ru gently withdrew his hand.

A pair of jade hands rested on the teacup and rubbed it, as if they were brewing something to say.

Finally, she said a passage of the past that surprised Luo Chen!

--The author has something to say:

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