Hearing Luo Chen's words, he finally decided to explain some of his details to him.

After all, in the future, they will really be together, and they still need to be honest with each other.

Luo Chen's identity and various things behind, Bai Ru has slowly found out.

Especially in the past year and a half, Luo Chen has made some achievements later.

It really shocked Bai Ru and was shocked!

Mainly because of the previous action of Gedina, holding his two novels and hiding behind her.

It has already explained a lot of problems, and the names of the two novels Bai Ru are seen.

Therefore, it can be found with a light check, and it is also the publishing house and the website that keep some of Luo Chen's information confidential.

So everyone only knows his pen name, but they don't know what kind of person he is.

But readers were interested in his ideas.

On the other hand, Tong Yaya's liking for Luo Chen, Bai Ru also sees it in her eyes.

Through some clues, she saw Luo Chen's terrifying strength in music!

This man, she thought she had seen through and understood.

But now she is more and more incomprehensible, but this man has given her more surprises.

There are more and more places that make her eyes shine.

This is undoubtedly greater good news for her.

The stronger Luo Chen is, the more capable she is, and she has many plans in the future, so she can implement them more easily.

Yes, she can express her thoughts and liking for a person to the fullest.

But if you want to be with Luo Chen, there is still a little difficulty.

Her family is not small, and she also has high hopes for her.

At the same time, it also gave her the right to love freely.

This is already the biggest concession for the eldest princess of a large family.

After all, in some families, it is more about the marriage of interests and politics.

In fact, it is also a very normal thing, the so-called strong alliance is invincible.

Many times do not come to that part, many people are standing and talking without back pain.

For a huge commercial warship, there are too many things to take into account.

What's more, a family is not just a business.

The longer the time, the deeper and more complex the relationship becomes.

Bai Ru was able to fight for her rights.

It has been shown that she herself is indeed strong and good enough to make the family give in for her.

All this is in the circle of celebrities in the entire imperial capital.

There are really only a few people who can do it.


the same time, she is also the men of the imperial capital,

all vying to conquer and want to get in the thorny rose.

Luo Chen also knew this, and Bai Ru knew better.

So if she wants to be with Luo Chen, she still has to pay a big price.

But she doesn't care

, as long as she can really be with Luo Chen,

she is willing to do anything!

As for why this is the case, Bai Ru gave one of the reasons at this time:

"In fact, I have the same fate as Mi'er.

"I think you also know that Honey is with you, and you had such a marriage before. It's all because of the decisions left by your predecessors.

"Your parents, at the beginning in the entire entertainment industry, were a very influential couple.

"And Honey's parents are like your parents, who are siblings."

"They have a deep friendship, so they set up your affair."

"It was settled when you were born, and of course there are many aspects that are considered. "It's

just that no one expected that uncles and aunts would end up with such a kind of doom."

"Actually, I still hope in my mind that they can have a chance to survive..." Luo

Chen didn't seem to want to talk more about this aspect: "Okay, you don't need to say this." I'm long past that time when I need comfort.

Bai Ru smiled gratifyingly: "Hehe, you are much stronger than I thought!" "

At the same time, it is much stronger, but it is not strong enough, so you need me, you need my assistance!" When

Luo Chen heard Bai Ru's words, he couldn't help but roll his eyes: "Well, you still haven't said, the most important reason

!" Bai Ru scowled at him: "You!"

Can't you be more patient with me? "

Don't tease you, didn't I just say?

"She was arranged by her parents, but she didn't want to!

"So, what she hates is not actually you as a person, but the fact that you are directly married."

"For her this is a cage, a confinement, a fate that she so much dislikes

!" "But, for me, this is a vow I need to protect, a happiness that I especially want!"

"I'm going to marry someone in the days to come, and what does that person really look like?

"I've fantasized about once, dreamed many, many dreams.

"I was raised by them to be the perfect wife of the future. It is to develop in this direction!" "

All the meaning of my existence is for my future husband!"

"This man, just sit in front of me now!" Hearing

Bai Ru's words, Luo Chen was really stunned.

Just after he was reborn, before he could figure out what the situation was, he suddenly married Yang Mier.

At that time, I thought, reborn, send a beautiful big star daughter-in-law, and earn.

But I didn't expect that there was such a bloody thing in it.

He had a little headache, and at the same time couldn't believe it: "What age is this, and now there is this kind of bloody?"

"Besides, you also have a marriage contract with me, but at that time, I and Yang Mier were already married." Isn't this marriage contract null and void?" Bai

Ru showed an indifferent smile at this time: "So what? In some big families, there are more such things, isn't it just a matter of several women together?"

"As long as you are strong enough, there is nothing in this world to restrain you!"

Hearing Bai Ru's words, Luo Chen couldn't help but be even more stunned and stunned at this time.

Open your O-shaped mouth, you can stuff three big goose eggs....

How to listen, this famous princess of the imperial capital does not seem to mind this aspect at all

, this will not be a welfare bureau, right?

Luo Chen himself was shocked!


Bai Ru's words behind him were what shocked him even more.

PS: Because some readers don't like to read the author's words, let's say it in the text.

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