"Actually, that's not why I really want to be with you, now I have the right to choose.


is, if I don't really want to be with you, I can put aside the so-called marriage contract before."

My parents agreed, and the family was even more unanimous, and they all respected me.

"I don't need to be like Honey, through such drastic means, to be able to resist."

"So, all of what I'm telling you now is true, and I really want to be with you."

"You may also be wondering why, I clearly escaped my fate and jumped in on my own."

"Actually, when I got rid of all this, more troubles came, and there were a series of men behind me who wanted to pursue me."

"One by one, there are many tricks, and they form a small alliance."

"They made a bet with each other to see who would pick my rose first."

"Haha, it's childish and ridiculous.

"But I seem to understand them now, because I seem to be doing the same thing."

"The difference is that before they pursued me, and now my sisters and I are pursuing you!"

"So, you've been holding the title of my fiancé from beginning to end."

"These in the imperial capital, in the second-generation circle, your reputation is very loud. "It's

just that they haven't found out who you really are, only your name."

"I also admire your ability, you seem to have an ability to hide your own information."

"You can make it impossible for others to find out your true information."

"What I admire you even more is that the marriage to Honey can be kept secret, and if you had made it public, I would have been in a lot of trouble."

"You are very tolerant, you have great perseverance, low-key and connotative, these are the qualities I like."

"To be honest, if it weren't for Gedina and Tong Yaya, they found some of your little secrets and clues, respectively.

"I didn't even know that so much had been done behind the scenes." You are too capable of hiding.

"In fact, I also discovered some of your little secrets

!" "You probably didn't even know that you had been discovered, right?" "

It is these little secrets that make me more determined, I want to be with you, you man is worth entrusting for life!"

I looked at it all moved by Mi'er, and at the same time full of sour envy!"

"It's just that Mi'er is stupid, and she doesn't know the blessing in the blessing."

"When the time comes, she will regret it, and one day she will find your good, and it is estimated that she will be able to regret it by then." Hearing

Bai Ru's words, Luo Chen was even more surprised.

There are a lot of things I do really do quite secretly.

It's just that I didn't expect that one after another was spied on the tip of the iceberg.

And these are all these cute women.

He himself is a little crying and laughing, and I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

After listening to Bai Ru's words, the two seemed to be silent for a while, and Luo Chen continued: "Her affairs, there is no need to mention it, I have nothing to do with her."

"When I got divorced, I said that the mountains are high and the water is long, we will never see each other again, and it is estimated that we will not have this fate." Hearing

Luo Chen's words, Bai Ru's beautiful eyes couldn't help but light up: "It's good if you can think so, I'm really afraid that you and Mi'er will be entangled." Now in this way, I can rest assured, at least there is one less strong opponent!"

And Bai Ru should still have some things that she has not explained, just like she said just now.

Knowing some of Luo Chen's little secrets, as for which ones, she didn't say.

I even knew some other things, anyway, it was a mistake.

Well, even Luo Chen himself doesn't know what to say, it seems that the young ladies like to think too much.

Sometimes he's just doing some system task.

But there is no need to say this, after all, the system is his biggest secret.

He wouldn't tell anyone, not even his closest lover in the future.

Because the explanation is not clear.

At this time, Bai Ru finished speaking, and Luo Chen also fell into a little contemplative time.

For their current relationship is really quite mysterious.

Moreover, what Bai Ru said just now, some of the information on his body has never been found.

It is estimated that there may be a system in it.

It is very good to protect Luo Chen, or it is estimated that someone will already be looking for trouble with him now.

After all, Bai Ru's suitors are strong enough in the imperial capital, and there are many of them!

As she herself said, she has always used Luo Chen as a shield.

Seeing that Luo Chen did not speak, Bai Ru suddenly, her eyes changed and became a little solemn.

"Luo Chen, I don't care what you think, now I have to tell you my attitude

!" "I

like you, I want to be with you! No matter what, by any means, in every possible way, I will complete this goal!" "

Now there are two choices in front of you!"

He couldn't help but look at it with a little interest, and Bai Ru, who had become serious in front of him.

With her gentle as water just now, it seems to be another style.

Why do women say that they change their faces when they change their faces?

And they seem to be very good at it.

I feel that Bai Ru at this time is what she usually looks like when she gets along with others.

Bai Ru said positively: "Hehe, it's not that simple.

"Now, I'll give you a chance to conquer me!"

In the next month, isn't your TV station going to

create 6 major categories of programs?" "

We lead two teams of people, I take mine, you take yours

!" "Then, create six major categories of programs together, each of the major categories will create one

!" "Then among these 6 programs, whoever gets the first place in the ratings, whoever says, has the final say!"

"You win.

"From now on, I will be your most loyal lover, benefactor, and follower, and I just want a position by your side."

"You can do whatever you want, anyway, I'm just yours!

However, he won, which is the result; but what about the other possibility?

"What if I lose?" Luo Chen couldn't help but ask curiously.

Bai Ru smiled happily and said, "If you lose, it's simpler, this is what I want to see the most!"

At that time, you only belong to me, you can only love me one!

"I will guard you until the whitehead, but there can be no woman by your side from now on!"

Luo Chen couldn't help but smack his mouth, and then asked the last possibility: "What if I refuse this gambling offer?" Bai

Ru's smile became stronger: "If you refuse, it's better, I will do everything to get you by any means!"

Speaking of this, Bai Ru's eyes couldn't help but become extremely cold.

Then she added: "The man I fancy, can't escape! No matter what is possible, you must have my share!" PS

: The fourth is sent, and the next chapter is added. The author wants a chance

to add more! --

the author has something to say: the

fourth more is sent, and the next chapter is to add more. Readers, come on, come on, come on, the author wants a chance to add more!

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