"Brother Chen, I want to eat the shredded fish-flavored meat over there

..." "Luo Chen, I want to eat stir-fried seasonal vegetables

..." "Honey, I want to eat you, the pineapple grunt meat next to me..."

The three goddesses had three different requirements, but they all looked at Luo Chen with their eyes open.

Especially Bai Ru, who directly said, "I want to eat you," paused, and gasped for a long time before saying, "The pineapple grunt meat next to you..."

Let the two young ladies next to him be stunned again.

It turns out that usually they are the most respected, and the big sister who looks mature and stable and a little iceberg is the most provocative!

Their performance like this made Luo Chen couldn't help but have another headache: "I said, young ladies, don't you just want to eat your own clips?"

"Can you let me eat an Ansheng meal!"

Okay, if that's the case, then I'll come myself. Bai

Ru was the first to say obedient words, looking well-behaved and obedient.

She understands this truth deeply, women can do whatever they want, and once their men are impatient, they will immediately become donkeys.

Sure enough, seeing that Luo Chen was satisfied, a smile appeared at the corner of Bai Ru's mouth, and her eyes couldn't help but drift to the two younger sisters next to her.

You see that the eldest princess has said so, and the two of you should also express it.

Luo Chen's eyes were already obvious, signaling everyone to stop making trouble and have a good meal.


eating, Bai Ru has changed into a set of

clothes and is at home.

It looks very refreshing and has a casual family atmosphere.

It gives her a touch of the charm of the big sister next door.

And at this time, because she wanted to clamp the dish, it was closer to Luo Chen's side.

And the table is relatively large, so she can only stand up.

Hold yourself with one hand, smooth your lower abdomen, and let your clothes not touch other dishes.

The other jade hand stretched out, but the heavy majestic existence of the upper perimeter dangled in front of Luo Chen.


Plus Bai Ru just came over and seemed to have taken a good bath.

There is a faint fragrance on the body.

Let outsiders look at it beautifully.

Beauty, food, and wine are current

! The moonlight is low, and the scenery in the room is even more reverie!

Luo Chen is just a young man at this time.

After reading it, I couldn't help but look a little straight in my eyes, and I had some ideas.

I feel that the speed of eating and swallowing has slowed down, and it has become a little difficult.

Seeing Luo Chen's eyes, the two young ladies next to them couldn't help but be very surprised

! Bai Ru, this woman! This is intentional

! It is clear that it is intentional!

As a result, they also began to learn a lot, and in the name of picking vegetables,

they showed off their bodies alive.

The three of them are extremely hot, and they have their own merits, and their temperaments are completely different.

Anyway, the three goddesses took turns to fight, looming, it was dangling in front of Luo Chen.

Luo Chen felt that although he did not eat Sichuan food, he did not eat chili peppers.

But I really can't bear it, my body is hot and panicked, these young ladies are too capable of making trouble.

He finally couldn't bear to say: "That, this house is really too hot, I'll take some food to eat outside!

Seeing Luo Chen crackling a few mouthfuls of food, he took the rice bowl and went to the courtyard outside, and came to an Asian squat...

The back looks a little pitiful.

It's a mess...

The three girls couldn't help but look at each other and snort coldly, no one paid attention to anyone, and slowly began to eat.

Although he didn't speak, his eyes were full of mutual complaints

: Gedina: "It's all to blame you, what waves, look at scaring my man away!" Bai

Ru: "Who is your man? That's mine! I don't know whose chest is just now, it's almost attached to the dish, isn't it just to let Luo Chen see it clearly?"

Don't say who any of you, I can't say, who is better than whom!" Sure

enough, the woman's eyes are all content....

At this time, Luo Chen was finally quiet.

Sure enough, three women in one play!

He felt that his days were long....

Now it seems to live with three girls, which is quite good.

But as a result, people are entangled

! You can make so many moths after eating a meal, what should you do in the future

! One day turn over the serfs and sing, and when he finishes things, see how you little goblins still toss, who will toss who will be in the future is not certain!

Luo Chen thought viciously in his heart.

As a result, before he could take a few bites, he suddenly found that there was another silhouette beside him.

I saw Bai Ru smiling at this time, and also took the rice bowl and sat down on the stone steps next to Luo Chen together.

The slender long legs are so swaying, fully exposed, stretched straight, white eyes!

Here Bai Ru just sat down, and on that side, there was also a woman.

Gedina followed! also sat on the other side of Luo Chen, this little shorts are wearing, as if they are not worn, what do you want to do?

At this time, Tong Yaya was even more ruthless, directly moved a small stool, crossed Erlang's legs, overlapped into an elegant posture, and sat opposite Luo Chen.

Well, three pairs of white thighs, all long, all white! Luo Chen's

meal is even more tasteless.

Originally a five-star chef's cooking, now it has the feeling of losing the taste and chewing wax....

"Why are you all out?" asked Luo Chen in amazement.

"Because, we're hot too..." the three goddesses laughed together.

But this smile, how to see Luo Chen panicked....

Luo Chen felt that what he could do now was to look at his nose and nose and his heart, and quickly finish the rice in the bowl.

Then send all these aunts back to the room.

He was afraid that if he continued like this, he would become a beast....

Many people envy this treatment, but now, if there is only one woman, he may start immediately.

But the three women are here, which gives him no chance to start!

Well, watch, see....

Now Luo Chen finally knows what Uncle Liu meant when he said today that he killed Peach Blossom.

These young ladies, like this, really don't give others a way to live!

But now this scene, if others know.

It is estimated that the fans of these goddesses will riot!

after all,

in their minds, these goddesses are sacred and inviolable.

But now one by one, what are they doing

? Too blatant

! Too lawless!

Do you really regard Luo Chen as a saint without desire and desire?

If it weren't for Luo Chen's clear goal to restrain himself, he couldn't communicate too deeply with these young ladies for the time being.

Hold on, he will gain greater benefits in the future, at that time, he will definitely ignore three seven twenty-one and get them on the spot!

But at this time, Luo Chen had to slowly let go of those fierce thoughts in his heart.

After quickly pulling the meal.

He took out his script again, as well as some scripts of the later show, and began to tell the two young ladies around him about his future plans.

Now find something to distract everyone, in this situation, Luo Chen feels that he has to make a fuss


At this time, Bai Ru was temporarily excluded as Luo Chen's competitor.

Seeing Bai Ru, Shi Shiran finally left.

The two young ladies couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At this time, Tong Yaya couldn't help but ask again: "Luo Chen, didn't you say that you came back to tell us what Sister Bai talked to you about today?"


the author has something to say:

The second is sent, good noon for the readers. Have a great weekend

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