At this time, Luo Chen couldn't help but think about it, concealed part of today's gamble, and then said to them:

"I bet with Sister Bai, next, we will lead two teams to produce 6 types of programs respectively."

"In the end, we will all play it on the TV station to see who has the highest ratings!"

"The winner can get ownership of the TV station, which is also the follow-up to my contract with him."

"After all, if I lose, the TV station will be yellow, and there will be nothing to compensate her, and the TV station will have to give it to her." Of

course, Luo Chen's words concealed most of them, and the gambling contract behind was completely tampered with.

Mainly because this bet is to let these two young ladies know all the contents, they will definitely have to fry.

It's also a white lie.

Let's get through this well together.

But just like this, it was enough for the two of them, and the young lady jumped up anxiously: "What!

If the TV station changes owners and enters Bai Ru's hands, then this TV station alone can become a big killer for her to deal with Luo Chen.

At that time, Bai Ru may be more likely to be with Luo Chen.

At this time, Gerdina even swore

even more:

"Don't worry, Brother Dust, I will never let this happen

!" "Although Sister Bai is quite powerful, we are not bad! And I believe in your talent


Now we have funds and connections, that is, our shooting talents are slightly lacking shortcomings, brother, don't worry, I will help you pull people now!"

"Gerdina still has some connections in the film and television circle, although she is only an actor, after all, there are many crews who have cooperated.

In this way, there should be quite a few people she can pull.

Luo Chen's music program on this side is also ready to officially open the situation.

After all, he has invited his uncle's powerful rock king to be the leader of this show.

And in the next few shows, he will join in.

Because he has a bold plan.

The popularity value lottery given by the system was previously through other reward methods, which gave him a unique free lottery opportunity.

And now he needs to take the initiative, now his popularity value.

Only because of the popularity accumulated by writing books before and in addition, some anime works.

Although the popularity value obtained is still good.

But compared with making a show and becoming a big star in the future, it's still far from it! After all, it's

through the work that gained popularity.

It's still a little slower.

So the next recording of these programs, as well as the filming of TV series, he has to do it himself.

After Gedina expressed her position, Tong Yaya also expressed her thoughts:

"Yes, Luo Chen, we will definitely help to the end in this matter, and we will not let Sister Bai get what she wants!"

I will always accompany you, no matter what happens, I will accompany you!"

At this time, Tong Yaya directly took Luo Chen's hand, her eyes were firm, but full of tenderness.

Naturally, Gedina did the same, picking up her other hand.

The two goddesses, at this time, seem to have become a natural alliance.

After all, Bai Ru is too powerful and is born with a leadership style.

At the same time, it is a very powerful entertainment company, and the top artists who have signed in it are all the top artists.

These are resources that others cannot reach.

But Bai Ru, whether it is her own efforts or the support of her family, these can be easily obtained.

So sometimes, there's really no fairness in the world.

Like many ordinary people who struggle all their lives, they may not even reach the starting point of others.

But that is also a family, after a long time, the accumulation of several lifetimes has reached the current level.

So, there's nothing to worry about.

At this time, Luo Chen simply directly stated his plans and ideas:

"According to my plan, it should be no problem for these programs to be successfully completed."

"However, if you want to get good results in the later ratings competition, it is not necessarily necessary."


all, local stations are also very powerful, and satellite TV stations in various places have now been greatly developed."

"Each station has its own ace program, and it is all in those unique times, and there are very powerful stars piling up popularity and traffic."

"Now we are not born to have an advantage!"

"We have to make a dangerous move, that music program, I wanted to take a steady route before."

"But now I have changed my mind again, this is my new plan for the show!" "

Sister Yaya, you take a look first, when the time comes, you will participate in it as the starting singer

!" "And I will also be a part of it!"


Luo Chen's words, Tong Yaya couldn't help but be more curious.

The show that Luo Chen gave him before has already made her feel very novel.

And some of the resources used are not too much.

Later, they can also drive new people in their company, so the cooperation between the two sides can be regarded as mutually beneficial, and at the same time, it also gives Luo Chen a strong support.

So far, Luo Chen said that he will do another show.

This made Tong Yaya feel that all this was too radical.

After all, it is already very difficult to do a good show, and now you have to do another

one? It seems to be a bigger move?

But of course Tong Yaya will not, what are the objections.

Now everything she has followed Luo Chen's steps, when she took over this project.

I couldn't help but look at the detailed description inside, and I was immediately stunned and shocked.

"Luo Chen, you are preparing to pry the entire oriental music scene!" "

Moreover, Luo Chen, I remembered, is the uncle we saw today a teacher Liu Zhen known as the godfather of oriental rock?"

Before, I grew up listening to his songs, which can really be regarded as my musical enlightenment!" "

I sing a lot now, and I am still influenced by

him!" "But he has changed so much now, I really didn't recognize it for a while

!" "Luo Chen, if our show invites him over, it will definitely explode!"

"But Mr. Liu, is he willing to come?" Thinking

of her passing by the idol today, Tong Yaya felt a little sorry.

But think about the relationship between myself and Luo Chen now, it shouldn't be difficult to find an idol to sign in the future, right

, and Luo Chen gave her a bigger surprise: "Don't worry about this, he is my uncle, he will definitely come!"

"He has promised me, on the condition that he will take away a few new songs in my hand..." Hearing

Luo Chen's words,

Tong Yaya also smiled: " In that case, can I also ask for songs?" "

Of course, I will give you as much as you want!" Luo Chen is very bold, isn't it just a few songs, he has more.

"Hey, hey, hey, and me, brother, you can't favor one over the other! I want it too!" said Gedina at this time, taking Luo Chen's hand and coquettishly.


The author has something to say:

(3) is more sent, continue to ask for a wave of five-star reviews, trouble readers to support ha!

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