When they saw this phone ringing, the four people present couldn't help but look strange again.

They have a not-so-good premonition.

It won't be Yang

Mier, right? But this is really possible, after all, Yang Mier was still talking about Gedina before, and in a blink of an eye,

Gedina's phone rang.

Speaking of which, Gerdina is also a signed artist promoted by Yang Mier.

The two people can now be regarded as complementary and complement each other.

But now that Gedina has such feelings for Luo Chen, what kind of development will be in the future, then no one can say.

After all, once a woman has her beloved man, many times the mentality will change dramatically.

What's more, at this time, Gedina still has a little lack of confidence in her heart.

Luo Chen took Gedina's mobile phone and looked at it, and it said that it was called Sister Mi'er!

Luo Chen didn't know what to say, he felt that he had just left Yang Mier, as if his shadow was still being said everywhere in his life.

But it doesn't matter, don't you just make a call.

Luo Chen picked up the phone and sent it to Gedina's side to connect

: Yang Mier's voice sounded: "Xiao Di, where are you, I haven't seen you how to go to the company recently, after the last announcement, you still asked the company not to answer other announcements for you, what's going on?"

This friend is very important to me, so Sister Mi'er is sorry, I haven't reported it to you before.

Yang Mier was very open-minded: "Okay, you now have your own team and your own studio, and I don't care about you on my side."

"We are sisters, advancing and retreating together in the entertainment industry, as long as you know the proportions."

"By the way, have you been to the courtyard of Sister Bai's house, have you seen Brother-in-law Bai?" Gerdina

pretended not to know anything: "Ah, I just came to play, didn't see it, and I heard, this matter has not been brushed off!

So, Sister Mi'er, don't inquire about these first, in case Sister Bai and that Huang are at that time, isn't it very embarrassing to meet and mention it.

Yang Mier was surprised: "Ah, there is such a thing, no wonder when she talked to Sister Bai about this just now, she was very supportive." "

Oh, it seems that I Meng Lang..."

Bai Ru listened to it next to him, it was called a breath

! Although he was rolled into a beautiful caterpillar, he couldn't help but stretch out his long legs, pouted up and kicked Gedina fiercely!

and then silently made a mouth shape: "Xiao Zian, you wait for me!"

Gedina grimaced at this time, and also extended a lilac little tongue, purring and bouncing her.

Tong Yaya next to her looked funny, but she held back and didn't laugh out loud, but her little face turned red.

Luo Chen didn't know what to say at this time, so he glared at them angrily, and directly hit the two of them loudly.

The part, of course, is still the old place.

It feels very good, it is full of elasticity, it plays very well!

and it plays very loudly.

Gerdina couldn't help but scream.

Yang Mier suddenly said anxiously: "Xiao Di, what's wrong with you? Who are you with, how does it seem like you were beaten just now?"


I'm out there and I'm with friends, wandering around.

Yang Mier breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh, like this, then you pay attention to safety and pay attention to protect yourself."

"You are now a big star, you have to do a good job of protection, it will be troublesome to be recognized!"

"Gedina: "

Knowing Sister Mi'er, my makeup skills are still very good, others can't recognize it, don't worry."

Yang Mier still patiently instructed: "Okay, okay, you can have your own proportions, and, after the busy day, you still have to go back to the company to show up."

"You're a hit now, the whole company is watching your performance, and although you now have your own say, you still have to give it a face." Gedina

: "Got it, got it, I'll go when I get back."

Yang Mier: "Okay, then you pay attention to yourself, you must pay attention to safety, then you are busy with your going."

Finally, Gerdina asked ghostly

, "Sister,

wait a minute... So, have you contacted your brother-in-law recently?" Yang

Mier was stunned, and finally said: "Haha, we are all divorced, what is the contact for..."

"When we were together before, we didn't say a few words, and now we are divorced, let alone say." After

all, I see that my brother-in-law is quite good, I can't understand why you want to divorce?"

Yang Mier suddenly said a little: "I... I, alas... A lot of things can't be said, maybe I'm too impulsive.

"I didn't get to know him well before, but I just resisted all the arrangements that my family arranged for me."

"So, he was also affected by the pond fish, and now that I think about it, I seem to have done a lot of things wrong."

"Now just two days after the divorce, I realized that I seemed to have done a lot of things wrong.

"But I don't regret it, I chose it myself." "

Gerdina: "How do you explain to the uncle and aunt, have they complained about you?" Yang

Mier: "Why don't you complain? They all scolded me to death, saying that I was born in a blessing and did not know blessings, and said a lot of things about Luo Chen before.

"But, alas, there is no point in saying this now, it is a foregone conclusion.

"If I see Luo Chen in the future, I may apologize to him."

"But as he said, the mountains are high and the waters are long, maybe we don't have this fate and see each other again."

"Now I don't know where he is.

At this time, a group of girlfriends looked at each other, and they all had the same answer in their hearts: "Now he's in my bed!

Now they are a little worried about what kind of expression and mood Yang Mier will have if she knows all this in the future.

Is this sister still have to do it,

but the man she likes compared to her own happiness.

A phone call came down, nothing changed, but it strengthened the hearts of several little sisters!

Luo Chen looked at their psychic operation, and his heart really felt absolutely incredible.

What is the name of what I went through....

But how does it feel so... Is it irritating.

I couldn't help but have a little evil thought in my heart, if he did something more excessive when he called now, what would be the effect?

These three women, all by their side now, can't clean up yet.

Stop getting into trouble.

Finally, Yang Mier said two words to Gedina and hung up the phone again.

Luo Chen couldn't help but look at them sitting cross-kneeled with interest, and just looked at it like this:

"Okay, a senior said it is really good! The more beautiful a woman is, the more she will deceive people."

"You are all born actresses, Oscar owes you a little golden man!" The

group of young ladies were about to say something, but then another phone rang.

"Who is it this time!" Luo Chen asked angrily!

It turned out that it seemed to be his own mobile phone, and in the face of the gaze of a group of young ladies, he picked up his mobile phone a little embarrassed: "Uh... Yang Mier called, why is she looking for me?" Hearing

Luo Chen's words, a group of young ladies suddenly concentrated their spirits, and said in unison: "Answer! Press hands-free!"


the author has something to say:

(6) More sending, adding more chapters, and thanking the following readers for their great gifts: Little pot friend who owes a beating; user 10299938; SK Zhuo; user 66630471; user 18874647; user 36851683; thank you readers for your great support! Continue to update tomorrow, see you tomorrow morning! Good night! Good dream!

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