Seeing a group of young ladies, looking at themselves like this, Luo Chen couldn't help but feel a thorn in his back.

Why is this scene so mad?

I don't know what this woman was doing when she suddenly called.

In the past year and a half, she and Luo Chen did not have much communication at all.

Luo Chen once took the initiative to talk to her, but this woman directly refused.

As if saying a word to him was a handout, several times, Luo Chen wanted to make efforts himself, but he was in vain.

He is not a licking dog, and naturally gives up.

Feelings are a matter of two people, on the one hand, one head is hot, and it is impossible to have any results.

What's more, at this time, they were already divorced, and Yang Mier called instead.

This made Luo Chen feel a little ironic.

He wanted to see what kind of moth this woman would make now.

Plus a group of young sisters, and now too, want to see what Yang Mier wants to do.

After all, Yang Mier had already shown a look of regret before, but she also said that she did not regret it.

Women, sometimes it's like this, duplicity!

So, several goddesses who are also women, this time is a little nervous.

After all, Yang Mier, as Luo Chen's ex-wife, still has an innate advantage in a sense.

If she really changes her mind, will

Luo Chen accept her, and if Luo Chen accepts, then what should they do?

A series of questions will appear like this,

but all this still depends on Luo Chen's own attitude.

And Luo Chen saw their eyes at this time, and directly smiled and said:

"Don't worry, I have nothing to do with her." It is estimated that it will not matter in the future.

"I'll go answer the phone first and see what's going on with her."

"Although Yang Mier didn't treat me well, his parents were really good to me. In this matter, I feel a little ashamed of the two old people.

"After all, her parents used to be very good friends with my parents.

"Otherwise, this family matter would not have been decided, so I still have to give them an explanation for these things."

"Of course, this matter was made by Yang Mier herself, I have made my own efforts, and I don't want to drag it on any longer, so I can't blame me."

"So I said I said divorce and I agreed, and I'm not licking dogs." Yesterday she ignored me, today I will make her climb high!"

"So rest assured, I won't have any more contact with her." Hearing

Luo Chen's words, the originally nervous eyes of several young ladies couldn't help but relax.

Bai Ru, at this time, couldn't help but say very gently:

"Honey, I believe in you!"

Tong Yaya: "Luo Chen, of course I believe you!" The

three young ladies answered such a response almost in unison.

Luo Chen couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

However, it is still a little strange now, after all, the three young ladies are now wrapped in Luo Chen into beautiful caterpillars.

One by one, like a beautiful snake, and now the ex-wife is calling again.

And I just called them not long ago, and I feel that such a scene is really bizarre.

Luo Chen couldn't help but smile very cryingly, and then picked up Yang Mier's phone:

"Is there something wrong?" asked Luo Chen directly.

After all, there is no need to be polite with a woman like Yang Mier, straight to the point and straightforward.

You don't even need a title.

Yang Mier was stunned for a moment: "Which... Luo Chen, I told my parents about us.

"Come back, come over and have a good conversation with them."

"The old two of them are quite uncomfortable now, it's all my bad." That, sorry... , In fact, there are many places that have misunderstood you before.

Luo Chen said freely: "It's okay, it's all over anyway."

"The old couple, I will visit them someday, after all, they were very good to me in the beginning." You don't have to worry about this, I'll handle it myself.

Yang Mi'er was silent for a moment, and then said, "Then... I heard that you want to reorganize your own TV station?"

"It seems that there is still a lot of trouble now, do you need help?

"Let me know if you need money, and I can help you."

Luo Chen frowned slightly: "No need, thank you."

Yang Mier continued: "I said you don't be stubborn, you entered our house, you have been doing nothing for more than a year.


sometimes have to recognize the reality that you are not strong enough to deal with this kind of thing."

"I was well-intentioned, and I had no other malice." It can also be regarded as a little compensation for me for more than a year.

Luo Chen sneered: "Oh, I said, no need, you don't owe me anything, I don't owe you anything!"

"I have my own methods, we are strangers now, there is no need to get involved in these things."

"You just live your own life, and we'll be fine, that's fine."

When Yang Mier heard Luo Chen's words, she was very uncomfortable: "Luo Chen, you don't have to have this attitude towards me!

"But I don't hate you as a person, I just hate to be directly arranged for this."

"So although we are divorced, can't

we be friends?" "Now we don't have this constraint between us, but we can be honest with each other, maybe we can still get along?" Luo

Chen couldn't help but be a little funny: "Haha, it's not necessary!

"That's it, there will be nothing in the future, and there is no need to contact, it will not affect you or me."

"It's nothing, just hang up..." After

saying this, Luo Chen hung up the phone.

Quite crisp and neat.

Separate is separated, there is no need to have any more entanglement.

And Luo Chen is like this, really separated, you don't like me, don't want to be with me.

Isn't it just a matter of being friends after a breakup?

Luo Chen now has so many goddess sisters next to him, still care about you a Yang Mier?

Just kidding

! Wherever you fall in love, you can go wherever you go!

Luo Chen did not directly sneer at each other, saying something ugly,

it was gentleman enough.

Also, take care of the feelings of these goddesses present.

As the saying goes, break up and see character.

Divide it, there is no need to dwell on the past.

Just be a little neat.

After those breakups, tearing apart and denigrating each other, it is really ugly.

Luo Chen is a real man, there is no need to do something, mother-in-law's business.

The goddesses on this side, although their hands and feet were tied, they couldn't help it one by one, and wanted to give Luo Chen a thumbs up.

Bai Ruxi smiled: "This attitude is right, sister loves you!" Gerdina

was also very satisfied: "It's really scared, you are confused again, and you are entangled with Sister Mi." But brother, you are good!" Tong

Yaya: "Hehe, I know that Luo Chen is the best!"

Luo Chen: "I said that she is your best friend, you are like this, don't wait to see her?" Bai

Ru: "Hehe, no one has the emotion to talk about my man!"

"But, honey, can you let go of me?

As for the two of them, there is no need to let go, I don't do anything tonight, I just want to hug you and sleep in your arms!"

Bai Ru was the first to say such thoughts at this time.

Gedina rolled her eyes: "Hehe, do you think my brother will believe you?" "

Brother, you still let me go

, I'll give you a dance, kill them!" Luo Chen showed a strange smile: "Okay, you don't need to say anything, I have my own arrangements!" After

that, he stood up, walked to the bed, and pressed a special button.


The author has something to say:

Section (1) is more sent, good noon, readers!

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