Seeing Luo Chen's operation, several young ladies couldn't help but gaze.

Although their hands and feet are entangled, it does not mean that their eyes cannot see.

I only saw Luo Chen and gently pressed a few times.

On the bedside on that side, there are actually a lot of buttons, but they are usually covered by a shield.

At first, everyone thought it was a national style decoration.

It's just good-looking, I didn't expect that there were other organs behind it.

As soon as the button was pressed, it seemed that some other movement was heard.

Soon, Su Qinger, who was Luo Chen's secretary and housekeeper, pushed open the door.

Then a few waitresses, one by one, came over with basins, and walked into the room in unison.

Very neatly dressed and the service is standardized.

And at this time, Su Qing'er saw the three big beauties who were tied, and her eyes couldn't help but drift a little.

But after all, she is Luo Chen's secretary, so at most, she will take a look.

However, there is some meaning hidden in the eyes, but others cannot see it.

That is envy, thick envy!

If he was also one of the members wrapped in Luo Chen, how good it would be.

But at this time, she can only look at it at most.

The more she saw the woman beside Luo Chen, Su Qinger felt that she was a little delusional.

After all, who are the people around Luo Chen? The eldest princess of the imperial capital and the other two are now popular goddesses.

One is in the film and television industry, and the other is in the music industry!

These women are not ordinary men can submit.

So she, an ordinary secretary and housekeeper, what is there to look forward to?

Being able to stay by Luo Chen's side is already a kind of happiness.

This man has many secrets, he is like a mystery, people look forward to, even if it is just to be his secretary, it is also happy.

And even if he can't be his real woman, maybe there will be some entanglements in the future.

Just thinking about it, Su Qinger felt a little hot.

I can't help but complain to myself, what is going on?

But seeing the scene in the room now, she couldn't help but have some thoughts.

And at this moment, when she wanted to enter the wrong way, she almost delayed Luo Chen's affairs.

But fortunately, professionalism made her quickly pull back the mind to fly.

She said directly to Luo Chen: "Sir, everything is ready, these are the best technicians in our royal courtyard."

"Serve the ladies!" Luo

Chen: "Okay, you can." Let them be here, give them a foot. How cool how to come.

When they saw Luo Chen's layout, several goddesses couldn't help but be stunned.

For a long time, it turned out to be soaking their feet and pressing their feet

, but not to mention,

they really rarely did this kind of thing before.

I think this is a health care activity that only the elderly do.

At this time, Luo Chen showed a mysterious smile: "You are usually too busy with work, and your body will still fall a little wrong."

"Let these technicians give you a button." It's good!" Bai

Ru couldn't help but be a little moved when she heard it:

"Hee-hee, I know, honey, you are the best for me! So impressed. "

Gedina: "I didn't expect you to be so attentive brother, how can you see that there is something wrong with our body?"

Tong Yaya: "Luo Chen, can you let them be light for a while? My feet are more sensitive, if it is too powerful, I am afraid that I can't stand it..."

When Tong

Yaya said this, several young ladies next to her couldn't help but turn their heads and were stunned.


: "Ouch, sister Yaya, you are amazing, you say it all? What do you want to do?" Tong

Yaya: "I don't want to do it, I'm just a little scared, will it hurt a lot?" Bai

Ru sneered: "Are you talking to Luo Chen?

No, no, it's not like this, I just... Oh, what are you doing? Anyway, it's not Luo Chen who presses it for me. "

I'm just talking about my own request, isn't Luo Chen distressed about us?"

Tong Yaya's face turned red as she spoke.

Gerdina: "Oh, sister Yaya, you are bad, you still want Brother Dust to help you?

"Because Brother Dust is mine, if you want to press it, you will also press me, hee!"

Bai Ru: "Hehe, I'm not afraid of blushing when I say such things, what qualifications do I have, let me press your feet on your dear?"

"Sister Bai, don't look at you as a sister, one day I will duel with you!" Bai

Ru: "Come on, who is afraid of whom!"

Seeing them like this, Luo Chen couldn't help but hold his forehead with a headache, turned his head and said to a few technicians:

"Hurry up and press them, it's best to let them sleep and rest quickly!"

"And, Qing'er, tonight you stay." "。

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean anything else for you to stay, just let you watch the three women, don't let them run around, I'm sleeping."

"If they want to stay here, let them stay, put them to sleep, don't freeze them."

Su Qing'er replied directly: "Yes, sir!" Gedina

: "Brother, what are you doing? I don't sleep! I haven't danced to show you yet!" Bai

Ru: "That's it, Luo Chen! I still have something to discuss with you, don't make these things first!" Tong

Yaya: "Luo Chen, I didn't do anything, why did you put me to sleep together..."

Luo Chen waved his hand to ignore them and signaled that the technicians could begin.

As a result, as soon as the activity of pressing the feet began, the women began to scream.

Bai Ru: "Ouch... Honey, I'm wrong, don't make trouble in the future, don't let her press OK?"

"Gedina: "

Hahaha, why am I so itchy, ahhhhh Nope! My stomach hurts from laughing. The

most deadly thing is Tong Yaya's voice, a little strange, the little face is red

to see her like this, Luo Chen can't help scratching his head, the technician next to him said:

"That waiter, the massage is lighter, anyway, just unblock the veins for her."

After saying that, Luo Chen was out of sight, out of mind, and went to another side room to rest.

It's just that the voices in the distance rise and fall one after another, and it makes people feel like they are ape.

No way, Luo Chen closed the window, sound insulation was okay, he was putting on the earbuds, he was alone in the room, and he slept well.

I can't listen anymore, or maybe I can turn him into a beast.

At that time, the previous achievements will be lost.

Luo Chen looked at the nose and nose and the heart, collected the spirit, and then in his mind, slowly planned for the next plan.

As soon as the human mind is calm, it is easy to fall asleep.

There are many people who stay up late, but few people can sleep in seconds, which is also a skill.

The real master is the best at controlling the time of sleep, high-quality, short-term sleep, which can completely make up for a lot of rest.

Naturally fell asleep, just fell asleep, and suddenly felt a little strange around me.

How it seems to be pressed by a lot of things.

It can't be a ghost pressing the bed, right?"

he slowly opened his eyes.

But I found that the sky was dark, but it just felt strange.

It's that the weight is not small, and it makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

As a result, when he woke up, he found that several big beauties who were screaming at their feet last night were all by his side....


-The author has something to say:

(2) is more sent, good afternoon, readers great, there will be an update in the evening Oh, see you in the evening!

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