At that time, Su Qing'er couldn't help but be stunned.

This woman can be called the existence of sister by Gedina and Tong Yaya.

That must be a very powerful woman!

Su Qinger still has this eyesight.

Although now, she has no way to make such a conclusion, she does not know Bai Ru.

But she can judge many things, after all, the former housekeeper school let her know how to distinguish some rich and powerful people hidden in the pile of people.

Some people have special characteristics, and some characteristics on Bai Ru are particularly obvious.

It can be concluded that this woman is either rich or expensive!

And now it seems that a woman like Bai Ru will also fall under Luo Chen's suit pants.

Su Qing'er immediately knew that her husband and master were really powerful

! It can only be said that Luo Chen is even more powerful than this woman!

It is very good to follow such a man, even if it is just a secretary butler.

Maybe later is an opportunity to change your destiny.

Su Qing'er comes from an ordinary background, an ordinary girl, but has a very coveted beauty, which is originally a very dangerous thing.

Such a girl is either remembered by hooligans or by other powerful men.

Sometimes, beauty is not a lucky thing.

Su Qinger has actually experienced a lot of unfair things along the way.

But she was strong, and in the end, because of some very unique relationships, she was admitted to the most famous housekeeping school in the world.

The housekeepers here are contested by the world's rich families and families.

Then the development of this royal courtyard is not an ordinary force.

Therefore, under such a protection, everything in Su Qinger can grow up healthy and intact.

But she herself actually knows very well that she will be part of this courtyard in the future.

Once separated from this force, even do something that violates the will of the owner of this quadrangle.

The consequences would be severe, not only for one's own punishment, but also for one's family.

Therefore, for Luo Chen, she must obey her words, be strict and loyal, and carry out all Luo Chen's orders.

In fact, in these courtyards, if she meets a good family.

Nature is good, maybe you will live happily.

But if you encounter something that is not very good, it may not be.

Fortunately, she met Luo Chen, and from the beginning to now, she has seen Luo Chen's talent and charm.

Although the time is still short, this man is difficult to forget as long as he makes a woman see it at first glance, he has a special temperament.

Sometimes it's as warm as the sun, and sometimes it's like an iceberg, making people feel distant.

But more often it makes everyone feel, a kind of closeness and naturalness.

There are not many such masters, so Su Qinger cherishes this opportunity extraordinarily.

And now the scene she is facing is the task that Luo Chen has explained to her.

So optimistic about these three women has become the thing she needs to do the most!

However, now all three women are likely to become, Luo Chen's wife.

That is, her hostess.

In this way, building a good relationship with them is also a very necessary knowledge.

Su Qing'er looks so beautiful, if she changes to any other place, she is likely to be targeted by other hostesses.

After all, the legend says that there is something for the secretary to do, and nothing to do....

This rule seems to be understood by many people.

However, in Luo Chen, Su Qinger felt that the possibility of this happening was not very large.

In fact, Su Qinger did not have this illusion in her heart, if she could really become Luo Chen's woman...

It's worth it to

let her die

, because of what she has experienced,

a difficulty that many people can hardly imagine.

Although everything is intact for her, it is not easy for her to grow up.

Coupled with the current force where this courtyard is located, it is not generally powerful.

She knows how terrifying this force really is.

Of course, now her main purpose is to serve Luo Chen's daily everything.

It stands to reason that after this courtyard is handed over to Luo Chen, that one force will no longer have any influence on Su Qing'er.

She is only loyal

to Luo Chen, but once she does anything to betray Luo Chen,

then this force will appear as soon as possible.

She had heard many horrible rumors, all of which were tragic endings caused by individual betrayal of their masters.

So she knew exactly what to do.

But these women in front of her are likely to affect her status in this courtyard later.

So she also had to listen to the opinions of these women.

At this moment, Bai Ru's appearance made Su Qinger a little nervous.

How to fulfill the master's order without offending the hostess, this is a very profound knowledge!

One does not handle well, and her position in this courtyard in the future will really be precarious.

So sometimes, these beautiful butlers are also trembling and walking on thin ice.

The more beautiful it is, the greater the danger of this one.

Because they will inevitably be remembered by all kinds of masters....

Therefore, Su Qinger, recognizing the situation, naturally went to Bai Ru's side obediently.

Bai Ru showed a steady smile:

"Sister, I can't move here, bring your little face to my sister's side, and my sister will whisper something to you."

Su Qing'er naturally did so, and stretched her face to Bai Ru's mouth.

Bai Ru whispered in her ear: "Sister, do you like my man?"

"I understand, Luo Chen, a man like him is magical, I didn't see that these sisters of me are all big stars, they are all proud."


think you will face him day and night in the future, face him every day, and be influenced by him, and you will definitely not be able to help but like him." "

Now. As long as you listen to me, I guarantee that you will have a certain status in this courtyard and in this family in the future

!" "But what I want is your loyalty, of course you must be loyal to Luo Chen, and you can also be loyal to me at the same time!"

"Because I am Luo Chen's woman, but there is no contradiction, I will help you stay here."

"And let you also become Luo Chen's woman, how about being with her in the future?"

"Luo Chen's words are the first place, you have to listen to everything he says, and besides that, you only obey me."

"If you promise, then the promise given to you just now can be fulfilled soon!" When

Su Qing'er heard Bai Ru's words, she was a little difficult and swallowed her throat.

She knew that the time had come to decide her destiny, and

she could even hear herself swallowing a mouthful of fragrant water.

Not long after, Su Qing'er responded directly: "Okay, madam, I promise you!" Simple

, direct, decisive!

Bai Ru smiled: "You are very smart and decisive, I like people like you." So

the blanket wrapped around Bai Ru was opened just like that!

Gerdina and Tong Yaya next to them were stunned.

Gerdina was immediately unconvinced: "Hey, hey, what did you say to her, why did you just untie your blanket and ignore us?"


the author has something to say:

The fourth is sent, and I accidentally overturned today, resulting in wasting time on the revision, and I don't know if I can come back with another chapter. In addition, thank you to the following readers for their gifts: user 15653060; user 16180818; stars; Fried Heavenly Gang.Feng Yuxiu.窫窳; There are also some readers who gave tips to thank them one by one.

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