Hearing Gedina's words, Bai Ru couldn't help it at this time, showing a victor's smile, and moving her muscles at the same time.

Just now, the foot massage, indeed, relaxes the muscles and activates.

She suddenly felt that her body was much lighter, as if a lot of fatigue had been expelled.

After untying the unique blanket, she felt that this blanket wrapped around her, as if there was another use.

Anyway, unraveled, especially comfortable.

In this way, Bai Ru couldn't help but become particularly beautiful as if the whole person was radiant.

At this moment, look at the Didina who was stunned and looking at her on the side.

Bai Ru couldn't help but walk over Shi Shiran, a jade hand, and gently patted Gedina's little face:

"Little sample, I'll say, wait until I come out and slowly clean you up."

You little goblin, dressed like a leprechaun today, what do you want to do?"


Ru smiled: "The fool will untie you now, and you can untie you now, but not now."

"I'm going to talk to my man, sweet, you can sleep here a little longer!"

"Sister, I have done my best to you like this, under normal circumstances, I should let you sleep until the day after tomorrow."

"Let me and Luo Chen live in the two-person world for two days." Hearing


Ru's words, Gedina immediately exploded: "Sister, you can't do this, just rob a man, you still sneak away now!"

"This is unfair, doesn't it say that fair competition is good!?" Bai

Ru sneered: "Haha, Xiao Di, Xiao Di, are all in the circle, mixed for so long, are you too well protected?"

The strong are respected, the weak are strong, and I am a woman who understands the truth.


hard to be a woman, it's even harder to be a woman, it's even harder to be the woman behind a strong man."

"If you are not prepared for this, don't jump into this pit, otherwise, everyone will have no benefit."


, I'm sorry, the last thing I see is fairness!"

"Being able to let you stay by Luo Chen's side has already given you enough face and taken care of our sisters' affection."

"Actually, if I want to do something better, do you think you can appear here?" Hearing

Bai Ru's words, Gedina gritted her teeth with hatred, but at the same time, she couldn't help it, a little teary-eyed.

Because she knows, she understands! All this is the truth!

She is so open-mouthed, sometimes even a little brutal, coquettish and cute.

Bai Ru ignored her, just continued: "I'm telling you this now, just to tell you something."

"This man, I made a bet with him.

"I guess Luo Chen didn't tell you all the contents of this gambling contract."

"This gamble also applies to you.

"You all listened.

"Now I'm going to tell you about it formally.

"I competed with Luo Chen in terms of ratings.

"If he

wins, he wants to find other women, I can turn a blind eye, but I have to occupy the most important position!"

"Now I also put this bet on you."

"Aren't you guys doing shows and TV series with Luo Chen?"

I can also let you occupy a place next to Luo Chen.

"After all, we have sisterhood and of course we will take care of you."

"Luo Chen will always have other women around him, instead of letting some other women with different intentions come over, I am more inclined to you who know the roots

!" "Of course, you can not accept it, then the consequence is to leave

!" "You have no other choice!" "

They are all people who have been in the circle for so long, you should all know that really excellent men, there are many such things."

"Well, that's pretty clear.

"Su Qing'er, look at them, figure it out, untie the blankets on their bodies and send them to Luo Chen's room."


if you let Luo Chen change his mind a little, I have other ways to let you go!"

"But I can't give up yours, so I left some leeway for everyone."

"Stay and accept the gambling offer, you still have some hope." Otherwise, you have no hope of losing it.

"I won't allow the unstable factor to stay by Luo Chen's side

!" "Even if you are my sisters

!" "Because I love this man, more than anything!" When

Gedina heard this, she couldn't help but shout a little hysterically: "Bai Ru, you bastard!!" Bai

Ru did not retort: "Hehe, you can think so, and even you can see me as a villain?"

In the end, I will definitely have a seat at Luo Chen's side, and the most important one!"

"And if you leave, hehe, I will be even happier, because from now on you have nothing to do with Luo Chen."

"I'll give you guys a night to think about it.

"When you think about it, just tell Su Qing'er directly."

"Especially you, Gedina, I used to take care of you, naturally I also admired you, but don't be spoiled!" "Don't

even think that one day you can have Luo Chen alone!"

"Even I don't dare to be so extravagant, and I used all my means to make such a situation, just by you?

Think clearly, remember, my patience is limited, you only have one night to think about it!"


So time is precious..." After

Bai Ru finished speaking, Shi Shiran left and went to Luo Chen's room.

Leave Gedina in tears....

And she didn't care about that, she knew that if she did it today, she would definitely hurt the friendship between sisters.

But she doesn't care, for her own man, what is this thing

, she is helping Luo Chen clear the obstacles

! She knows Luo Chen's mind very well, but she loves him to the bone, as long as he is happy, she is willing to do anything

! Even if she is aggrieved with other women and follows Luo Chen, she will not hesitate!

The soft moonlight spread on the side of the bed, and the soft light made Luo Chen's handsome face more angular.

She got into Luo Chen's bed and quietly lay on his chest.

Everything about this man was so thick and reassuring to her.

She gently held Luo Chen's face and said softly: "My dear, I did you a big favor today!"

"I said, today is to sleep with you, then I must sleep with you!" "

When will you be successful? Don't make me wait too long..."

And in the other room, two women are making the most entangled decision!


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