At this moment, Gedina, who remained in the room, could be described as having mixed feelings.

Of course, she herself knows very well that what Bai Ru said is the truth and reality.

She was very entangled in her heart why she didn't have stronger strength, she couldn't say such domineering things like Bai Ru.

Although she is now a popular first-line goddess, compared with the proud daughter of the family like Bai Ru, it is naturally too far behind.

It's not that anything else, it's just strength.

That's why Bai Ru has the confidence to say those words.

And what made Gedina extremely stunned was that Tong Yaya, who was supposed to stand on the united front with her, said to Su Qing'er next to her at this time:

"Qing'er, I also figured it out, please help me, untie it, I'll go to Sister Bai in a while."

Hearing Tong Yaya's words, Gedina couldn't help but be stunned and unbelievable:

"Sister Yaya, you just gave up?"

"How can it be so simple."

"Sister Bai's action is really abominable, it is completely eating us to death!"

"We can't just do this! We have to fight!

"Brother Luo Chen can't be pitted by her like this!"

At this time, Tong Yaya was quickly untied by Su Qinger, and she also moved her hands and feet.

Tong Yaya's face was a little tangled at first, but soon she was relieved again.

At this time, she was Shi Shiran, and slowly walked to Gedina's side.

She gently rubbed her hand on Gedina's pretty face:

"Silly sister, you must learn to judge the time and size up the situation."

"In the past two days, Sister Bai must have seen a lot of problems clearly."

"She was able to make such a decision, and I think she can definitely do it."

"What kind of personality and style she is, we have been sisters for so long, we are very clear."

"Stop doing those stupid things, we're not her match yet!"

"Now we must at least retain a competitive qualification, what is the use of you not bowing your head now?"

"It's likely to be driven away tomorrow!"

"Then you won't have a chance at all in the future."

"Now anyway, get this bet down first, and see you step by step later."

"It doesn't immediately break hope."

"Luo Chen, I can't let go, I can't let go no matter what!"

"So I accepted."

"The worst case, isn't it with Sister Bai and staying with Luo Chen?"

"In this circle, such things are not uncommon."

"Men have this ability, have such ability. Conquering a few women couldn't be easier.

"After all, we are still weak! You are weaker than others and do not know how to bow your head.

"It's like an ant whooping and provoking an elephant, and in the end, there is only one result, that is, the ant is directly trampled to death."

"I know how obsessed and persistent you are with Luo Chen, but why am I not?"

"Stay in the green mountains, don't be afraid of no firewood!" Let's get through this level first.

"Others, depending on the situation later, do you understand..." Hearing

what Tong Yaya said, it naturally made Gedina suddenly cheerful.

If you are not convinced in your heart, you will not be convinced, but the situation is stronger than people.

In this regard, Gedina is not as good as Tong Yaya.

This big sister is a little older, and at the same time, she has seen a lot of things, and naturally sees more clearly.

In the past two years, Gedina has had a smooth ride and a strong rise, and has resources in all aspects.

It made her get a little carried away.

At this time, Bai Ru really taught her a good lesson.

Not everyone in this world revolves around her alone!

Usually, she can fight to be pampered by others, yes, a little unreasonable, can be a little brutal.

But when you encounter such a fateful thing, you can't help it!

At this time, Gedina was immediately explained by Tong Yaya.

There was silence for a while, although the eyes were still a little unnatural, and a little unwilling.

But now she really had no other choice!

She is very aware of Bai Ru's strength, she can really say that she can do it, and let her roll up and get out tomorrow.

She was very angry in her heart, but she had to take this bet!

"Okay, Su Qing'er, I also accept it, untie me, I'm going to see my dust brother!"

Gerdina finally compromised....

At this time, Su Qinger also had to admire Bai Ru's means.

Although it was simple and rude, even if they really dug a hole in front of these two girls, they had to jump forward.

This is the Yang Mo of Life!

Even if others know what's going on, they have to move forward!

This is absolute strength!

When she saw this scene, Su Qinger couldn't help but quietly clench her fists.

I secretly had another thought in my heart: "I also want to be such a woman."

"I also want others to refuse me!"

"Of course, the best thing is to let Luo Chen not refuse me! My good host, I will try.

"I'm going to be the brightest one!" Fight for a place to stay with you forever! Although

it was only such a short time, Su Qinger's mind was already very firm.

She knew very well that it would be difficult to find another one in this life, who could be as good and suitable as Luo Chen.

With Luo Chen, there will definitely be no loss.

And Luo Chen is indeed very attractive to her, this man does have magic powers, so that she has to make such a decision.

This is also the reason why she is soon willing to obey Bai Ru and be loyal to Bai Ru!

After all, their goals are also the same, they are all staying by Luo Chen's side.

Shine in Luo Chen!

This matter was solved, and after the idea was cleared, Tong Yaya and Gedina naturally did not have anything.

The two seemed to have reached a very unique tacit understanding, after untying the blanket, they held hands together and walked towards Luo Chen's room.

And followed by this determined Su Qinger.

The three people tiptoed and walked to Luo Chen's bedside.

At this time, they all saw Bai Ru, who was already lying in Luo Chen's arms and sleeping sweetly.

Seeing such a scene, they couldn't help but be envious.

How good would it be if it was them in Luo Chen's arms?

But now this position is occupied by Bai Ru!

Gedina looked at the fire in her eyes, she really wanted to push Bai Ru away and replace herself!

But she knew that now was not the time:

"Hmph, let you be arrogant for two days first, one day I will let you get out of Luo Chen!"

Gedina said secretly in her heart.

Of course, she just said it in her heart, and she knew that this matter was difficult, but it did not mean that there was no hope.

She wanted to occupy Luo Chen alone.

Now it's about going with the flow, staying first, and then talking, if there is no chance of connection.

So what about later?

So Gedina hugged Luo Chen's left arm, and Tong Yaya hugged Luo Chen's right arm.

And Su Qing'er hugged Luo Chen's thigh, so that the beautiful scene continued for a night.

No matter what, they were already very satisfied if they could sleep with Luo Chen.

It's just that Luo Chen, who woke up on the 2nd day, was a little unhappy, what's going on?

Seeing a group of women pretending to be stupid and stunned, Luo Chen couldn't help but say angrily: "Give me all down!" When I'm a fool?

"Okay, you guys, join forces to fool me, right?" I'll have fun with you guys in the future.

"But for now, let's not worry about it, I have some important meetings today."

"You guys prepare your own business first, I'll leave after breakfast."

Hearing Luo Chen's words, several goddesses couldn't help but concentrate highly: "Who to see?" Male or female? "


-The author has something to say:

the first more sent, good noon, readers, by the way, ask for a wave of five-star evaluation! ! ! Many thanks to the following readers who have rewarded this book: the funny five are in; It's nothing; Demon; Solipsism 02; Collapse; User 32717375; Die young; User 99136514; User 90563885; Drop marks; User 11958673!

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