At this time, Luo Chen couldn't help but open, and in front of him was a young man's character information template

: "Name:

Chen Feng; Gender: male; Occupation: variety director, film and television director. Age: 25. "

One of the heirs of the Chen family in the capital, he has no intention of fighting for the family business, and has a soft spot for the entertainment business."

"I work hard in the entertainment industry, and I am the group pet of the Chen family and deeply liked by my family. But does not support his hard work in the entertainment industry, hoping that he will return home to inherit part of the family business.

"But Chen Feng never relied on the strength in his family, worked his own, and made a name for himself in the industry. Not many people know his true identity. "。

"Character skills: variety director SS level. Well-planned, high-quality team cooperation, it is possible to be a phenomenal variety show! "

Percussion Drum Kit A+; You can beat the uplifting rhythm!

"Hobbies: shooting martial arts films, martial arts films, war films, big productions. But no one was ever willing to invest in him, and his family did not support him.

"Special proclivities: crazy obsession with his girlfriend Miffy, obedient and responsive."

"Special Attributes: First Film and TV Shooting Explosive Dividend."

"The first time to shoot a TV series must be popular, the first time to make a movie must be popular!"

Seeing the character attributes of this guy, Luo Chen raised his eyebrows, there are still some real talents, and his old uncle didn't say anything big.

This time, for him, there is really a shortage of talent, after all, it is at this moment.

All of this is vital to him.

At this time, he desperately needed such talents, but this person was too unruly.

At first glance, you can tell that he is not a tame Lord, and of course he does not need to be tamed, he just needs to be able to do good things for himself.

It seems that some small means have to be used.

Luo Chen couldn't help but chuckle at this time, and he didn't seem to care much about this guy's provocation.

He was about to speak, but Uncle Liu next to him had already spoken: "Chen Feng, look how many times you smelly boy has told you, in front of guests, be polite!"

"You are so easy to offend people, Luo Chen is my own nephew, in this regard, he can forgive you, but if you are like this, don't blame me for pumping you!"

Chen Feng immediately made amends with a playful smile: "Haha Master, look at what you said, I know, this old brother is embarrassed, just made a joke."

"Despise Chen Feng, this is my girlfriend Mi Fei, and I also brought me by the way to meet my master today."

"The main thing is that you are too handsome, I am afraid that my girlfriend will be attracted to you after seeing you, but what should I do?"

When Luo Chen heard this kid's words, he couldn't help but cry and laugh: "Forget it, it's okay." Haha, I see that your girlfriend has a pretty good relationship with you, you don't need to worry about this. It's a good girl, you have to cherish it. "

Mi Fei next to him, his face is red when he is said, he looks really pure and cute, and he looks like the kind of girl who lives in a mother's family.

She just politely greeted the guests on both sides, and then sat quietly next to her man.

It is no wonder that Chen Feng likes and is obsessed with this woman, she is indeed quite beautiful and has a good temperament.

It seems to be the type of lady who is beautiful and very virtuous.

Luo Chen just glanced at it, and didn't pay much attention, his attention was all on Chen Feng.

Now Chen Feng is much more attractive than any beautiful woman next to him.

This guy should be used to staying at home, and he has his own talent and ability, and he doesn't care about any people outside.

There should also be an existence like Uncle Liu to help bring it along, otherwise it will be really lawless in the future.

Uncle Liu said angrily at this time: "Okay, your kid was in the fruit table before, making a fuss like that, and now no one dares to use you, you don't know to cherish the opportunity."

"I tell you, just follow him. You have everything, and it will change your destiny! Hearing

Uncle Liu's words, Chen Feng next to him was still a little unimpressed: "Master, although I respect you, but when you say this, it's a bit too much, right?"

"What is the situation in my family, you also know, just this old brother can change my destiny?"

Uncle Liu: "Haha, yes, of course I know, so dare to say so, naturally I have confidence."

"Aren't you trying to invite your girlfriend to a song?" He has, and the songs you want, are written by him, and the copyrights are in his hands.

Chen Feng suddenly couldn't believe it: "Huh?! Oh, my God!!! Master, he is the one, a super god who has written hundreds of songs in a year?!

"Oh, I'm sorry, the Great God lost respect and disrespect, I was rude just now."

Luo Chen couldn't help but be stunned when he saw how quickly this kid changed his face.

Feelings are not what people don't understand, but for those people who are not important, he doesn't want to bother more?

At this time, he knew that Luo Chen was the author of those songs, and his attitude was suddenly a 180-degree turn.

Mi Fei next to him even brightened his eyes, he was also shocked and excited when he heard this news next to him, and faintly gave Chen Feng a pleading look, and secretly shook his arm.

Because in the music scene before, there have actually been people paying attention to some information of the national copyright network.

In this, you can know for the first time whether anyone has uploaded a new song.

There are some of these songs, and the songwriter shows everyone in this way, and people in the industry are very clear.

After all, there are some songwriters who can sing and write lyrics, but they can't sing, and there are really many such people. Because people, voice talent is not the same.

Just like some musicians can, compose beautiful music, and the five notes are also complete, but let him really sing it, it may not be so good and shocking.

Therefore, the song library on the national copyright network has always been a place where many people pay attention, if they just upload songs and no one sings, they all want to find the original author.

Therefore, in the year and a half of last year, there was such a legend, and hundreds of songs were uploaded in such a short time, and each capital is very unique and classic.

This time and space is very strict for the copyright of songs and various literary works, and all kinds of cultural copyrights, so without the authorization of the original author, they dare not sing with songs.

If you find out, you will be punished heavily! Will also be despised by peers!

This is a thing for many people who are entangled and look forward to, find this creator, and get the copyright.

Now no one has taken it out to sing, naturally this is the songwriter, singing is not very dripping.

So many songs are simply a treasure trove!

If you follow a songwriter and pull up a relationship, then some singers don't have to worry about it for the rest of their lives!

Miffy is also an artist who loves to sing, and wants to open up a situation in the music industry, but he has not found famous songs and masterpieces.

This woman is also, Chen Feng finally caught up, so now is the period of love, holding it in his arms is afraid of heat, holding it in the palm of his hand is afraid of melting.

Chen Feng relied on her for everything, of course, Miffy's character was also very good, and he did not mention some excessive requirements.

She didn't even know Chen Feng's real family background, but she just thought that this boy was very good, working as a director in the entertainment industry, and opening up the sky through his own efforts.

And now that Chen Feng has fallen, I heard that she was blocked by the fruit table, she is still standing by Chen Feng's side, and this friendship alone is not easy.

Because he didn't know, he was more sincere, after all, at this time, on the outside, Miffy was going to take a big risk. The fruit table may have implicated and blocked her even together.

Therefore, Luo Chen, who knows all this, still gives Miffy a very good look, and at the same time sighs that good people who are kind should still have good rewards, and this girl has hit a lot of luck....

At this time, Chen Feng couldn't help but say with great admiration:

"Can the great god give us a few copyrights of your songs, I can afford it." I want my girlfriend to sing.

"As long as you agree to this condition, you can cooperate however you want."

And at this time, Uncle Liu, picked up a cup of big red robe, took a sip gently, and said lightly:

"Aren't you right, martial arts films and martial arts films have an obsession?" I have always wanted to shoot, but I have no script and theme, and the scripts I wrote are rotten.

Chen Feng was immediately embarrassed and said, "Master, what are you telling me this?" In front of the great god, give me some face."

Uncle Liu smiled playfully: "Hehe, I just want to remind you of "Shooting Condors", he wrote it!" When

Chen Feng heard the news, his mouth had already opened into an O-shape, and his open mouth could be stuffed with three large goose eggs.

Finally, he said two words with excitement and difficulty: "Lying groove!! "


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