After hearing Uncle Liu's words, Chen Feng next to him was already a little unable to react.

A little difficult to turn his head, and then, unsure asked, asked Uncle Chen and said, "Master, what you said is true?" Uncle

Liu Shi Shiran took a sip of tea and said calmly:

"When did your master pit you?" Fooled you? I say yes, then it must be!

"Master, look at what you said, when did you doubt what you said, I just think, this buddy is also too powerful? It feels a little unhuman!

Uncle Liu couldn't help but knock on his head: "How do you kid talk?" Can you still have a good chat!

Chen Feng quickly apologized: "Oh, yes, yes!" I just said that the admiration for this old brother is like a gushing feeling, the river is endless, and it is powerful!

"Master, look at you, how can you make such bad tea for others? Take out the best tea leaves, hurry up, hurry up.

He turned his head and smiled at Luo Chen with a face: "Hehe, brother, I'm sorry, I didn't know Tarzan just now!" , little brother is clumsy, I haven't seen it, I haven't seen a superior person like you!

"Come and come, drink tea and tea, if you are still not satisfied, another day the little brother will apologize!"

Seeing how quickly this guy changed his face, Luo Chen couldn't help but think of the rule called Zhenxiang's law in his previous life.

Sure enough, sometimes the fragrance comes too quickly.

Just now, he was still arrogant and looked unseemly, but after knowing Luo Chen's background, his attitude changed in a blink of an eye.

It seems that Uncle Liu's grasp of this guy is still very accurate and knows what he needs.

And the most important thing is that the character of this person shown on the character panel is quite good, although sometimes the mouth owes a little.

But really making friends is someone worth making.

At this moment, Luo Chen couldn't help but cry and laugh, he didn't pay much attention to the rudeness of this buddy just now.

Usually talented, talented and crazy people have such small problems.

But at this time, he had already held the seven inches of the people's house, and naturally knew how to negotiate.

"I can shoot "Condor " for you, and I can also give you the copyright of the song."

"However, I have to do several variety shows, and the ratings must be the first in the country!"

"You did it for me, everything is good to say."

Hearing Luo Chen's words, Chen Feng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Brother, your condition is very difficult, your TV station, I also know, now is really the lowest point of popularity."

"You said that even in those places, the TV station is a little more powerful, invite me to do the program, I may still be a little sure, but now..."

Luo Chen said with a smile: "Of course I know, my requirements are a bit harsh, but you take a look at these first." Luo

Chen directly took out a stack of variety show planning from his bag.

Seeing the planning book here, Chen Feng couldn't help but be a little curious and a little strange.

So confident? Are those plans Luo Chen's strength?

Take a look before you talk.

As a result, after reading one of them, Chen Feng was already stunned, and he said again, "Lying groove!"

Uncle Liu scolded with a bad smile: "You boy, I will say, let you usually read more, and now you will not go to the world in a groove." "

Now Uncle Liu has a little regret for letting this kid appear in front of Luo Chen.

What it looks like, there is no background at all, it makes people laugh when they say it!

Now he doesn't even see it.

"No, no, I'm too excited to see the Great God, the Condor is my favorite work, I always dream of making this work into a TV series or movie!"

"I said, the person who can write such a work is really a god man, and he can even write songs?"

"Haha, the Great God still asked me to cooperate together, can I not be excited?"

At this time, Chen Feng was like a fan of seeing an idol, which was called an excitement.

Miffy next to her is obviously very excited, because she can also feel the charm of Luo Chen's songs.

If she can work with such a songwriter, she really doesn't have to worry about songs for the rest of her life.

These songs alone can already make them famous!

Uncle Liu scoffed, "Didn't you look down on people just now, couldn't you look at it?" Why has your face changed again?

Chen Feng saw that Luo Chen was not really angry, and immediately said:

"Master leave me some face, I don't know that people are great gods, to know his identity, let me throw all five bodies on the ground!"

"But you may not know that there are many people looking for you in the circle now, whether it is looking for you to film, or looking for you to write songs, it is estimated that you can line up from the gate of the Imperial City to the Great Wall!"

"Great God, you are too good, although I think I have a little talent, but compared to you, it is a heaven and an underground!"

"Haha, this time, I see who can stop me?"

"The key is that you gave this variety show planning, it is really too strong, it is simply a genius and ghost, a golden idea that can be come up with!"

"I'm sure that whoever gets this blueprint, as long as he gets the variety show and rides a few stars at will, he can construct a very sensational effect."

"This time we are strong, what fruit table does he care? Sky Blue Terrace, it's all shit!

"I can't help it now, sharpen my knife and rub my fists!" I want to see how stunned they are!

"Just want to ban me, with the help of the Great God, I don't think there is any show in this world that I can't do!"

Luo Chen couldn't help but rub his head when he saw that this guy looked like he had beaten chicken blood.

Did you choose the wrong person? It's also too easy to get excited, and it's not calm at all.

But maybe young people, doing business is to have this kind of momentum.

Moreover, the system will not lie to him, this young man has special abilities that no one else has, and the ability to direct is really strong.

Although everyone now knows that a director alone is not enough, a real production team is crucial for a variety show!

Of course, these later collaborators are also important.

With the help of Uncle Liu in this regard, he should be able to invite some powerful old artists.

And the star resources of the new sound generation, Bai Ru can help get it.

Luo Chen: "Okay, don't get excited first, that's just one of my plans, and the other one I'm more optimistic about, after all, that's a killer tool for me to grab ratings!"

"You see, this is our top priority, these two variety shows you just need to get me the same period, the national ratings champion, I also have a gift to give you!"

"Don't you want to make a martial arts film? I have a script, you look at this first. Hearing

Luo Chen's words, at this time, Chen Feng didn't know what to say.

Really, there is such a genius in this world?

Chen Feng said excitedly: "Brother, I really want to pry open your head and see how it grows inside."

"I adore you so much! In the future, I will be your faithful follower, I will go wherever you go, and I will do whatever you do! Hearing

Chen Feng's words, Uncle Liu next to him couldn't help but laugh: "Haha, it seems that if you are willing, people will definitely agree."

"You want to knock someone's head off, but be careful, you know, his girlfriend is Bai Ru, do you dare to mess around?"

Hearing Uncle Liu's words, Chen Feng couldn't help but stand up directly in fear, and at this time he couldn't help it, his voice trembled:

"Lying groove!!" Oh, my God!! It turns out that you are the ruthless big guy who picked Sister Bai, that iceberg white rose?! "


-The author has something to say:

(2) is more sent, good afternoon, readers! Please support, five-star praise. Readers, it's still a lot worse, keep coming, I want to add more! In addition, thank you to the following gifts to tip readers greatly: user 10683610; Han Shuang Lingmeng; User 42041251. Thank you very much for your great support

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