In fact, when she last called, Yang Mier was already a little unhappy.

After all, she kindly wanted to help Luo Chen to make up for her previous debt.

Luo Chen is not appreciative at all, what else can he say? If you don't need to see it again, so cold.

For such a unique goddess in the entertainment industry, this is the first time she has encountered such a thing.

After all, everyone knows that Yang Mier is still very good in this time and space, and the most important thing is that there are many, many fans to support.

Therefore, I am usually pushed to a very high position by those fans, and I also have a proud characteristic.

After all, in the entertainment industry, she is now the most powerful traffic actress.

The previous combination with Luo Chen was also due to the pressure in the family, so she has always been very repulsive.

In such an environment, in fact, everyone knows very well that Yang Mier has some thoughts in her heart.

So in the end, she divorced Luo Chen, which also made everyone in the family feel helpless.

After all, everyone already knows at this moment that the inability to recover has caused such a result, and in the end, there is no way to say more.

This is a matter between young people, let them handle it themselves.

Before, it was because the family intervened too much, and finally made such an embarrassing situation.

Let them do it themselves.

Since Luo Chen had such a communication and exchange with her last time, Yang Mier has always wanted to take her mind away from Luo Chen.

But lately I always think of him unintentionally, and I don't know why.

Sometimes it's like this, Luo Chen has tried to cultivate feelings with her before, and she is very disgusted.

In the end, Luo Chen couldn't do it, and now he didn't want to see her much, and as a result, Yang Mier was not angry in her heart.

However, Yang Mier also knows that it is useless to think more, since she left, she will be free, and in the end time will resolve everything.

Today was supposed to take a look at some news in the entertainment industry to see what new information was available in the industry.

Recently, she has also encountered a little trouble on the company's side, so she pays more attention to the dynamics in the industry.

See what new opportunities lie ahead, after all, now she is not just one person, but leading an entire company forward.

However, in the process of browsing, she suddenly saw a scene that she did not expect!

A man who was once regarded by her as having little talent and no use, this time he was brilliant, scolding Fang Xuan on the podium, and talented!

Explain a series of unexpected academic arguments!

Although it is only a trailer, many people can see that Luo Chen's talking demeanor and knowledge are all one by one!

The point is that such a handsome young scholar is really rare in the industry.

Suddenly, there was a lot of talk about such a young man on the Internet.

After all, so many people helped Luo Chen to promote, and Yang Mier naturally saw who they were.

At a glance, Yang Mier couldn't help but chuckle in her heart.

Why do they all seem to be artists under Bai Ru? And some of them are very big.

These big coffees may not be able to move even if she goes to invite.

But now they are forwarding such a promotion message to Luo Chen one by one, which is obviously very popular!

Such a scene immediately made her think of many, many possibilities.

How did Luo Chen get together with Bai Ru?

Yang Mi'er couldn't help but comfort herself in her heart at this time:

"Haha, no, no, Sister Bai is so arrogant, how can a proud daughter of heaven be with Luo Chen?"

"What kind of international joke, I can't even look at the man, can she look at it?"

However, at this time, Yang Mier couldn't help but think of what Bai Ru said before

: "Mimi, if you really don't like Luo Chen and want to push him away, then my sister will come to take over..."

Yang Mier thought:

"It's not right!" Isn't Sister Bai with the owner of that royal courtyard? "

Shhhh Oh my God, this, this wouldn't be a love triangle, would it?

"If Luo Chen is with Bai Ru, if he really wants that big man in the courtyard to know, it will probably be in huge trouble, and even whether he can survive is a problem!"

"It wouldn't be such a coincidence, would it?"

"Or is it the owner of that royal courtyard and has something to do with Luo Chen? Is it through such a line, with Sister Bai?

"Can't figure it out, really can't figure it out?

"But why did Luo Chen do this show?" I didn't expect that he really had a little talent, why didn't he find it before?

"But maybe it's just sensational news?"

At this time, Yang Mier, really, there are too many things that she can't understand.

And the brain makes up a lot of possibilities....

For a moment her heart was confused.

After all, at this moment, Luo Chen suddenly appeared in her life again.

Although they were separated for a short time, they had very little communication and exchange with Luo Chen before, and they didn't say a few words for a year.

What is the difference between such a life with this person and without this person?

It's just that there is an extra figure in the air....

But now too many questions suddenly appeared in Yang Mier's mind.

She decided to take a good look at Luo Chen's program and performance tonight!

After today, maybe many problems will surface.

She didn't call Bai Ru at the first time, she knew that a woman like Bai Ru didn't like others to ask too much about her personal affairs.

Or some other thing, wait until tomorrow to see how it goes.

In fact, the Internet is slowly fermenting.

After all, so many big coffee, as well as popular stars, have recommended Luo Chen, which is very intriguing.

Who the hell is this young man?

Why do so many stars push such a message to him?

Moreover, after they clicked in, although it was only a preview of the video.

However, those who have some knowledge, or young people, after listening to it, think that this person's lecture is quite interesting.

How about a visit tonight?

After all, such a unique course, many people have not been exposed to it before.

There are many people talking about the Three Kingdoms, some people commenting and some people analyzing.

But like Luo Chen, a unique way to analyze and explain the various character relationships of the three countries is still very different.

After all, Luo Chen said something unique, maybe it will be a little interesting?

The main thing is that this course is too awesome, and the people who listen to the lectures are now popular stars or some famous celebrities.

They were all listening there, and this scenery alone had attracted countless people.

So these star fans and some support groups behind them all want to see what the situation is.

So, for tonight's program, countless people came to a new interest.

Yang Mier is naturally the one she pays the most attention to, after all, there are too many things she wants to know.

Suddenly, she realized that she really knew very little about this ex-husband.

Maybe he's a lot better than he thought?

At this time, Yang Mier couldn't help but feel very strange, apprehensive, and entangled!

Wait for tonight! There will be an answer!


-The author has something to say:

the second more sent, ask for a wave of five-star evaluation! Good afternoon, great readers.

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