Luo Chen's action this time obviously surprised everyone.

After all, it was because of an instruction given above that a remedy was taken.

None of them were within Luo Chen's plan before.

Although it is said that educational programs should also be prepared, they did not think about doing this so quickly.

The main thing is this show, only one person is needed, and the audience below can also be passers-by.

Of course, if all the stars are the audience now, the effect is absolutely explosive.

After all, the effect of these stars alone, as well as their fan attention, can bring him a new wave of heat.

So this time is the moment to show the value of Bai Ru.

After all, without this sister's help, Luo Chen prides himself on not being able to do this situation now.

Although he could ask Uncle Liu, there were too many places to let Uncle Liu help recently, so Luo Chen did not open this mouth.

Some of the latter operations are his own business, but fortunately it is still very good after the video effect comes out.

Let's look at tonight, the next performance after the show is broadcast.

And the most important thing is that Luo Chen is ready to come to a king fried combination today.

After he released some identity information, maybe someone would naturally come to the door at that time.

Of course, it is an invitation to find a door-to-door cooperation, but he knows this very well.

Being able to publish that identity, there will naturally be other troubles later, but the two are weighed.

Or publish a little identity, come to a little harder.

Later, he had some other operations, one after another, and it would be difficult for his TV station not to be popular.

At this moment, the attention on the Internet has naturally risen.

After all, everyone can clearly see Luo Chen's performance in this aspect, and in this unique link, Luo Chen is just a trailer, which has made them look forward to it.

That's a rare thing.

And now just a few shots, everyone has been attracted by Luo Chen's speech technique.

So presentation skills are also very important.

One of the most direct manifestations of Luo Chen is that through this kind of speech, it touches people's hearts, and at the same time has its own unique attraction.

So after such an effect, everyone has a new interest in his speech skills, and it is instantly energetic.

At this moment, for many people, Luo Chen is a new character, but he has his own attraction.

Luo Chen and a group of young ladies had already returned to the royal courtyard at this time.

The matter has been done, just wait for the results of tonight, and the ratings will not be released until tomorrow, naturally there is still time to wait.

The only one who didn't come back with them was Bai Ru.

She said she needed to go to the company to deal with some work matters, so she went it alone.

And Luo Chen at this time, after dinner, also said that he needed to supervise in the stage, and worked overtime by the way to prepare for some variety shows later.

So these two people left the encirclement of a group of young ladies one after the other.

Not long after Luo Chen came out, Bai Ru came to the message:

"Husband, where are you now?" I'm going to look for you in the stage?"

Luo Chen smiled and said, "Come on, it's in my office." "

Today they made an appointment to do something wonderful and special in the evening.

Bai Ru couldn't help but think of the scene when the old housekeeper brought them to the office after recording the Hundred Family Pulpit this afternoon

: Old Zhao:

"Young master, this is the big office that has been prepared for you a long time ago, and there is a lounge in it, I hope you and the young lady like it." Hearing

that Elder Zhao directly called her Young Lady, Bai Ru was naturally very happy.

After all, Teacher Zhao followed Luo Chen, and Luo Chen's parents, an old servant for the longest time.

For them, feelings are like relatives, and Elder Zhao's recognition at this moment is undoubtedly a very important factor.

Being able to get the recognition of Luo Chen's family is the first part, and you can get along with them more in the future.

Bai Ru naturally knew that if she wanted to occupy the position of the lady of the main palace beside Luo Chen, she still needed a lot of effort.

Today she has been recognized by Luo Chen, and she has called her wife, and she knows that she is basically stable.

After all, the other young ladies have not yet received this title.

And she has already decided to give up that gambling contract with Luo Chen and take the initiative to admit defeat, after all, the next challenge is really not small.

It's even more because she loves Luo Chen too much. Sometimes love has no principles and no bottom line.

Such a performance, in fact, she could not have imagined it herself before.

But now, with such a time to get along and strengthen his heart, Bai Ru put all his heart and soul on Luo Chen.

At this time, she was full of satisfaction and wanted to meet Luo Chen quickly.

Before talking about going to the company, naturally it was to prevaricate these sisters, what is really going on, only she and Luo Chen know.

Of course, she is also very satisfied with Luo Chen's performance today, whether it is dealing with people, interpersonal communication, or the performance of real talent, today's Luo Chen is a full score!

Even a performance that exceeds a perfect score!

The praise of others for Luo Chen made Bai Ru's heart as happy as flying.

But the response to tonight's show is the most important.

Now Bai Ru already knows who is against Luo Chen, and will meet Luo Chen tonight.

On the one hand, I want to make a breakthrough, and on the other hand, I also want to discuss countermeasures with Luo Chen.

The other party is not small, even if she has to be afraid of three points, now she can only follow the rules of others.

After all, although this opponent is difficult, everything is still within the rules, and he is indeed using the rules of the association on the TV station system to put pressure.

In this way, people are just a little strict control, and others can't say anything at all.

This is a conspiracy.

Even if you know that there is a pit in front of you, you must jump into it!

However, Luo Chen has this strength, Bai Ru is very confident, no matter what difficulties her man encounters, he will be able to solve it!

At this time, Bai Ru's beautiful figure had appeared in front of the building of Roselle TV.

And Luo Chen is already waiting here.

Seeing her coming, he stretched out his hands and looked happy to welcome her arrival.

Bai Ru didn't say a word, and directly rushed over, and the swift threw itself into his arms like a nest.

"Husband, how long have you been waiting for me? You too, don't wait for me, I'm here, just go up and find you yourself?

"Now that everyone knows my relationship with you, no one in the stage will definitely stop me."

When Luo Chen heard it, he rubbed her little head spoiledly: "Okay, I'll come and pick you up, it's not supposed to be."

"And today is a special day, worth remembering, of course I have to personally greet you."

Hearing Luo Chen's words, Bai Ru naturally knew what he meant, and his little face suddenly turned red to the root of his ears, and even his neck was red.

Bai Ru: "Husband, you are a little villain!" Many people are still watching!

Luo Chen: "What are you afraid of, they have all seen you today, and you will still be their boss lady in the future, so you must always let them see and see." "

Ignore you, the office is all cleaned up?" Bai Ru asked mysteriously.

"Hehe, of course, you said you had a gift for me?" Luo Chen showed wolf-like eyes.

"Uh-huh, of course there is, I'll give it to you when I go up!" Bai Ru's little face turned even redder.

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