"Na, I'll just say yes, this Great Wall I think is a seed player, the material of my golden broom, isn't it!"

Jiang Yi and Yang Mi walked out of the cinema.

Yang Mi nodded thoughtfully.

The two people were ~ stopped by someone in one step.

I don't know where the reporter came from.

"Hello couple, excuse me—they... Director Jiang? "

The reporter originally thought that this was a couple coming out to watch a movie in the evening, staying in a hotel in the middle of the night, but did not expect to catch a big fish!

It turned out to be the famous director Jiang Yi, so next to ... It turned out to be Boss Yang!

Yang Mi!

The reporter was a little excited.

You know, these two people must have gone to see the Great Wall, the key is that they themselves also have movies released in the Spring Festival file.

This is here to spy on the enemy?!

There were also a few reporters next to him who did not know the media, and when they saw this scene, they immediately surrounded them.

Yang Mi's face turned black and finished.

Caught in the making.

Jiang Yi didn't care, "It's me, is there something wrong?" It's okay, I'm going home. "

The reporter said excitedly: "Yes, yes, yes!" I want to ask, did Director Jiang watch the screening of the Great Wall? "

Jiang nodded, "That's right. "

Reporter: "Why watch it?" "

Jiang Yiyi: "I want to admire the shooting methods of international directors, and by the way, find some material for my Golden Broom Award." "

Reporter: "Then what does Director Jiang think, how about the Great Wall movie?" "

Jiang Yi just loaded the bullet and wanted to open the fire, but he felt a small hand behind his back pull a corner of himself.

Boss Yang.

Looks like you want to remind yourself that it's hard to say bad things?

Jiang Yi coughed his throat, "Well, the picture is very good, the special effects are good, and there are many stars." "

Reporter: "It seems that Director Jiang has a very high evaluation of this movie." "

Jiang Yi: "??" "


Where did you hear that I have a high opinion of this movie?

The reporter said: "If you say so, Jiang Yi is very satisfied with this movie, we all know that you are from a suspense movie, so how do you evaluate the plot of the Great Wall movie?" "

Jiang Yi smiled and said, "Didn't I say that just now?" The special effects are good, and there are many stars. "

The reporters present were blindfolded.

What does it mean?

The plot avoids talking about it?

The reporter said: "If you say so, the plot is not very satisfactory?? "

Yang Mi pulled Lajiang Yi again, reminding him to stay in his mouth.

Jiang Yi: "I'm not very satisfied..."

Yang Mi breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Yi: "I haven't seen it at all, so I can't say whether I'm satisfied or dissatisfied." "

Yang Mi: "!! "


This offended Guoshi Zhang.

The reporters present were first stunned, and then it was like beating chicken blood, good guy, isn't this saying that the movie has no plot at all, or the plot is very bad?

It's not you, Director Jiang!

I really dare to say anything!

Yang Mi immediately pulled Jiang Yi and ran away.

If it goes on like this, it really means to make crazy enemies in the entertainment industry.

Originally, Jiang Yi had offended many people before, but this time, it was a movie by National Master Zhang.

The movies made before are still very popular with the audience.

Jiang Yi's words undoubtedly attracted the attention of all audiences.

Really. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The next day.

There is Jiang Yi on the hot search.

Jiang Dao Poison commented on the Great Wall without any plot!

On the eve of the release, this director dared to step on the Great Wall!

The Spring Festival file is screened, and this director is making trouble again!

In the eyes of netizens, Jiang Yi wants to rely on stepping on the Great Wall to rub the heat to attract traffic to his movie kung fu.

Such a method is too despising.

The first time I saw such a director, it was a little too mean.

Guoshi Zhang's film is still very guaranteed, and this time the young director is afraid to plant it.

The reputation of the Great Wall is not bad, I suspect that he just came to rub the heat, why is there no plot? Fighting monsters is not a plot?

Co-authored on your movie is good?

However, there are still some sober people on the Internet.

Because these people really watch multi-point screening.

I think...... Director Jiang is right.

Originally, I also felt that Director Jiang was suspected of rubbing the heat, but now it seems to be true, and the Great Wall movie is really not good.

Director Jiang is telling the truth, and now he will be sprayed if he tells the truth?

Many of them still support Director Jiang.

But such voices were quickly silenced.

After all, the audience who has seen the Great Wall is only people who have seen the movie, and there are not many people who will specifically go to the Internet to happen.

Therefore, Jiang Yi's black identity can be regarded as real.

The next day, Jiang Yi went to see the night banquet and extinction.

Not bad.

As expected, the three directors played steadily.

After watching the movie, Yang Mi was shocked.

Because these three movies, in her opinion, are really not interesting.

It's okay to watch the night party today, but when I look at the extinction, I feel blinded.

This script is really rubbish.

And what kind of live-action CG movie is this?

It looks like a model of facial features, which is too dramatic.

Yang Mi is a little lucky, fortunately she didn't participate in this movie before, otherwise she would really be embarrassed to death by her live-action CG!

Fortunately, Tang Yan took over his role.

It's thrilling.

When watching movies in the past two days, Yang Mi deliberately asked Jiang Yi to change a movie theater, just because she was afraid that Jiang Yi would open a group in front of the media again.

But he guarded against the reporter, but not Jiang Yi's pox marks.

Jiang initially updated his acne marks.

Watched three movies, small ratings predicted a wave, the Great Wall 5 points below. Extinct 4, Night Banquet barely but failed, given 5.5 points. Then.

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