Jiang Yi's wave of acne prints has been released, and he also commented that the male and female protagonists of the Great Wall and the extinct movies are strong contenders for the most disappointing male and female protagonists of their Golden Broom.

This is equivalent to offending the big capital of this Spring Festival file.

When Yang Mi saw this, she had a thousand resentment values.

She thinks Jiang Yi is too moist in the entertainment industry?

Otherwise, how to make crazy enemies in the entertainment industry!

I just don't make myself feel good!

But he is also the boss of his own company, and he really can't drive him away!

I'm a big grudge!

It's easy to imagine how this video would be commented on if it were posted online.

"Nine Seven Zero" Sure enough, as soon as the video went up, Jiang Yi once again occupied the hot search.

Now because it is already the New Year, ninety percent of netizens have nothing to do online, and they are idle at home waiting for the Spring Festival stall to begin.

The Internet is basically a hot search for several movies.

Now that Jiang Yi commented like this, isn't it easy to be on the hot search.

Not to mention that Jiang Yi's comments were so hot.

Good guys, the movie hasn't been released yet, and it's directly arranged to rate people?

What an exaggeration!

Hahaha, Director Jiang, is this going to be hacked all over the entertainment industry?

Director Jiang was originally a film critic, so it is normal to make such an evaluation, but I don't know if this evaluation is accurate.

What qualifications does he have to review other people's movies, his movies will be good! What the? Horror Cruises Rating 8.7? When I didn't speak.

Let's bury the upper floor thickly, I can't take back the fifty-meter long knife.

This sunspot is rubbing the heat again! Bah! Besides rubbing the heat, what else do you do?

Did you really watch it? Such a big scene, and the little four worked so hard, made several movies a year, and published new books, do you become famous by people who work hard in the dark?

Is this guy here again? Actually rating someone else's movie? How crazy you are!

Sure enough, his essence is still a sunspot! After all, it was black poplar honey that started.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Jiang Yi's film review also let the people related to the three movies get the news.

National Master Zhang: "? This person is the young director of Jiang Yi mentioned before? It was the first time I had met such an insolent newcomer. "

The assistant next to him said: "He is a sunspot himself, but he still has some skills, not only can be a director, but also can write songs, and the movie horror cruise ship is also very powerful, self-written and directed movie, rated 8." 7。 "

National Master Zhang: "?? "

You know, even if his movie score exceeds 9 points in a god film, he basically gets some classic scripts, although he can't stand on the shoulders of giants, but he can't write a classic script.

At best, he is a good chef, who reads the recipes and cooks and does better.

And this young man wrote his own script, directed by himself, can get such a score?

He couldn't believe it.

He was not very angry with Jiang Yi, after all, he had achieved such a position as National Master Zhang, and he had long been unconcerned about such criticism.

But Jiang Yi's strength still made him a little unhappy with his evaluation of his movie.

Say I don't have a plot?

In fact, he knew that the plot of this movie was weak.

But how to say it is also his own work, even if the plot is weak, but at least it will not be so low.

"How much strength does this kid have?"

National Master Zhang was curious. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The assistant said: "Oh yes, Director Zhang, their company, Jiaxing seems to be contacting the publishing house recently, as if to publish a book." "

National Master Zhang: "? Publishing a book? What exactly does this person do? That book was written by the director named Jiang Yi. "

This shocked him a little.

Is this guy an entertainment all-round genius?

What else could he not do?

National Master Zhang was very interested in this man's book, "Go and find the content of his book, I want to see if this young man has real kung fu in pointing Jiang Shan.........."

In the cultural circle, National Master Zhang is still very capable.

In less than an hour, I received a trial manuscript from Jiaxing to the publisher.

Less than half a book before.

The main thing is to see if there is a publisher who will accept it.

After receiving the picture, Guoshi Zhang was a little shocked when he saw the first chapter.

The things in this book are not particularly profound, but they are very informative.

Full of dry goods!

It even exceeds the current textbooks of the imperial capital film school!

Jiang Yi's movie did not surprise Director Zhang too much, but the book written by Jiang Yi surprised him.

Since ancient times, in terms of acting, there has never been a systematic teaching, some books that teach directing skills, most of them also cross the river by feeling the stones, some scattered colleges learn, basically it is better to watch those shots of acting explosions to know what acting skills are.

But this book...

You can definitely feel what acting is.


Director Zhang couldn't sit still, "Is there a publisher that accepts it at present?" "

The assistant said: "Not yet, because of this author, the reputation is not very good." "

Director Zhang thought about it, and 2.4 really is.

Jiang Yi is a complete newcomer and has no publishing experience, and Jiaxing Company cannot have the resources in this regard.

Director Zhang smiled, "This guy is really unpleasant. "

But he seemed to have some bad feelings.

This guy really has the strength to criticize himself.


Could it be that the growth city really can't?

Feng pants.

"Haha, this guy, crazy!"

He is not a good-natured person, and it is common for actresses to cry on the set.

"Just by virtue of him being qualified to evaluate my films?"

Director Feng said to his secretary: "Reply on Weibo, I will definitely visit Director Jiang's masterpiece when I have time!" "


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