Entertainment: Boss Yang’S Grand Daddy

Chapter 52 Someone Is Following (Please Vote For Flowers)

"It's not a big problem. If it's empty, it will be empty. I will arrange for people to clean it regularly."

Su Yang said lightly.

He has properties all over the country ranging from one thousand to eight hundred.

Especially in super first-tier cities such as Shanghai, Imperial Capital, and Pengcheng.

Although Su Yang has not entered the real estate industry, he has bought many houses.

These properties are all managed by dedicated staff.

Those that can be rented out are usually rented out and the rent is collected. For those that are not rented out, such as some villas, Su Yang will also arrange for someone to clean them every now and then.

The rent is already a trivial amount of money for Su Yang now.

However, small money is still money.

Anyway, there is no need for him to collect the rent himself. If he doesn’t collect it, it will be in vain.

"Is this really convenient?"

Yang Mi still hesitated.

Spending tens of millions to buy a villa for filming is a prodigal behavior no matter how you think about it.

"It doesn't matter, it's decided!"

"Nuanbao, let's go to Xiangshan with mom tomorrow, okay?"

Su Yang asked with a smile.

"Okay, okay! Nuan Bao wants to go with mom!"

Hearing Su Yang's words, Nuan Bao burst into tears and turned into a smile.

If she could go with her parents, of course she would be absolutely willing.

Seeing Nuan Bao so happy, Yang Mi knew she had no choice but to refuse.

Then let's go together.

That night, Yang Mi still slept with her daughter and Su Yang.

This is also Nuanbao’s requirement.

If the three of them don't sleep together, Nuan Bao will definitely cause trouble.

Yang Mi was definitely not used to it at first.

Although Su Yang is Nuan Bao's father, in the end he is still half a stranger.

The two of them didn't know each other very well, and they couldn't even be considered friends.

However, after sharing the same bed for a week, Yang Mi got used to it.

It's just sleeping on the same bed, it's not a big deal.

The next day, Su Yang and Yang Mi's mother and daughter set off in Yang Mi's business car.

Originally, Su Yang planned to let Yang Mi and Nuan Bao ride in a Rolls Royce.

In terms of ride experience, business cars are definitely not as good as Rolls-Royce.

However, there are too many Nuanbao items, and Yang Mi also has to put on makeup on the road.

Therefore, they gave up the Rolls-Royce and took a business car instead.

However, Rolls-Royce has not been idle either.

After the commercial vehicle set off, Wu Hao followed closely behind in a Rolls-Royce.

When he got to the place, it was impossible for Su Yang to stay away from home.

It's also more convenient to have a car.

The two cars drove out of the community one after the other.

At the same time, the paparazzi Zhuo Xiaoliu who had been watching outside the community also noticed Yang Mi's car driving out.

"Xiao Guo, hurry up, don't sleep, Yang Mi is coming out, follow her!"

Zhuo Xiaoliu slapped the sleeping driver awake.

During this period of time, he had been following Yang Mi. Although there was no substantial progress, his keen paparazzi intuition told him that as long as he persisted, he would definitely find a breakthrough.

There must be a secret about this Yang Mi.

This can be seen from the fact that Yang Mi comes out of Dongzhou Palace every morning and returns to Dongzhou Palace every night.

Yang Mi obviously lives in this place, otherwise, how could she leave early and come back late?

Therefore, if you investigate from here, you will definitely be able to find what he wants.

"Ah? Are you out? Let's go!"

The driver, Xiao Guo, was startled and almost jumped up.

After slowing down for a moment, he immediately chased after Yang Mi's car.

"That's the commercial car in front! Don't follow too close. The Rolls-Royce seems to be together with the commercial car. Don't be discovered by them."

Zhuo Xiaoliu warned.

He saw that the Rolls-Royce had been following the business car. The two cars were heading in the same direction, so they most likely set off together.

"Okay, don't worry, Brother Zhuo, I'm very good at tracking."

Xiao Guo said confidently.

He is a scout. Because I didn't have a serious job after being discharged from the army, I applied for a job at a paparazzi company.

Although his investigative experience is overqualified for paparazzi work, it can still be considered a professional counterpart.

Soon, Xiao Guo caught up with the Rolls-Royce in front.

He was cautious and followed from a distance.

Now is the morning rush hour, so no one will notice.

However, they soon realized something was wrong.

"Brother Zhuo, are Yang Mi and the others going to another place? This seems to be on the highway?"

Xiao Guo asked with a frown.

If you go to other places, the problem will be troublesome.

After all, everyone would be suspicious of a car that has been following it from Shanghai to other places.

Before, they could still blend in with other cars, but after entering other provinces, more and more people on the road would have Shang Hai's license plate.

They are easy to spot.

"Well, it's possible to go to Hengdian or Xiangshan. Let's check the situation first."

"If they really go to these two places, I will have someone wait along the road for us to change cars."

Zhuo Xiaoliu has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, so he naturally has a lot of friends.

There are people everywhere he can reach.

Presumably if they change to a few more cars, Yang Mi and the others won't be suspicious.

He didn't believe that a driver could have such keen observation.

"Okay Brother Zhuo."

Xiao Guo nodded and said nothing more.

He is a driver, as long as he doesn't lose the car, he will be fine.

As for everything else, he doesn't need to worry about it.

Soon, the car got on the highway, and then headed towards the fork in the direction of Ningcheng.

"It seems that they are going to Xiashan!"

"Maybe Yang Mi has taken on a new role!"

"Let's go over there and go directly to the Xiangshan Expressway intersection to wait for them!"

Zhuo Xiaoliu was very decisive.

Now that we have guessed the destination of Yang Mi and others, there is no need to waste time.

Just go directly to the destination and wait.

Once there, he could also change cars.


Xiao Guo responded, and at the same time, he stepped down slowly, and the car gradually began to speed up.

The commercial car Su Yang was sitting in didn't drive very fast, only 110 yards.

They don't need to rush, so naturally they don't need to go fast.

As for the Rolls-Royce, it always followed the commercial vehicle and kept a safe distance.

At the same time, Wu Hao in the Rolls-Royce also noticed the Toyota car following behind.

Wu Hao and Yang Mi have different drivers.

Wu Hao is a retired professional special forces soldier, and he is also an automobile soldier.

His sensitivity is unmatched by Yang Mi's driver, Lao Chen.

Although Xiao Guo behind him drove very cautiously and always kept a distance from them.

But Wu Hao still noticed that they were being followed.

However, Wu Hao didn't know whether the car was following him or Yang Mi in front.

If you follow him, you are following Mr. Su, which must be taken seriously.

Su Yang has been able to survive until now and has accumulated a lot of enemies.

This stalker might be the enemy being stalked.

If you were following Yang Mi, the problem would be much smaller.

The other party is most likely just a paparazzi.

Although the paparazzi is a little disgusting, it is not life-threatening.

However, after getting on the highway, Wu Hao found that the other party actually accelerated to catch up and quickly passed them.

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