Entertainment: Boss Yang’S Grand Daddy

Chapter 53: Discovered (Please Vote For Flowers)

Wu Hao took a look at the Toyota's license plate and remembered it in his mind.

Then, I immediately called Su Yang.

"Mr. Su, a Toyota drove past you and followed it all the way from Shanghai to here. It just passed us."

"I suspect someone is following us."

Wu Hao reported his doubts to Su Yang.

"Well, I understand. Tell me the license plate and I'll check who it is."

Su Yang said lightly.

Since someone was following him, he certainly couldn't just sit back and watch.

He wanted to see who was following him.

"Okay Mr. Su, the license plate is Shang A..."

Wu Hao told Su Yang the license plate he saw, and Su Yang immediately sent the license plate number to the person responsible for the investigation.

"Su Yang, maybe it's the paparazzi following me. It shouldn't matter."

Yang Mi, who was sitting in the back of the car, reminded.

As a star, being followed by paparazzi is a normal thing, and she has long been used to it.

However, Yang Mi was still a little worried.

If she was followed by the paparazzi, it meant that the paparazzi already knew that she lived in Dongzhou Haoting.

If there was any bad scandal, she wouldn't care, as she was afraid it would affect Su Yang.

"Haha, if it's a paparazzi, that's fine."

Su Yang smiled lightly.

If it was really a paparazzi, there would be nothing to be nervous about.

He was worried about harming his competitors.

The paparazzi will not come to kill them, but competitors, it is really possible to kill Su Yang.

Yang Mi didn't understand what Su Yang meant, so she didn't say anything more.

The road from Shanghai to Ningchen is quite far, and it takes about three hours to drive.

There is also a cross-sea bridge passing through in the middle.

It was the first time for Xiao Nuanbao to see the sea, and he suddenly became excited.

"Dad, dad, it's the sea, it's the sea!"

Nuan Bao said happily.

"Yes, Nuanbao hasn't been to the beach yet, has he?"

Su Yang asked with a smile.

"Nuan Bao has never been there! Dad, can Nuan Bao go to the sea to play?"

Nuan Bao looked at Su Yang expectantly and asked.

"Of course you can. When mom goes on vacation, dad will take you to the beach together, okay?"

Su Yang asked with a smile.


Nuan Bao clapped his hands, obviously wanting to go to the beach.

Yang Mi didn't say anything.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, so it’s okay to go to the beach then.

The crew also has a holiday during the Chinese New Year.

Just happened to be taking my kids to play.

The family was talking and laughing and seemed very happy.

About half an hour later, Su Yang received the message.

"Yang Mi, you are being followed by the paparazzi. It is a man named Zhuo Xiaoliu."

Su Yang told Yang Mi the investigated information.

He usually doesn't pay much attention to the entertainment industry, and he basically doesn't pay attention to gossip and other information.

Therefore, he only knew a few famous movie stars, but he didn't know Zhuo Xiaoliu.

"It's actually Zhuo Xiaoliu? This is a troublesome guy."

Hearing Su Yang's words, Yang Mi's brows suddenly frowned.

Zhuo Xiaoliu is the most powerful paparazzi in the entertainment industry.

Basically, I was targeted by him, more or less to find out something.

If it were the past, Yang Mi wouldn't panic.

She has nothing dirty to expose.

Yang Mi has been hacked for so many years, and the basic black material is foot odor and the like.

There's nothing you can do about it, there's really nothing to be black about, you can only do it from these places that aren't considered black.

But it's different now.

Yang Mi has a warm treasure, this is an indisputable fact.

Once Zhuo Xiaoliu found out that Yang Mi had a daughter and it was exposed.

Yang Mi herself didn't care. What she was most afraid of was that her daughter would not be able to live a peaceful life from now on.

Yang Mi doesn't want her daughter to appear in public since she was a child, and then have to wear a mask whenever she goes out at a young age.

This is definitely very detrimental to my daughter's childhood.

In order to achieve higher status, some artists will use children as a tool to increase their fame.

Take them to various variety shows, participate in various programs, participate in various TV series, movies, etc.

But Yang Mi wouldn't do that.

She is considered a child star herself and knows how much pressure child stars face.

Yang Mi just wants her daughter to grow up healthy.

Now that Zhuo Xiaoliu is eyeing her, Yang Mi is still very nervous.

"Haha, it's okay, it's just a paparazzi, no matter how troublesome it is, it's not a trouble!"

Su Yang smiled lightly and then said:

"Just let him take the photos openly. I want to see if he can post the videos and images after he takes them!"

Su Yang sneered.

Don’t think that paparazzi can be lawless and invade artists’ privacy wantonly.

As long as Su Yang wanted to, he could tell Zhuo Xiaoliu to shut up at any time.

"Well, no matter what, we still have to be careful. We must not let them take a frontal photo of Nuan Bao."

Yang Mi warned.

"Do not worry"

Su Yang nodded.

Another hour later, Nuan Bao had fallen asleep in the car, and Yang Mi was also a little drowsy.

Fortunately, the destination was almost here. Lao Chen turned on the turn signal and finally left the highway and entered the service road.

Then, we successfully passed the toll booth and left the expressway.

As soon as he left the highway, Wu Hao, who was following behind, saw a car parked on the side of the road and followed him.

This is a Volkswagen car with a local license plate.

As for the previous Toyota car, I don’t know where it went.

"Mr. Su, two cars followed, they must be paparazzi's too."

Wu Hao immediately told Su Yang what he saw.

When they were in the service area, Su Yang had already sat in the Rolls-Royce with Yang Mi and Nuan Bao.

As for the business car, there were only Lao Chen, Tang Rong and two servants who came to take care of them.

"Well, it's okay. Let's go separately. Let Lao Chen and the others go to the film and television city, and we will go directly to the villa area."

Su Yang said lightly.

The other party only had one car, so he wanted to see who he was following.


Wu Hao nodded.

Then, when passing an intersection, he turned right, and the commercial vehicle headed towards the film and television city.

"Brother Zhuo, the two cars are separated!"

"Who are we following?"

Xiao Guo shouted and immediately told Zhuo Xiaoliu about the situation.

"Don't shout, I saw it!"

Zhuo Xiaoliu frowned, and then made a decision immediately.

"Follow the commercial car. I believe Yang Mi must be in that car."

"As for the Rolls-Royce, it should be with Yang Mi, but the person sitting on it should be the financial backer behind Yang Mi."

"Let's keep an eye on Yang Mi. One day we will know who this sponsor is."

Zhuo Xiaoliu analyzed.

There is a certain risk in following the sponsor. After all, he is not sure who the sponsor is.

If it's a master he can't afford to offend, he'll be in trouble.

Don't think that paparazzi can really investigate everyone lawlessly. They don't dare to investigate anyone who is truly capable.

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