Entertainment: Boss Yang’S Grand Daddy

Chapter 72 Nervous Rich Second Generations

Yang Mi didn't think there was anything wrong with Su Yang's words.

Isn’t my daughter my own princess?

"Nuanbao, are you feeling uncomfortable in these clothes? If you are uncomfortable, tell daddy immediately, okay?"

"Never force yourself to dress!"

Su Yang asked with concern.

He simply celebrated Nuan Bao's birthday today, rather than trying to use his daughter to do something.

Some people will create an image of loving their daughter for themselves, and then use their daughter to negotiate cooperation with other big guys on their daughter's birthday.

Therefore, they don't care how their daughter is, whether she is happy or not, or whether the clothes she wears are comfortable or not.

As long as you can achieve your own goals, that's enough.

But Su Yang is definitely not such a person.

Although the princess costume has been cleaned, there is no need to worry about allergies.

But this skirt may still be burdensome for children.

Therefore, whenever Nuan Bao feels tired, he will immediately ask someone to change her clothes.

"Dad, there is no discomfort! Nuanbao is wearing well!"

Nuan Bao shook his head and continued:

"Nuanbao wants to wear such a beautiful dress all day long!"

After the little girl finished speaking, she couldn't help but touch her beautiful skirt with her little hands.

To her, this dress is so beautiful.

The little girl is not even willing to get a little dirty.

"Okay, if you're tired, just tell dad, okay?"

Su Yang said with a smile.

Seeing that his daughter liked this princess dress so much, he was relieved.

"Well, Dad, I know!"

Nuan Bao said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go play. There should be many children coming to play with you soon!"

Lin Yuankai called just now and they have already set off, so they will probably arrive in half an hour.

The children of those big bosses also came with them.

They met at the gate of the community, waited for everyone to arrive, and then came in together.

"Really? Nuanbao will have many friends?"

Nuan Bao asked with some anticipation.

She has basically played alone since she was a child.

Yang Mi didn't dare to take Nuan Bao to make friends because she wanted to keep it a secret.

Therefore, Nuanbao is still looking forward to the arrival of friends.

"Of course it's true. These children will be Nuanbao's friends from now on."

Su Yang smiled and nodded.

Although these people who are about to come to the family are all children, they will basically be the heirs of their own family businesses in the future.

Of course 13, the premise is that their enterprises can develop in a long-term and stable manner.

However, generally this is not a problem.

They are all companies that have been developing for decades, and their current performance is quite good, so they will not collapse suddenly.

When Nuanbao grows up, these friends who grew up together can become partners who help each other in business.

A family fortune as big as Su Yang's will be handed over to Nuan Bao sooner or later.

More friends can also provide more escape routes.

"Yeah, daddy, Nuanbao likes friends best!"

Nuan Bao nodded repeatedly.

She was very happy when she heard that a friend was coming.

"Okay, you have to entertain your children in a while. They may be a little confused when they come here for the first time!"

"For those children who don't like to talk, you have to take the initiative to entertain them!"

Su Yang warned.

Not all children are lively and cheerful.

If you have dull children, you must have lively children to liven up the atmosphere with them.

As Nuanbao's host, this task naturally has to be entrusted to her.

"Dad, don't worry! Nuanbao will take care of your good friends!"

Nuan Bao swore and patted his chest to make sure, looking like a little adult.

"Okay, then Dad can rest assured!"

Su Yang also had a smile on his face.

This little guy has quite the demeanor of his childhood.

Half an hour later, Su Yang received a call from Lin Yuankai.

"Hey, brother, I'm here! I'll bring some of my friends in soon. You open the gate of the manor and we'll drive in directly!"

Lin Yuankai is quite familiar with this place.

When he has nothing to do, he will come over to Su Yang's place to eat and drink.

You can't blame him for this. Who allowed Su Yang to have an apprentice of the God of Cooking here?

Who doesn’t love to eat the dishes cooked by Master Chef’s apprentices?

"I know, just come in!"

After Su Yang finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Brothers, let's go in!"

Lin Yuankai put away the phone and waved to the motorcade behind him.

There were a total of eleven cars coming this time.

There were at least four people sitting in each vehicle.

Apart from the driver, there is a family of three or four.

Some parents gave birth to twins or twins who were one or two years apart, so they brought their children over.

"Young Master Lin, I suddenly feel a little nervous!"

Ding Siyuan said with a bitter smile.

This is the first time he has faced a big boss like Su Yang alone, and he is really nervous.

"It's okay, Old Ding. My brother Su looks indifferent, but he is still very easy to get along with."

"As long as you don't bluster and act like you're a second-generation rich man, I, Brother Su, won't embarrass you.

Lin Yuankai's words were specially given.

Some people sometimes don't understand the situation clearly.

Especially these rich second generations.

Usually they are used to being arrogant and domineering.

Even if you are facing people of the same level, sometimes your personality will come up as soon as you say it.

Their family has a big business, so of course there is no problem.

However, this time they faced Su Yang, and they had to put away this character.

In front of Su Yang, they must regard themselves as ordinary people, not the top rich second generation.

It doesn't matter even if you get along with Su Yang as an equal.

But if you have that superior feeling, then Su Yang won't be polite.

"Young Master Lin, what you said is too exaggerated! How dare we be so superior in front of Mr. Su?"

Ding Siyuan smiled bitterly.

In front of such a big boss, let alone the rich second generation like them, even their father would not dare to act arrogant.

"Haha, don't be nervous. You don't have to pay too much attention to what your parents say. Today is my daughter's birthday, Brother Su. If you are too restrained, the children will not have fun.

Lin Yuankai smiled and waved his hand, then said:

"Let's do this. You guys will walk over with me later and call me 'Brother Su' like me. Don't call me Su!"

"My brother Su is about the same age as us, so he won't care so much."

"Relax, relax, that's the most important thing!"

Lin Yuankai promised in front of Su Yang that these children would definitely spend a happy birthday with his eldest niece.

If this is because parents are too nervous and restrain their children at the same time, wouldn't it be tantamount to ruining the situation?

Therefore, before entering the door, he felt that it was not necessary to give some advice.

"Okay, since you said so, Mr. Lin, then we have an idea."

"When the time comes, please give me some advice from Mr. Lin."

Ding Siyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Although I am still nervous, I am feeling much better.

"Do not worry!"

Lin Yuankai smiled, then sat back on the Lamborghini Bull, taking the lead and driving into the community.

The security guards in the community here all know him, and Su Yang greeted him in advance, so no one will stop him.

After the Lamborghini drove in, other luxury cars immediately followed.

These luxury cars are either Bentley or Rolls-Royce, and the prices are around 10 million.

If this lineup appeared on the road at the same time, people who didn't know it would think that some rich man was getting married.

Except for a few people, most of the second generation came to Dongzhou Palace for the first time.

As for Dongyuan, this is the first time.

"Hubby, who is this Mr. Su? How can he live in Dongyuan?"

When the car drove out of the community and entered the Dongyuan Manor, Ding Siyuan's wife, who was sitting in the back seat of the Rolls-Royce with her son Ding Kaile, couldn't help but ask.

Ding Siyuan's wife is named Ye Manqiao.

She is also a wealthy daughter herself.

However, she still has a brother in her family.

Therefore, the family's property is basically given to the brothers.

Of course, the family did not treat her badly and gave her a large share of the family property.

At the same time, I was given a good home.

Wealthy families like them always pay attention to being well-matched when marrying.

Those who are not from the right family will not be able to enter a wealthy family.

Even if the second generation likes it very much, their parents will not agree.

This is also what Yang Mi was worried about before.

Although she has become her own boss, he is working hard to become a rich man.

But compared with these top capitals, her little fortune is nothing at all.

In a sense, she and Su Yang were not in the same family.

However, Su Yang didn't care.

He was originally born from a grassroots in this world.

As he said to Yang Mi before, as long as the other half's family is clean and he himself is clean, then Su Zi doesn't mind whether the other person is of noble birth.

Of course, this is all beside the point.

Ye Manqiao is also a daughter of a wealthy family, but she has never heard of the name Su Yang and has no idea what Su Yang does.

However, she knew that the people who lived in Dongzhou Palace were not simple.

Su Yang can live in Dongyuan Manor in Dongzhou Palace, so his status and background must be very powerful.

Therefore, she really wanted to know what kind of boss this was.

"I don't know the specifics."

Ding Siyuan smiled bitterly:

"My dad didn't tell me in detail, he just told me to be respectful to Mr. Su!"

Ding Siyuan wanted to know more about Su Yang's identity, but if his father didn't tell him, he had no way of knowing.

In this case, first establish a relationship with Su Yang.

As for the rest, let’s talk about it later.

"Honey, you must be more respectful to Mr. Su later. You can't make any mistakes!"

Ding Siyuan couldn't help but warned.

"Don't worry, husband, don't you know what kind of person I am?"

Ye Manqiao smiled.

After all, she is also the daughter of a wealthy family, so she naturally knows these etiquette.

"Ah That's good!"

Ding Siyuan nodded.

The same explanation is also happening in other luxury cars.

After everyone finished explaining, the car finally arrived at the gate of the manor.

"Husband, this manor is really big! It's bigger than our home in the suburbs!"

Looking at the huge manor, even a wealthy lady like Ye Manqiao couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes, it is really amazing to own such a large manor in the city center where land is at a premium!"

Ding Siyuan nodded slightly.

At least, their family would never be willing to buy such a manor with so much cash in the city.

Even if I could afford it, I wouldn't be willing to spend the money.

While talking, the car drove into the manor.

There is a short tree-lined path from the gate of the manor to the main villa of the manor.

There are various tall trees on both sides of the tree-lined path.

Seeing these tall trees, Ding Siyuan couldn't help but swallow again.

"Honey, this Mr. Su is really too powerful. Just the trees in this small forest are probably worth hundreds of millions."

"Hundreds of millions? Real or fake? Husband, what kind of trees are these? So expensive?"

Ye Manqiao asked curiously.

"Look at that, it should be a huanghuali book. It seems to be at least a hundred years old. If this tree was used to make furniture, it would cost millions.

"And that sycamore tree and the agarwood tree over there, each one is valuable."

"Some trees are simply not suitable for planting in our area."

"It is estimated that the annual maintenance cost of these books is no less than 100 million."

Ding Siyuan is not an ignorant rich second generation, he knows these valuable things very well.

Don’t think that the rich second generation only knows about foreign luxury goods such as LV and Fragrant Grandma.

These things are just the prices given by the brand, and the value itself is not very high.

But the luxuries made from these trees are the real luxuries.

In other words, these traditional luxuries of Daxia are the real luxuries.

This is something only the top rich can enjoy.

Can ordinary people afford a table worth millions or even tens of millions?

"Oh my God! Isn't this too exaggerated? This kind of thing is not a tree, but money, right?"

Ye Manqiao swallowed hard.

It's not like she has never seen a million-level tree.

There are several trees planted in their villa in the city.

Each tree is probably around 2 million.

This is already a sky-high price.

However, this manor has a small forest planted there.

How much does this 970 cost?

Even if they are the top rich second generation, they have never seen such a luxurious scene.

"Yes, in terms of wealth, our two families together may not be able to compare with Mr. Su.

"Or to put it more exaggeratedly, the second generations of us here today may not even be able to compare to Mr. Su."

"He may be the real richest man in our country."

Through a forest, Ding Siyuan directly guessed part of Su Yang's strength.

Ordinary people may think that the richest people are those who are on the list.

But they, the second generation, know that the real richest man is very low-key.

Their names never appear on the rankings.

In other words, a mere ranking list cannot measure the wealth of these top rich people.

The amount of wealth they own and the number of companies they control are simply unimaginable.

"It's so scary!"

Ye Manqiao couldn't help sighing.

After passing through the tree-lined path, the main villa finally appeared in front of us.

Then, under the command of the manor staff, the car stopped in an open space in the manor.

There are parking spaces painted on this open space for guests who come to the manor.

There is a large open space, and it is absolutely no problem to park 20 or 30 cars.

After parking the car, the second generation of the Japanese group took their children out of the car.

There are a total of eleven second-generation people with fifteen children.

Three of the families had two children.

Among the children in these three families, one pair is twin brothers, one pair is twin sisters, and one pair is twins.

Fifteen children, all dressed up nicely.

Boys wear small suits and dresses with bow ties.

The girls wore beautiful princess dresses.

Of course, their princess dresses are just ordinary princess dresses. Although they are also high-end custom-made, they are much inferior to Nuanbao's princess dresses.

After the children and their parents got off the bus, housekeeper Luo Qian came to greet them.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen!"

"I am the housekeeper of Dongyuan, my name is Luo Qian!"

"Next, I will lead you to the villa!"

"Mr. Su, Ms. Yang and Miss Nuanbao are already waiting for your arrival!"

As Luo Qian spoke, he made an invitation gesture to everyone.

Her attitude is neither humble nor arrogant.

It's not because he is a housekeeper that he feels inferior in front of so many rich young men.

He didn't feel arrogant because he was from Su Yang.

After a few words, everyone realized that this housekeeper was not a simple person.

"Okay, then I'll ask Butler Luo to lead the way!"

Ding Siyuan took the initiative to speak.

"You're welcome! Everyone, please!"

Accompanied by Luo Qian, everyone walked around a building and arrived at the gate of the main villa.

Immediately afterwards, they saw a tall figure standing at the gate of the main villa.

In his right hand, he held a little girl who looked like a fairy descending from heaven.

To the right of the little girl, everyone saw a familiar figure.

"Fuck! Damn Mi!".

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