Entertainment: Boss Yang’S Grand Daddy

Chapter 73 You Are Uncle Huangmao

Lin Yuankai swore directly.

He never expected that his eldest niece's biological mother was actually Da Mimi.

Who doesn’t know about Da Mimi?

This is the top of the entertainment industry.

Although celebrities in the entertainment industry cannot enter the circle of second-generation people like them, these second-generation people also know celebrities in the entertainment industry.

Who else could the person in front of me be if she wasn't Da Mimi?

However, Lin Yuankai never expected that Nuan Bao's mother was actually Damimi.

Damimi can appear here and stand with Su Yang, holding Nuan Bao in her hand.

There was no need to doubt her identity.

As for the other second generations, they were also very surprised.

The first thing they were surprised by was Su Yang.

Originally they thought Su Yang was an uncle who was at least forty years old.

Although Lin Yuankai said that Su Yang is about the same age as them.

But most of them are around thirty.

Thirty and forty are indeed similar, they are both of the same generation.

Who would have thought that Su Yang looks like a young man in his twenties.

Although his temperament is extraordinary, his age cannot be faked. He looks like a young man at first glance.

Then, they were shocked by Yang Mi.

Daxia's top female star actually stood next to Su Yang, and even held a child with Su Yang.

In other words, Yang Mi is probably already married, and the person she is marrying is still a super rich man.

In addition, she also has a child with her marriage partner.

Even the child is three years old.

Such a big thing was not revealed at all online.

Isn't this confidentiality work a little too good?

However, the second generation of rich people will not directly swear like Lin Yuankai.

Lin Yuankai and Su Yang are brothers, they are just guests.

As a guest, how can you use foul language to the hostess?

"What the hell! Call me sister-in-law!"

Su Yang rolled her eyes at Lin Yuankai angrily.

This guy just has a bad mouth, but there is nothing wrong with his character.

"Hey, sister-in-law! Sorry, sorry, I didn't expect you to be Nuanbao's biological mother!"

Lin Yuankai said with a smile.

As he spoke, he took out a gift box and handed it to Yang Mi and Nuan Bao.

"Sister-in-law, please don't dislike this little greeting gift!"

"You are Yuan Kai, right? Thank you for your gift! Su Yang always mentions you in front of me!"

Yang Mi took the gift from Lin Yuankai with a smile.

She had heard Su Yang introduce Lin Yuankai before, so she knew what kind of person he was.

She knew that Lin Yuankai grew up with Su Yang.

Although Su Yang didn't say it, in his heart he regarded Lin Yuankai as his biological brother.

Su Yang's biological brother is Yang Mi's biological brother. She will naturally treat others with basic courtesy.

"Thank you sister-in-law!"

Lin Yuankai smiled, then took out a gift box and handed it to Nuan Bao:

"Nuan Bao, do you still remember who your uncle is?"

Lin Yuankai asked expectantly.

"Huh? I don't remember!"

Nuan Bao tilted his head and thought for a moment, then his face became depressed, he shook his head seriously and directly denied it.


Hearing this, Lin Yuankai almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Is his 100 million gift of love wasted in vain?

This little girl turned her back on her in the blink of an eye.

The key is that he seemed to have thought very carefully before saying something he didn't understand.

Does this count as sincerity is the ultimate skill?

"Nuan Bao, how can you not know your uncle? Your uncle also gave you a little green rabbit!"

Lin Yuankai also tried to use the gifts he gave to stimulate Nuan Bao's memory.

That little imperial green rabbit was carefully selected by him. It should give Nuan Bao some memories, right?

Sure enough, after hearing Lin Yuankai's words, Nuan Bao's eyes suddenly lit up and he blurted out:

"You are Uncle Huangmao!"

"But Uncle Huangmao's hair is yellow, why is your hair black?"

The little guy doesn’t know that there is such a thing as hair dyeing in this world.

So, she was curious why yellow hair could change color.

"Pfft! Little girl, you do remember this!"

Lin Yuankai smiled bitterly.

It seems that before Nuan Bao goes to school, he will never be able to take off the title of "Yellow-haired Uncle".

But that’s fine, it’s much better than the little guy not remembering anything at all.

"Of course Nuanbao remembers Uncle Huangmao. The little bunny that Uncle Huangmao gave him, Nuanbao has been wearing!"

After Nuan Bao finished speaking, he took out the imperial green rabbit from his arms.

Usually, she would hold this rabbit in her hand and play with it.

But today, she wore it on her neck.

It complements the dress on her body.

"Haha, just remember it, just remember it~!"

"Uncle brought you a lot of friends today. Can you play with the children later?"

Lin Yuankai said with a smile.


Nuan Bao nodded vigorously.

Her father had already told her about this kind of thing, of course she understood.

Then, Lin Yuan introduced Su Yang and Yang Mi to everyone.

"Young masters, this Su Yang is my eldest brother!"

"You don't need me to introduce this Yang Mi, my sister-in-law? Everyone knows her, right?"

"This is my eldest niece, Su Nuanxi, whose nickname is Nuanbao. Everyone can just call her Nuanbao!"

Lin Yuankai briefly introduced the identities of Su Yang's family of three.

Then, all the young men and young ladies came up to shake hands with Su Yang and say hello.

"Brother Su, hello, hello, I am Ding Siyuan, my father is the chairman of Shanghai Dingtong Group, Ding Chengming!"

"This is my wife Ye Manqiao and my son!"

Ding Siyuan came up and reported himself to his family.

In front of Su Yang, he is a nobody.

Only his father might be able to catch Su Zi's eye.


Su Yang smiled and greeted Ding Siyuan's family of three, and then said:

"It turns out you are Lao Ding's son! I haven't seen Lao Ding in many years. Go back and tell your father that we can come out and play ball together when you have time!"

Play ball?

Hearing this, Ding Siyuan's eyes suddenly lit up.

Playing ball is an important means of establishing good relationships.

He did not expect that the first meeting would create an opportunity for his father and Su Yang to meet.

Today, even if there is no other progress, this alone is enough.

Of course, Ding Siyuan also knew that Su Yang was definitely not talking about playing basketball or table tennis.

If they play at this level, they must play Fulf.

Golf can be said to be a status symbol for high-end people.

The cost of any game starts at hundreds of thousands.

In fact, what they are playing is not the ball, but their identity.

"Okay, okay, Brother Su, it's an honor for my father to play with you. I'll make him ready when we get back!"

Ding Siyuan said with a smile.

The other eldest young men and eldest ladies all showed envious expressions on their faces.

Then they all walked up to introduce themselves and delivered the prepared gifts to Nuan Bao.

Su Yang naturally made Nuan Bao accept it.

These gifts are expensive, but they are nothing here in Su Yang.

Just find a reason to return the gift in the future.

In other words, making an appointment with the elders of these people, playing ball, having a meal, and doing a favor can be regarded as returning the favor.

After handing over the gift, Su Yang then set his sights on Ding Kaile.

This little guy seems to be very lively and looks very similar to his parents.

However, the little guy may have received many warnings from his parents before coming, so he seemed a little restrained.

"Is this your son? What's his name?"

Su Yang cast his gaze on Ding Kaile and asked with a smile.

"Brother Su, my son's name is Ding Kaile! He is three and a half years old this year and has already gone to kindergarten."

"Kaile, please call uncle!"

Ding Siyuan urged.

"Hello, uncle!"

Ding Kaile shouted obediently.

"So good!"

"Nuanbao, please bring Brother Kaile and the other children to sit at home!"

Su Yang knew that he would definitely bring pressure to these parents.

Before coming, their parents probably told them to be careful.

However, this is not what Su Yang wants to see.

He also hopes that everyone can happily play with Nuanbao.


"Brother Kaile, brothers, sisters, younger brothers and sisters, let's go play!"

Nuan Bao took the initiative to step forward and pulled the children to his side, and then more than a dozen cute children returned to the villa together.

Needless to say, these children have very good personalities.

Generous and well-behaved, it is obvious that they have received professional education.

They are all children of wealthy families. From birth, they receive various enlightenment educations and are instilled with correct values.

Therefore, the kind of ignorant rich second generation shown in movies rarely appears in real life.

For example, Wang Xiaocong, whom Su Yang met before.

Don't look at his usual idle life. He goes to bars, drives luxury cars and chases Internet celebrities every day.

But when people get serious, they can sit down and talk to politicians and communicate with business bosses.

This is the ability that has been cultivated since childhood.

You can usually not use it, but you can't live without it.

As for Su Yang and Yang Mi, they also led everyone back to the villa.

Several children were already playing in the hall of the villa.

This hall was originally a living room, but since the arrival of Nuanbao, it has been transformed into an indoor children's castle by Su Yang.

It's like Toy Story inside, you can see all kinds of toys.

There are everything that flies in the sky, runs on the ground, and swims in the water.

The kids were clearly having a great time.

Children who were not very active at first, under the influence of Nuanbao and several cheerful children, started to relax and play.

The children are playing inside, and servants are guarding outside, keeping an eye on each child to ensure that each child's safety is protected to the maximum extent.

On the other side, Su Yang was also sitting in the living room chatting with a group of people.

"Brother, you and your sister-in-law have concealed this very well, haven't you? Nuan Bao is already three years old, and no news has come out at all?"

"My sister-in-law is the best among the best! This is incredible."

Lin Yuankai sat on the sofa, as if he were at home, not showing any signs of outsiders.

I'm afraid he was the only one here who dared to speak like this.

Likewise, he was the only one who dared to gossip about Yang Mi and Su Yang.

"Yes, we concealed it very well indeed."

Yang Mi glanced at Su Yang, and after confirming that she agreed with her fabrication, she continued:

"Back then, Su Yang and I were together just in time to break up with Jiaxing and sign a gambling agreement."

"I was worried that the news about my pregnancy and childbirth would affect my career, so I didn't publicize it."

In front of outsiders, face is earned by oneself.

Yang Mi would not tell this stupidly

Among the second generation, she and Su Yang had their first child out of wedlock.

Anyway, now that she and Su Yang have established a relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend, there is no problem with her making up some random things.

"Good guy! Brother, you are so awesome, you even hid it from me!"

Lin Yuankai curled his lips and said with some complaint.

However, he is also very smart and realizes that there must be something he doesn't know.

But Lin Yuankai also knows that there are some things that are difficult to ask now, because they are actually difficult to say.

"'.々Hehe, your elder brother didn’t hide it from you on purpose!"

Yang Mi glanced at Su Yang and took the initiative to say:

"Isn't this to protect me to the greatest extent! What if you drink too much and talk nonsense?"

"Your elder brother said that you are very unreliable even if you are unreliable!"

"a ha ha ha!"

After Yang Mi finished speaking, everyone present burst into laughter.

They and Lin Yuankai were all familiar with each other, so they naturally knew what kind of person Lin Yuankai was.

"Oh my God, sister-in-law, please don't listen to my eldest brother's nonsense! I will definitely keep everything between you and my eldest brother secret!"

Lin Yuankai raised his hand and took the oath:

"Also, so are you. Before my sister-in-law makes it official, none of you are allowed to tell anyone!"

Lin Yuankai is very good at things.

This was originally Yang Mi's request to everyone.

After all, it's not the right time for her to reveal her secrets.

But if she had to say it herself, she would be asking these second-generation people to keep their mouths shut, which would cause Su Yang's face to be lost.

For a person of Su Yang's status, face is very important.

However, if you don’t specifically remind them, you are worried that these second-generation people will not take it seriously and will gossip with others later.

Therefore, the best choice is to let a capable outsider speak.

From this point of view, Lin Yuankai seems very suitable.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin, none of us are talkative people!"

"We will definitely keep it secret about Sister Su and won't say a word!"

Ding Siyuan was the first to express his attitude.

With him taking the lead, the young men and women behind him also spoke one after another:

"That's right, don't worry, Sister Su, we won't talk nonsense."

"Sister-in-law Su, feel free to worry!"

"Sister-in-law Su, we won't talk nonsense, but having said that, you are really more beautiful and have a better figure than on TV.

"Yes, Mrs. Su has not changed at all after giving birth to her child. Look at me, even if I insist on medical beauty treatments, I still have fat on my belly."

"Sure enough, people are more irritating than others."

These second-generation people usually have their eyes set high above their heads.

They can be humble when facing people of the same level.

Facing these celebrities in the entertainment industry, (Li Qianzhao)'s status has never been equal to them.

However, today in the manor, they completely regarded Yang Mi as a person of the same level.

"Haha, then I'll thank you all first!"

Yang Mi breathed a sigh of relief.

Since these young men and women have promised to keep it secret, she doesn't need to worry.

Then, Yang Mi started chatting with Shiqun mothers as the hostess.

As for Su Yang, she was chatting with her dads.

He didn't have any airs today and always kept a light smile on his face.

Lin Yuankai was stunned at this scene.

After so many years, he really didn't see his eldest brother acting like this.

Could it be that love really makes people change so much?

In fact, Su Yang did this just for fun.

In order for Nuan Bao to have a happy birthday, he, as a father, must not be livid.

If he gets upset, other parents will be scared too.

Parents are scared and worried, can their children still play freely?

Nuanbao played here for a long time, and then it was time to eat.

Lunch is a light meal, but dinner is the highlight.

But even though it is a simple meal, it is still very rich.

After lunch, Su Yang arranged a rest room for all the families.

His villa is very large and can be arranged completely.

However, the only ones who really went to rest were the mothers and their children.

Dads are used to such social situations.

After sending the wife and children to the room, they went out to drink tea and chat with Su Yang.

By the way, you can also ask some business questions, or whether there are any opportunities for cooperation.

Before they came, they were specially warned by the elders of the family.

If you have the opportunity, I will definitely ask you some useful questions.

If some cooperation is achieved, that would be even better.

Su Yang did not hesitate to give advice. He could think of some solutions to some of the problems raised by the other party.

He has been a man for two lifetimes and has made such great achievements in this lifetime. His vision is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

After chatting with Su Yang, these second-generation people all felt that they had benefited a lot. .

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