Entertainment: Boss Yang’S Grand Daddy

Chapter 86 My Father-In-Law Is Here

After Yang Mi finished drinking the soup, she and Su Yang went back to the second bedroom to sleep.

It's too late now, Tang Rong has also fallen asleep with Nuan Bao, and it's not appropriate for them to disturb her again.

Not long after returning to the room, Yang Mi fell into a deep sleep.

She was really tired this day.

Su Yang didn't bother either.

Looking at Yang Mi's sleeping face, she left the room after a moment of silence.

Immediately afterwards, he took out his mobile phone and called several people.

After making the phone call, I went back to the room to rest.

The next day, everything in Yang Mi returned to normal.

Then he went to work.

As for Su Yang, she continues to play with her children at home.

Another week passed like this.

On this day, Su Yang was playing with Nuanbao at home when she suddenly received a call from Yang Mi.

"Hey, Mimi, what's wrong? Miss me?"

Su Yang asked with a smile.

Since the relationship with Yang Mi has become closer and closer, he sometimes starts to speak playfully.

If you don't tease your girlfriend, you won't tease her.

"Disgusting! Who misses you? I need your help with something!"

Yang Mi screamed.

"Huh? Just say whatever you want! If I can do it, I will definitely do it. If I can't, I will find a way!"

Su Yang said with a smile.

"Hehe, it's not a big deal."

Yang Mi laughed playfully and then said:

"My parents came to Shanghai to see Nuanbao, and I want you to pick them up!"

Are your parents coming to Shanghai?

Su Yang was stunned for a moment.

Only then did he remember that Yang Mi was different from him.

Su Yang is a time traveler. He came to this world as an orphan, without a father or a mother.

But Yang Mi’s family is complete.

My parents are very loving.

Although their family is just an ordinary family, Yang's father is a retired policeman, and Yang's mother also worked in the workplace before she retired.

They are natives of the Imperial Capital. They originally lived in a large house, but after it was demolished, they lived in the high-rise building "223". In the Imperial Capital, a place where land is very expensive, they also have their own house.

Having a house in the Imperial Capital is already considered a victory over most people in the Imperial Capital.

Therefore, it can be said that their family's situation is still very good.

Later, when Yang Mi became rich, she bought a villa for her family in the imperial capital.

Usually, the old couple grows vegetables and raises dogs in the villa, which is very comfortable.

This time the old couple came to Shanghai, saying they wanted to see Nuanbao, but actually they wanted to see Su Yang, the legendary son-in-law.

Of course, the old couple knew that the marriage their daughter said was definitely a lie.

On the day of Yang Mi's official announcement, they called their daughter.

Therefore, I know that this is just a lie made up by my daughter to protect her own image.

Although it was a lie, Yang Mi also admitted that she was already with Su Yang.

It's just that I have been busy during this period, so I refused my parents' request to come to see my future son-in-law.

Until these days, I really couldn't survive it, so I had no choice but to ask my parents to come.

After listening to Yang Mi's explanation, Su Yang's expression recovered.

"No problem, son-in-law Tian also wants to meet his father-in-law and mother-in-law."

"Send me the photos of your uncle and aunt, and then give me your flight information, and I will pick them up!"

Su Yang said with a smile.

He was completely different from other sons-in-law. He didn't feel the slightest bit nervous about meeting his future father-in-law and mother-in-law.

This is the confidence that great strength brings.

Su Yang is confident that with his own conditions, he can satisfy all the father-in-laws and mothers-in-law in the world.

If even a son-in-law like Su Yang is not satisfied, then I'm afraid no man in the world can catch their eye.

"Su Yang, do you want to pick him up in person?"

Yang Mi was stunned and then said:

"There's no need to go to such trouble, just ask the driver to pick you up."

Yang Mi knew that Su Yang's identity was unusual.

Being a driver seems inappropriate.

Even if it’s the big boss’s future father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Moreover, Yang Mi also knew that Su Yang had many drivers.

There are seven people on duty in the driver's class every day.

This is still someone taking a break every day.

In fact, Yang Mi herself didn't know how many people there were.

In fact, not all of these drivers need to drive for Su Yang.

Some are specifically responsible for purchasing cars for the estate.

The manor is so big, there are many people, and there are a lot of daily necessities and various vegetables and fruits that are needed every day.

It is simply impossible for one or two servants to buy back so many things.

Therefore, it is very appropriate to let the driver drive the big car to purchase.

Of course, a lot of food is also delivered to your door.

This is especially true for the kind of fresh-keeping products that are shipped directly via international air freight.

"It's okay. It just so happens that I don't have anything to do right now. I'll take Nuanbao with me to pick it up."

Su Yang said with a smile.

Nuan Bao just heard that Su Yang said that grandma and grandpa were here, and he was also shouting to pick up grandma and grandpa.

Therefore, Su Yang could only stay.

"Okay, okay, then I'll send you the flight information!"

Yang Mi smiled and nodded without saying anything else.

Su Yang was willing to pick her up in person, which already made her very happy.

After all, many bosses like Su Yang look down on their wives' parents.

In their eyes, these are ordinary people.

And they are aloof.

How can a high-ranking person look down on ordinary people?

But Su Yang is completely different.

Yang Mi can tell from Su Yang's willingness to pick up her parents in person that Su Yang really respects her parents from the bottom of her heart.

For Yang Mi, her parents are as important relatives as her daughter.

Of course, she also hopes that her future husband can treat her parents sincerely.

Therefore, she also feels very happy that Su Yang respects her parents so much.


"Nuan Bao and I will go pick him up later!"

Su Yang said with a smile.


After Yang Mi finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

A minute later, Su Yang received the flight information.

The plane landed at the airport about an hour later.

It takes about half an hour to get from the city center to the airport.

Su Yang and Nuan Bao washed themselves up again, put on decent clothes and went out, exactly half an hour passed.

Then, Su Yang drove out in a Bentley.

Half an hour later, Su Qiao arrived at the airport.

After arriving at the airport, he tried to call the old couple.

But it didn't get through.

The phone said it was turned off.

Probably the plane the old couple took has not landed yet, so they haven't turned on the phone yet.

Su Yang was not in a hurry, and first found the exit on the display screen.

Then he took the warm baby to play near the boarding gate.

Both Su Yang and Nuan Bao wear sunglasses, but their good looks easily attract the attention of people around them.

Especially Nuan Bao, who is wearing a Lolita outfit and looks so cute that even pedestrians passing by can't help but take a second look.

About ten minutes later, Su Yang's cell phone rang.

I picked it up and took a look. It was Yang's father calling.

Su Yang had already saved Yang's father's mobile phone number in her mobile phone before.

So the first thing is to know who is calling immediately.

"Hello, Uncle Yang, I'm Su Yang!"

Su Yang answered the phone and said with a smile.

"Xiao Su, hello, hello! We have got off the plane. Now go get your suitcases. You may want to wait for us!"

Father Yang's tone was a little embarrassed.

Because Su Yang has so much knowledge, he doesn't feel any restraint about meeting his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

But Father Yang is not as calm as Su Yang.

The first time he met his son-in-law, he was still very nervous.

Especially when he knew that his son-in-law had an extraordinary status and was a super rich man.

He will be more nervous.

Father Yang is a retired policeman. Before his retirement, he met many high-status businessmen.

Businessmen are either on the way to bankruptcy or on the way to success.

It is normal for the police to interact with businessmen.

But rich people like Su Yang are not something that grassroots policemen like him can see.

It is definitely impossible to say that I am not nervous.

"Okay Uncle Yang, Nuan Bao and I are waiting for you and Auntie at the exit. Don't be anxious, just take your time!"

Su Yang said with a smile.

"Ah? Is Nuanbao here too?"

Hearing that Nuan Bao had also arrived, Yang's father's tone was obviously much more relaxed.

With his niece here, he suddenly felt at ease.

"Yes, Nuanbao was so happy when she heard that you were coming, she kept shouting that I would take her to pick you up!"

As Su Yang spoke, he squatted down, opened the phone, and put it to Nuan Bao's mouth:

"Nuan Bao, talk to grandpa quickly!"


Nuan Bao shouted loudly!

"Oh, Nuanbao! Grandpa misses you so much!"

"And your grandma!"

After Father Yang finished speaking, Mother Yang’s excited voice sounded:

"Nuan Bao, I am grandma, do you miss grandma?"

Father Yang and Mother Yang only have a daughter like Yang Mi.

Therefore, they also love their daughter's only child very much.

"Grandma and grandpa, Nuanbao misses you so much! Why haven't you come out yet!"

Nuanbao became even more excited when he heard his grandma and grandpa's voice, and his voice became louder and louder.

"Nuanbao, grandma and grandpa are taking the luggage and will be out soon. Can you wait a little longer?"

Mother Yang explained patiently.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Father Yang's complaining voice came:

"It's all your fault for having to bring so many things! If the two of us were carrying two small suitcases, we wouldn't have to check them in and we could just get off the plane and leave!"

What Father Yang said is also true.

If you bring a small suitcase, you don’t need to check it in. You can just take it directly to the cabin on the plane and put it on the luggage rack.

"Can you blame me? Didn't you say you wanted to bring some souvenirs to your daughter? We just went to buy local chickens and eggs!"

“And I bought so many local products!”

"I told you that my daughter doesn't need anything, you have to let me buy it!"

Yang Mi was obviously not the one to admit defeat, so she immediately responded.

The old couple just argued for a few words.

This made Su Yang feel a little funny.

Sure enough, even if people are noisy when they are old, it will not affect their relationship.

It can be heard that the relationship between the old couple is really very good.

After the two bickered for a while, they talked to Su Yang for a few more words, and then hung up the phone.

Ten minutes later, Su Yang saw two middle-aged men wearing sunglasses walking out of the station carrying large and small bags...

"Nuan Bao, are those two grandparents?"

Nuan Bao pointed at the two of them and asked Nuan Bao.

"Yes! It's grandma and grandpa!"

Nuan Bao's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the two people.

Come on, let’s go pick up grandma and grandpa!”


After finishing speaking, the two people immediately rushed towards Yang's father and Yang's mother.


When the distance was less than ten meters, Su Yang let go of Nuan Bao's hand, and Nuan Bao immediately rushed towards his grandma and grandpa.

"Oh, Anbao! I miss grandma so much!"

Yang's mother recognized the cute little baby in front of her as her granddaughter at a glance. She immediately put the two bags in her hands on the ground and hugged the warm baby.

"Nuan Bao! Do you miss grandpa?"

Father Yang also stretched out his hand and pinched Nuan Bao's little face lovingly.

"Yes! Nuanbao misses grandma and grandpa!"

Nuan Bao said with a smile.

The little guy is very good at making trouble. Under the education of his parents, he also knows how to express his feelings.

Such children are really interesting and everyone likes them.

The old couple is no exception. How could they not like their own granddaughter?

At the same time, Su Yang also stepped forward to greet him.

"Hello, uncle and aunt, I am Su Yang!"

Su Yang greeted the two of them politely.

Seeing Su Yang, Yang's father and Yang's mother's eyes suddenly lit up.

So handsome!

Although Su Yang is wearing sunglasses, Su Yang's eyes cannot be seen.

But who are Father Yang and Mother Yang? You can tell at a glance that Su Yang’s eyes behind sunglasses are full of wisdom and handsomeness.

Moreover, Su Yang is also very tall, and the whole person feels full of energy.

Such men are indeed a special match for their daughters.

Of course, they are a perfect match just in appearance.

As for personality and the like, it can only be determined after getting along for a while.

"Xiao Su, hello, hello!"

Father Yang smiled and greeted Su Yang.

As for Yang Ma, she hugged Nuanbao and said with a smile:

"Xiao Su, it's so hard for you to take the time to pick us up!"

Yang's father and Yang's mother knew that Su Yang was very rich.

They also know that the richer people are, the less time they have.

It's really rare that Su Yang can take time out of her busy schedule to pick them up.

At the same time, it is also a respect for them.

The old couple are still very satisfied with this.

"Auntie, you are so polite. I just have nothing to do!"

Su Yang smiled and shook his head, then said:

"I'll take you home first!"

"Mimi will be back early after finishing her work soon."

After Su Yang finished speaking, he took the initiative to take the two suitcases from Father Yang's hand.

"Xiao Su, it's okay, I can just carry it myself!"

Father Yang quickly declined:

"Your uncle and I are a retired policeman and I am in very good health!"

Police officers all have physical fitness tests.

As you age, your physical requirements will definitely decrease, but your physical fitness is still pretty good.

"It's okay, uncle, please bring the warm treasures with you. Just give these to me!"

Su Yang smiled and insisted on taking the two suitcases.

Now he is not the richest man, just an ordinary future son-in-law.

If the big guys who knew Su Yang saw this scene, their jaws would definitely drop.

Who would have thought that 0.8, Mr. Su, who has always been aloof and aloof, would have such a family side?

Yang's father and Yang's mother couldn't resist Su Yang, so they had no choice but to let him go.

Then, Su Yang walked in front with the suitcase, and Dad Yang followed behind with two bags.

Yang Ma is holding Nuanbao.

Nuan Bao is no longer light now, but Yang’s mother didn’t feel the slightest bit tired while holding him.

My granddaughter, I feel happy no matter how I hold her.

Soon, the four people arrived at the parking lot.

After Su Yang put away her luggage, she opened the back seat door and let Nuan Bao and Yang Ma sit in.

As for Yang's father, he sat in the passenger seat.

Originally, three people could sit in the back, but after placing the Nuanbao baby seat, it felt a little crowded.

Therefore, Father Yang could only sit in the passenger seat.

"Xiao Su, is this a Bentley?"

After Father Yang got in the car, he started driving.

A man is a boy until he dies.

Even though Father Yang has retired, he can't help but look at a luxury car like Bentley.

"Yes uncle, this is a Bentley!"

Su Yang nodded.

"This car shouldn't be cheap, right? A high-end version would cost at least 500, right?"

Father Yang asked with a smile.

"Well, almost!"

Su Yang smiled.

In fact, the price of his car is even higher.

There are many high-priced options inside.

Moreover, I bought the new car as soon as it was launched, so all the expenses are relatively expensive.

The price of the whole vehicle is almost 6,7,8,000,000.

However, it is nothing to Su Yang.

There is no difference between six to seven million and six to seven hundred yuan.

"Well! Bentley is indeed a top-notch luxury car, and the feeling of sitting in it is much better than that of Mercedes-Benz.

Father Yang himself owns a Mercedes-Benz S-Class.

Of course, with Yang's father's income level, he definitely can't afford a Mercedes-Benz.

But who wants someone to have a top-notch daughter?

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