With Yang Mi's financial resources, there is no problem in buying a Mercedes-Benz S for her father.

Moreover, before Father Yang retired, people in his work unit already knew that his daughter was Yang Mi.

Therefore, even if Father Yang drives a Mercedes-Benz to work every day, no one will suspect anything.

However, Father Yang knows very well that there is still a gap between Mercedes-Benz and Bentley.

One is a top-notch luxury car that starts with a few million, and the other is an ordinary luxury car that starts with a few hundred thousand.

It's really not the same.

"Well, actually the ride comfort is about the same."

"I usually drive less."

Su Yang said with a smile.

He didn't say much on the matter.

It's just a car, no matter how expensive it is, it's just a means of transportation.

If the status of transportation tools is raised too high, it will be meaningless.


Father Yang nodded and said nothing more.

Then, the two parties started chatting around Nuanbao.

The airport is still some distance from Su Yang's estate.

But with Nuanbao around, it won't be a cold scene.

The journey arrived quickly in half an hour.

Su Yang also drove to the gate of Dongzhou Haoting's community.

"Dongzhou Haoting! Xiao Su, the place where you live should be the most expensive place in Shanghai, right?"

Father Yang asked with a smile.

"Well, the house price of Dongzhou Haoting is indeed not cheap, costing hundreds of thousands per square meter."

Su Yang nodded.

The housing prices here are much more expensive than Tomson across the river.

The main focus is luxury.

"Hey, tens of thousands per square meter? This is more expensive than the houses in the first and second rings of the imperial capital!"

Father Yang couldn't help but exclaimed.

Housing prices in Imperial City are among the best in the country.

But even the most expensive places are probably inferior to here.

If we really want to compete, I'm afraid only Siheyuan can compete.

But, where can I find a villa in a courtyard where I can live comfortably?

Even the courtyard has been completely replaced with modern facilities.

But it is an old house after all.

Each courtyard house is over a hundred years old.

Over the past hundred years, no one knows how many people have died inside.

Compared with courtyard houses, living here is more comfortable.

After all, this was just farmland a hundred years ago.

While talking, Su Yang drove into the villa area.

Although Yang's father and Yang's mother lived in a separate villa in the imperial capital, their villa was not as luxurious as here.

It is only 13 points better than the row houses in rural areas.

Therefore, when entering this place, one feels a bit like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

There are not many houses in the villa area, but the area inside is very large.

After driving for a minute, we still haven’t reached our destination.

At this time, even Yang's mother felt a little strange.

I couldn't help but ask:

"Xiao Su, why aren't you home yet?"

Yang's mother asked curiously.

There are only a few houses in the villa area, why haven't we arrived yet?

"Auntie, we'll be there soon, only two minutes more!"

Su Yang smiled, then drove out of the villa area through the east gate and entered the manor.

"Huh? Why did you come out of the villa area?"

Yang's mother became even more curious.

They all know that Su Yang lives in Dongzhou Haoting.

They already knew about it after the paparazzi broke the news about Yang Mi entering and exiting the Dongzhou Palace.

But, why did it come out of Dongzhou Haoting now?

"Yeah Su Yang, did we drive the wrong one?"

Father Yang couldn't help but ask.

"Grandma and grandpa, we did not go wrong! We just want to go home!"

Nuan Bao said with a smile.

She had walked this road countless times and already knew it.

"Going home?"

"Nuanbao, don't we live in the villa area?"

Father Yang was even more surprised when he heard Nuan Bao's words.

"What villa area? The place where we live has a playground, a zoo, a pony, a white rabbit, and a swimming pool!"

Nuanbao obviously didn't quite understand what his grandfather meant, so he explained it to himself.

But this explanation made the two of them even more confused.

What and what?

Are you living on a farm?

Why are there so many animals?

Moreover, even living in a farm is not right.

How come there is a playground on a farm?

The old couple looked at each other and saw confusion in each other's eyes.

Especially Father Yang.

If Su Yang hadn't come to pick them up with Nuan Bao, and Yang Mi had shown them Su Yang's photo beforehand.

He had to think he was being scammed.

This is the instinct of a police officer, there is nothing surprising about it.

However, with Nuanbao here, it shouldn't be a scam.

It’s impossible for a fraudster to give you a good chance to raise your granddaughter, right?

Therefore, although Father Yang felt strange, he didn't say anything.

However, Su Yang will still explain it.

He smiled and took the initiative to say:

"Uncle and aunt, I have a manor in Dongzhou Palace!"

"The area is not too small."

"After Nuanbao arrived, I transformed the golf course in the manor into a playground."

"We also built a cute pet paradise."


Hearing this, Yang's father and Yang's mother took a breath of cold air again.

It’s actually a manor!

They originally thought that it was incredible for Su Yang to live in a mansion like Dongzhou Haoting.

After all, the house in Dongzhou Haoting is too expensive, more than one billion, which is simply not affordable for ordinary people.

Even their daughter Yang Mi will most likely not be able to afford such a house in her lifetime.

However, they did not expect that the house they thought they could not afford in their lifetime would be looked down upon by others.

Moreover, they also have a manor next to this house.

What is the concept of a manor?

You have to have at least four or five such villas covering an area to be qualified to be called a manor, right?

Otherwise, it would only be a larger villa.

But land is at a premium in Shanghai. How much does such a large manor cost?

Moreover, how luxurious must this manor be?

While the two were shocked, their car finally drove into the manor.

Immediately afterwards, they saw the luxurious main villa and several other buildings.

"Oh my god! Xiao Su, isn't your home too luxurious?"

As soon as he got off the car, Father Yang couldn't help but exclaimed.

The villa in this manor was definitely the most luxurious he had ever seen.

Father Yang once worked as a police officer in the economic investigation department.

He also visited many rich people's homes to investigate.

However, it should not be said that Su Yang's villa is indeed the most luxurious one he has ever seen, without any hesitation.

"It's okay, Uncle Yang. I lived alone before, so it was so deserted."

"Now that Mimi and Nuanbao are here, the house is getting lively."

Su Yang is telling the truth.

Although there were many people in the villa before, they were all servants and staff.

For these people, the core itself does not have too deep feelings.

Even if you treat them well, you are just doing what you should do as a boss.

But after Yang Mi and Nuan Bao came, it was completely different.

Especially Nuanbao.

This is his Su Yang's biological daughter in this world.

With Nuan Bao, Su Yang finally had a sense of identity with the world and regarded herself as a person in this world.

Otherwise, he always thinks that he is a time traveler and is incompatible with this world.

"Uncle and aunt, you can live here too from now on! I have a lot of rooms here!"

"Nuanbao will be very happy if you are here."

Su Yang smiled and invited the two of them.

Nuanbao’s grandparents are Su Yang’s people.

He will naturally treat them like his parents.

If Yang's father and Yang's mother can live here, Yang Mi should feel more at ease.

"Hahaha, it's okay for us to come and stay for a few days to see my granddaughter, but if we want to live there permanently, forget it.

"The weather in the south is too humid. We have lived in the north all our lives and are really not used to it.

Father Yang smiled and shook his head, politely declining Su Yang.

Although they are older, they are increasingly fond of spending time with their children and the third generation.

However, children have their own lives.

They are also older and can no longer keep up with children's thinking.

Therefore, it is better not to stay with your children so as not to disturb their lives.

Su Yang didn't say anything. After being polite, he led the two of them into the house.

Entering the house, Father Yang was even more shocked by the luxurious decoration in the house.

Furniture made of ebony, Persian carpets, world-class paintings and various antique luxury items can be seen everywhere.

These things are just placed in their respective positions without any protection.

It seems that what is placed is not some luxury goods, but just some ordinary modern handicrafts.

Dad Yang obviously knows a lot about these antique vases and the like.

While walking, I noticed a blue and white porcelain vase placed there.

"Xiao Su, this should be the blue and white porcelain produced by the official kilns of the Song Dynasty, right? How can it be so well preserved?"

"If I guessed correctly, there should be two blue and white porcelain vases, right? Why is there only one left now?"

Father Yang asked curiously.

"Yes, Uncle Yang, you also have research on antiques?"

Su Yang was a little surprised at how knowledgeable Father Yang was.

You can tell at a glance that this vase is blue and white porcelain from the Song Dynasty, and it is definitely of high quality.

"Haha, I have no other hobbies after retirement. I just like to wander around the antique market.

“So, I know a little bit about antiques.

Speaking of this, Yang Wang's face also showed a little pride.

He does know a lot about antiques.

Especially in the imperial capital, there are natural advantages in this regard.

There are so many antiques in the Imperial Capital Museum.

"Haha, then we can go to the antique market these two days!"

Su Yang said with a smile.

Since Father Yang has this hobby, it is okay to go shopping in the antique street in his free time.

The antique industry in Shanghai is also very developed, and you won’t regret going there.


Father Yang smiled and then said:

"Xiao Su, there are two vases in this vase, right? You haven't told me the answer yet!"

Father Yang was obviously very serious about his guess and wanted to know if he was wrong.

"Yes, you are right, it is indeed an inch."

"But the other one was broken by Nuan Bao before, and now this is the only one left."

After Su Yang finished speaking, his doting eyes fell on Nuan Bao.

"Nuanbao didn't mean it!"

Nuan Bao obviously knew what he had done and quickly waved his hand to apologize.

"Don't be afraid, Nuan Bao, dad knows you didn't do it on purpose!"

"It's because dad didn't put the flowers before

The vase will be broken if you accidentally touch the warm treasure.

This pair of vases was not placed here before.

Because one of them was broken by Nuanbao, Su Yang was worried that if it was kept in the original position and the little one accidentally broke it again, it would be in trouble.

It doesn't matter if the bottle breaks.

Even if it was fired in an official kiln in the Song Dynasty, it was just a bottle.

But if Nuan Bao is hurt, then the gain outweighs the loss.

For Su Yang, warm treasure is obviously much more important than just a bottle.

"Haha, it turns out that the warm treasure was broken!"

Father Yang laughed loudly:

"As expected of my granddaughter, she lost millions with just one fall!"

Father Yang raised his hand and gave Nuan Bao a thumbs up.

It was obvious that Nuan Bao understood what Father Yang meant. When the little girl saw that Father Yang was about to compare her thumbs with him, she also extended her thumb to check with Father Yang.

Then, he started to giggle.

After the bottle matter was revealed, Su Yang took the two elders to the living room and sat down.

Su Yang's manor has several living rooms.

There are Chinese-style living rooms and Western-style living rooms.

Different living rooms can meet the needs of entertaining different people.

Just like entertaining people like Father Yang who like antique vases, then a Chinese-style living room is suitable.

"Xiao Su, these tables of yours are all made of natural ebony, right?"

After sitting down, Dad Yang couldn't help but touch the back of the Chinese chair.

His intuition told him that these furniture were definitely made of sleepy materials.

Ebony is very valuable, even comparable to gold.

It also has the title of this oriental sacred tree and plant mummy.

The conditions for the formation of ebony are very harsh.

First, there must be an earthquake, red water or mudslide to bury all the vegetation on the surface in the river bed or mud.

Under conditions of hypoxia and high pressure, as well as the interaction of various bacteria and microorganisms.

Coupled with tens of millions of years of rendering, ebony can be formed.

Therefore, ebony also has the title of "carbonized wood".

It can be seen from here that the production conditions of ebony are very harsh.

It takes millions of years to form.

This will result in the price of ebony being comparable to gold.

Under normal circumstances, ebony is used as an evil plant and made into small handicrafts.

Such as Buddha statues, talismans, ancient swords, etc.

Some people say that it is because of the special properties of ebony that it has the effect of warding off evil spirits.

Of course, the main reason is actually the scarcity of ebony.

Carved into a head-sized Buddha statue, the price is no longer affordable for ordinary people.

Being able to make small handicrafts and wear them on your body can already be described as a wealthy person.

If it can be used to make furniture, then you will be the super rich among the rich.

In the eyes of Father Yang, the Su Yang in front of him is the super rich man.

Because most of the tables and chairs in his living room, including some cabinets, are made of ebony.

Of course, there are also a small number of huanghuali wood used.

The price of this huanghuali wood must be quite high.

Just the furniture in this room is probably worth hundreds of millions.

"Yes, these are all ebony. I spent a lot of time collecting them."

Su Yang said with a smile.

Things like ebony “can’t really be bought with money.

It took a lot of effort and money for him to fill this room with ebony.

Of course, the main thing is hard work.

As for money and the like, there is no difficulty at all.

"Xiao Su, you really know how to enjoy it!"

Father Yang smiled bitterly.

My future son-in-law is really too rich.

This made her, the father-in-law, feel very stressed.

"Haha, you make money just to spend it!"

"Otherwise, what's the point of making so much money?"

Su Yang chuckled lightly.

What he said was very true, and Father Yang felt very comfortable listening to it.

Although people of this generation are good at saving money, they are also able to accept new ideas from young people.

He can also understand what Su Yang said.

Of course, the most important thing is that Su Yang is qualified to say such things because of his strength.

For people, not spending money is a real waste.

Then, the two sides started chatting.

Su Yang also asked a specialized tea maker to bring tea-making tools and make tea for the two of them.

What the tea master brought was black tea, and it was a tea cake with the three characters Wuyi Mountain written on it.

Wuyishan Dahongpao!

Seeing the name on the tea cake, Dad Yang instantly knew what kind of tea it was.

Wuyishan Dahongpao is definitely a very good tea.

Of course, Wuyi Mountain is huge and has a lot of tea.

Some are very expensive, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands or one tael.

There are also very cheap ones, such as dozens of yuan per car.

How good is the introduction, and how good the tea leaves are.

However, Father Yang knew that the tea Su Yang brought out would definitely not be bad tea.

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