The Transformers models promoted globally this time are all carefully made.

Basically, the appearance is restored to the image in the movie, but it can’t move.

So once it came out, it caused a huge sensation.

The giant Transformers model on the Wanda Square instantly became a local tourist attraction.

People around ran to the feet of the Transformers to take pictures, causing the originally sparse square to suddenly flow with people.

The flow of people is close to the National Day holiday, and those who don’t know would think it is still National Day.

Not only did the locals go to check in, but some people from other cities also came to watch.

Such a large flow of people instantly brought the surrounding economy to a climax.

After all, since you are here, you can’t come empty-handed.

Drink a cup of milk tea, eat a kebab, watch a movie, buy a piece of clothing…

This consumption will rise, and the economy will circulate.

The merchants who put the Transformers model around finally felt the feelings of the pig’s trotter noodle owner at the time.

So happy.

These people have expressed their support for “Transformers” and Fanxing online, and thanked Cao An for his speech.

And those who came to take photos and check in under the Transformers model also shared their photos and videos on WeChat Moments and Douyin.

This further expanded the influence of “Transformers” and attracted more people to check in and take photos.

A positive cycle has been formed, making “Transformers” more and more popular.

This is not only the case in China, but also abroad.

Warner directly spent a lot of money to put a statue next to Times Square, which directly detonated the American network.

In the past few days, Times Square was blocked and could not be moved.

Because there were too many people, Warner had to send security personnel with hot weapons to guard it 24 hours a day.

Otherwise, it would be stolen in a few days.

After all, zero-yuan purchases are popular there, and things locked in the store can be smashed open and taken directly.

You have this model outside, it’s a waste not to take it.

Transformers are so popular in America now. If you can steal a part, you will definitely make a fortune.

Fortunately, there is no such trouble in China. After all, the quality of Chinese people is generally high, and many of them are inside shopping malls, which is easier to prevent theft.

It’s just that because there are too many people, the paint on the legs and feet of Transformers in various places has been scratched off.

Although it’s funny, it also reflects the popularity of Transformers.

Since the Transformers model was ordered by Fanxing from BYD, the number allocated to China is larger.

But it is impossible to cover all cities, only one was placed in the first-tier cities with large populations in China.

This made many cities and shopping malls that were not selected want to place a Transformer on their own territory.

After all, as long as one is placed, it will be a crowd gatherer. Now the popularity of Transformers is so high, who will not be jealous when seeing it.

So these people sent their requests to Fanxing, hoping that Fanxing could come to their place to place the Transformers model.

Not only do they not want money, but they also give Fanxing money.

The price in some places has reached one million.

Looking at the requests from all over the country, Fang Haoli regretfully said to Cao An: “Boss, I feel I lost money by showing the Transformers models to Wanda for free.”

“You can’t look at it that way. No one knew the effect would be so good before it was shown.

And just now, Xiao Wang from Wanda called me and said that the cooperation this time was very good. After the release of “Transformers”, Wanda’s theater will increase the screening schedule.”

“Okay.” Fang Haoli continued to ask: “What about these requests?”

“Give it to BYD. They have opened a production line for these models. It should not be cancelled now, so they can make money.”

Cao An said.

“Okay, I will contact BYD later.”

Wang Chuanfu, the general manager of BYD, hung up Fang Haoli’s phone, and the whole person was a little confused.

Originally thought that making models for Fanxing was a loss-making way to gain publicity, hoping that the release of the movie would boost the sales of his new car [Ming].

But unexpectedly, making models can actually make money one day.

According to the content of the conversation with Fang Haoli just now, these orders should be taken.

Not only did he get back his investment and make money, but he also made his own name.

He quickly called the workshop director who was in charge of model production.

He asked: “The line that produces models for Fanxing has not been dismantled yet, right?”

Director Qian replied: “Not yet, it will be dismantled next week.”

“No need to dismantle it, put it into production immediately, business is coming.”

Wang Chuanfu handed the letter of intent for cooperation faxed by Fanxing to Director Qian.

After reading it, the latter was stunned, “Can it be like this?”

“Don’t talk so much, take action quickly, while it’s still selling” “Okay, I’ll go and gather the workers immediately.” Director Qian immediately went back to gather the workers who had just been dismissed to various workshops.

A three-meter-high Transformer model costs BYD about 30,000 yuan to produce.

After all, this thing doesn’t need to be moved. If Fanxing didn’t have high quality requirements and had to use real materials, they could have compressed the cost to less than 10,000 yuan.

Once the assembly line is running smoothly, the cost will go down.

Although the technical requirements are not high and the cost is low, BYD is still willing to produce Transformer models.

Because the profit is high!

The price given by Fanxing allows BYD to make more profit from producing a Transformer model than producing a car.

The price of a three-meter-high Transformer model can be raised to 50,000 yuan when it leaves the factory, and Fanxing sells it at a price of 100,000 yuan, and the local government gets Get models, gain popularity and drive the economy.

And in disguise, promote “Transformers”.

If Transformers has good box office, the influence will be greater, the popularity will be higher, the orders will increase, and the flow of people will be more.

Win, win, win!

So a week later, BYD’s newly produced Transformers models were packed and shipped to all parts of the country, and there were also some overseas orders.

But when the overseas orders arrive, I’m afraid that “Transformers” will be taken off the screen.

But those who made reservations or organizations are not worried at all, because they bet that Cao An’s “Transformers” movie will be popular.

By then, their models will arrive at the time when Transformers is the most popular.

In addition to a few first-tier cities in China, other cities have also seen Transformers models. model.

The imperial capital has two more.

A wave of Transformers fever has been set off again.

When this wave of fever subsides, the “Transformers” movie will be released.

This time, Fanxing’s movie promotion really taught the industry a lesson.

They never thought that the movie could be promoted in this way.

But we have to admire Fanxing’s courage. After all, there are more than a dozen huge Transformers models in the country and dozens of them in the world, and the cost is not a small amount.

Because the Transformers model has driven the economic development of some places, combined with some places and industries that were previously popular because of Fanxing’s film and television dramas.

In the field of economics, there is also a term specifically used to describe this kind of economic activity.

– Fanxing effect.

The huge Transformers model has been greatly transformed all over the world. When the Transformers model was confused, the time came to December 24.

There was only one day left before the premiere of “Transformers”.

And Cao An held a premiere of “Transformers” in the imperial capital this time.

At the entrance of the venue, two five-meter-high Optimus Prime and Megatron models stood on both sides, attracting countless eyes.

A large number of reporters have gathered at the scene. The Transformers craze that has lasted for a month is finally going to see the true face. Everyone wants to grab the first-hand information.

Suddenly, a blue super sports car that everyone has never seen drove into the venue quickly from a distance and stopped between Optimus Prime and Megatron.

The car door opened, and Cao An, dressed in a blue suit, got out of the car.

Instantly became the most eye-catching person at the scene.

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