“What are you arguing about? I heard it all outside.”

Cao An walked into the temporary mobile cabin and asked Guo Fan and Chen Hui, the chief designer of the Stars headquarters, who were arguing.

Chen Hui saw Cao An coming and hurried over to say, “Boss Cao, Director Guo wants to plant a 20-meter-high tree in the Stars Hall. I think this is too inappropriate. There will be many problems.”

Guo Fan also came up and said with a design drawing, “I’m not saying to plant it right away. I’ll plant it in the final stage of filming.”

“And I think the current Stars headquarters hall is too spacious. Planting a tree can not only fill this space but also add a touch of greenery, which can also relax the company’s employees.”

Looking at the design drawing handed over by Guo Fan, it is indeed very beautiful and novel.

But as Chen Hui said, if it is too big, it will cause many unexpected troubles.

“Why not compromise and plant a tree three or four meters high.”

Cao An persuaded the two.

“That’s not bad.”

“You’re the boss, you have the final say.”

Then the two explained to Cao An the current progress of the Fanxing headquarters.

The foundation is already being laid, and the building will start next month.

The entire Fanxing headquarters covers an area of ​​about 20,000 square meters, about the size of three football fields.

Including a 12-story Fanxing Building, and other corresponding supporting buildings.

Among them, the Fanxing Building, as the main building, covers an area of ​​about 7,000 square meters.

But the first phase of construction will not complete all the buildings. The scenes required for filming will be built first, and the supporting buildings will be built slowly.

If all the construction starts at the same time, Fanxing’s funds will be a bit unbearable.

Even when Cao An and others expanded the headquarters area, the area of ​​the Fanxing headquarters did not reach a quarter of the approved area of ​​the imperial capital.

Fortunately, there is also a Fanxing amusement park with an initial area of ​​40,000 square meters under planning and construction.

When the amusement park is built, this place will not be so desolate.

March 1, Saturday.

The long-awaited “Sito” has finally been broadcast on Yunling TV.

In order to revive Yunling tourism, Yunling TV spent a lot of money to snatch the exclusive broadcast rights of “Sito” from a number of powerful TV stations.

“Sito” did not disappoint Yunling TV.

The ratings on the first day of broadcasting directly broke 1, which is a milestone for a small transparent TV station.

The beautiful scenery of Yunling in “Sito” naturally attracted many netizens, but whether to go or not depends on the courage of Yunling Cultural Tourism.

There were too many people who were cheated in the past few years, so netizens now have to think twice about traveling to Yunling.

Fanxing does not participate in or care about local tourism.

The traffic and publicity are given, and whether they can catch it depends on themselves.

It’s just that Song Yi, who joined Fanxing, became popular because of this drama.

The image of the heroine in the TV series helped her attract a large number of fans.

Song Yi, who has always been tepid, finally experienced the feeling of being a popular star.

I was extremely glad that I agreed to join Fanxing.

Song Yi’s popularity also made many people who were waiting to join Fanxing determined.

For example, Bai Lu, Zhao Wenzhuo, and Sha Yi received invitations from “Running Man” and Fanxing.

I signed my name on the contract with complete peace of mind.

Villa No. 26 welcomed a new member.

In fact, Cao An also asked Zeng Li if she wanted to join Fanxing, but she refused.

She said that she was fine now, as long as he had time to live with her.

And even if he didn’t join Fanxing, Fanxing’s resources would not be worse than hers.

Cao An didn’t force Zeng Li’s idea.

As long as she was happy.

In fact, Zeng Li is really happy now.

After the New Year, when all parties returned to work, she would receive enthusiastic compliments when she met her old friends.

After being with Cao An, she has greatly improved both mentally and physically.

The crow’s feet are gone, the skin has improved, the mood is happy, and the temperament is getting better and better.

It was beautiful before, and it is even more beautiful now.

Bai Lu was warmly welcomed by Yang Mi and others when she moved into Ziyu Manor.

After all, they had filmed “The Invisible Guardian” together, and they had always had a good relationship.

“Lulu, you are finally here.”

Diliba directly took Bai Lu’s hand and said.

The two had a good relationship to begin with, and they will be permanent guests in “Running Man” in the future, and their relationship will be even better.

“Humph, you still say you are good sisters. I originally wanted to be your neighbor, but I didn’t expect you to run to the next door.”

Bai Lu was very satisfied with Villa No. 26, which was better than she thought.

But Diliba ran to the next door, which surprised her a little.

“Oh, it’s okay, if you want to live next door, justCome to me. You can live in two villas with one job, and make a fortune. ”

“It’s not good to have the boss over there.” Bai Lu asked worriedly.

“Don’t worry about him, the house next door is very spacious, just don’t run around naked.”

“What are you talking about?”

Bai Lu blushed.

At this time, Liu Yifei stepped forward and said, “Lulu, welcome to join Fanxing.”

“Thank you, Yifei has become beautiful again. ”

The female artists of the company held a party in Villa No. 26 to welcome Bai Lu.

Song Yi had held a party when she joined, so this time they kept the tradition.

That night, Cao An could only work overtime silently.

Since he had to finish filming “When Happiness Knocks on the Door” before May, Cao An was very busy during this period.

After a few days of selection, Cao An decided that He Bing would play the protagonist Xu Ziqiang and Han Haolin would play his son Xu Peng.

What impressed Cao An most about He Bing was Song Ci in “The Judge of the Song Dynasty” and He Yuzhu in “The Courtyard of Love”.

He is good at interpreting grassroots personnel.

Han Haolin is a contemporary child star who played the child Zhang Wuji in the new “The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber”.

In Cao An’s memory, he should be well-known in “The Last Lesson” in “My Hometown and Me”.

It’s just that this movie has not yet been born in this world.

After finalizing the actors, Cao An began to prepare for various preliminary preparations.

Before the filming started, Cao An had another big event to attend.

That was the final award ceremony of the National Directors Competition.

The time had been set, on March 14, the day before the 315 Gala.

This award ceremony would not only announce the final winner of the competition, but also award various bests since the competition began.

On March 9, after a month of release, the Spring Festival movies were finally released.

The box office champion was not surprisingly won by Zhang Yimou’s “Man Jiang Hong” with 4.544 billion.

The second place was Cao An’s “Dying to Survive”, with 4.272 billion.

The third place was Feng Xiaogang’s “A World Without Thieves”, with 2.178 billion.

The Spring Festival box office champion of “Man Jiang Hong” directly caused a huge discussion on the Internet.

Many marketing accounts directly defined Zhang Yimou as the best director in the country, saying that he would definitely win the final National Directors Competition.

Under the hype of the Internet, the time came to March 14.

The award ceremony of the National Directors Competition was officially held in the imperial capital.

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