The filming of “The Three-Body Problem” progressed rapidly on the green screen.

After all, this part of the plot does not require any acting skills, and most of it is dialogue.

This is basic skills for the actors participating in “The Three-Body Problem”, and most of the shots are done in one go.

In mid-October, the film “The Three-Body Problem” was officially completed.

The entire project entered the post-production process.

According to the previous production speed of Sunglasses Tiancheng, it will be able to meet the audience next year.

Suddenly Xiaoling reported a piece of news to Cao An.

A once-in-a-century locust plague occurred in the Middle East.

Upon hearing this news, Cao An instantly decided to reshoot the ending of “The Three-Body Problem 1”.

Special effects locusts are not as shocking as real ones.

So Cao An immediately called the actors who played the three roles of Wang Miao, Shi Qiang, and Ding Yi to the imperial capital, and then bought the nearest flight to Pakistan.

The locust plague is now spreading to this country.

Pakistan, a certain province, a wheat field in the suburbs.

The entire crew looked at the overwhelming and black locusts, and they were all shocked and stunned.

Watching the video is a completely different experience from seeing it with your own eyes.

It’s so shocking!

For the first time, everyone felt that bugs are so powerful!

Being in the scene, the three actors were in great form.

Jiang Wen looked at the locusts all over the sky and said in a sonorous voice:

“… This long war has accompanied the entire human civilization.

It’s still undecided, the bugs have not been exterminated, they still walk proudly between heaven and earth, and their number is no less than before the emergence of humans.

The Trisolarians who regard humans as bugs seem to have forgotten one fact: bugs have never been truly defeated.”

Dense swarms of bugs flew past them, and countless locusts hit them.

Some even climbed directly onto their clothes and their heads.

They looked so tall, mighty, and lethal in front of the locusts.

But at this time, they were powerless in the face of the weak locusts.

The extinguished flames in Wang Miao and Ding Yi’s hearts were rekindled by Shi Qiang, and they looked at the endless locusts with deep meaning.

Ding Yi silently shared the wine in her hand with the two, and the three of them sprinkled the wine on the land with a firm look.

Cheers to the insects!


Cao An sat behind the monitor, and his body was also covered with locusts.

But he didn’t care about it at all, and was very satisfied with the result of this shooting.

Sure enough, being in the scene is an extremely huge help for actors.

And the real feeling of the dense locusts passing through is an effect that special effects cannot achieve.

After the shooting, the three were immersed in emotions, and it took a long time to come back to their senses.

Presumably, this personal experience is a rare memory for the entire crew.

Cao An shot well, but the entire crew suffered.

There were too many locusts, and some people were bitten or stung.

Several lenses were damaged by locusts.

But these losses were worth it for Cao An.

While Cao An and the crew were reshooting on the Pakistan Railway, something happened in China that pushed Fanxing to the top of the hot search.

And this incident has nothing to do with the film and television industry.

That is, the imperial capital announced the upcoming subway lines and stations along the way.

Originally, this was nothing, the imperial capital subway is adding lines and stations every year.

But this time a name shocked the audience across the country.


This is the name of a station on the Batong Line and Xijiao Line of the imperial capital’s Line 1.

There is no place called Fanxing around this station, so people naturally think of a film and television company in the imperial capital, Fanxing Film and Television.

This conjecture was quickly recognized by the imperial capital and Fanxing officials.

This place will be the headquarters of Fanxing in the future, and it is now under construction.

The official recognition immediately aroused heated discussions among netizens.

In fact, at the beginning of this year, someone posted that this place was under construction, and at that time I thought it was a building there.

Unexpectedly, Fanxing was building the headquarters building.

“Fuck, this is awesome, my star.”

“This is the first time that the capital has named a subway station after a company.”

“There was no news before, but now it’s a big news for everyone.”

“The capital officials treat Fanxing as their own son!”

“With Fanxing’s current influence, he will be treated as a son in any city in the world.”

“It will be officially operational next month, I want to check in at Fanxing Station!”

“Don’t go, there are construction sites all over the place, and you can’t go in, there’s nothing to see.”

But the old man’s advice didn’t work.

On the day when Fanxing Station was officially opened, thousands of Fanxing fans and onlookers in the capital directly crowded this suburban station.

The surrounding construction workers wereThe restaurants and snack streets were packed with people, and the bosses were busy shedding tears of happiness.

Such a high flow of people shocked the officials of the imperial capital.

The news was delivered to Deputy Mayor Zhang, who keenly captured the development opportunity.

He immediately dispatched a specialist to take duty around Fanxing, keeping an eye on the local residents and vendors.

He couldn’t help but sigh: “I still underestimated the influence of a global cultural company.”

After the first few days of the explosion of people, the Fanxing Station of the imperial capital subway has become much less crowded.

But there are still many people taking the subway here every day.

They are no longer here to check in and take pictures, but to consume.

The people of the imperial capital who have been here have found that the consumption here is lower than that in the city, the taste is not bad, and it is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

So Fanxing Station has not had time to become a transportation station for Fanxing, but has become a place for the people of the imperial capital to relax and play.

Although there are not many people, it has also made this place popular.

After more than half a month of training, Gao Yuanyuan and Liu Dehua have become familiar with wearing space suits for filming and various adaptation training.

The lobby of the Fanxing headquarters and the scenes that will appear in the movie were also decorated at this time.

The filming of “Passengers” officially began.

On this day, Cao An sent a message to the company’s artist group.

{The headquarters lobby has been decorated, and Director Guo’s movie has also started.

Anyone who is free can come here to help, play a cameo role, and also visit the future workplace in advance. }

Seeing this news, the artists of Fanxing took action instantly.

Everyone knew that Fanxing was building a headquarters in the suburbs of the imperial capital, and they also heard that the headquarters was built with a sci-fi and futuristic feel.

Everyone was looking forward to it.

Now that the boss asked them to visit, they had to act immediately.

Several public [Ming] cars in the company were immediately driven to Fanxing Valley by them.

Even Zhao Jinmai, who was in class, immediately took a taxi to go there.

Under the leadership of Fang Haoli, everyone finally saw the appearance of their company’s headquarters building.

The Stars Building is not high, with only 12 floors, so it looks like a rectangle.

A star ring surrounds the entire building diagonally, and it looks like the company logo of Stars from a distance.

It gives people a great shock, like a building that has traveled from the future.

Walking into the building, the stars also opened their mouths in shock.

The overall white decoration style, the bright hall, all the edges are arc-shaped, without a right angle.

The moment they stepped into the door, they felt that they had come to the future.

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