
Today is the first day of the New Year. You should have been at home with your family, but you stayed in the company because of work.

I, Cao, am very grateful for your understanding and consideration. I won’t say more.

Today is the Spring Festival. I gave everyone a red envelope.

I wish you all a happy New Year and all the best. Let’s make a fortune together in the new year!”

As soon as Cao An finished speaking, the company’s senior leaders immediately came to the employees with a small box and gave each of them a red envelope.

Cao An also picked up the cardboard box with red envelopes next to him and distributed it to the employees around him.

This scene directly ignited the atmosphere on the scene, and various cheers came one after another.

“Boss Cao is mighty!”

“Boss Cao is generous!”

“Boss Cao, I love you!”

This sentence immediately attracted laughter from the scene.

As an ordinary worker, the boss’s big cake, any encouraging slogans are not as real as salary increase and cash.

As long as they feel that their work can be exchanged for a satisfactory income, they will work hard without the boss’s motivation.

Spontaneously maintain the company and create benefits for the company.

After lunch, Cao An also came to his office to start his holiday overtime work.

The first thing Cao An did when he came to the office was to check the data of Fanxing Amusement Park yesterday.

Fanxing Amusement Park received a total of 51,224 tourists all day yesterday.

Revenue: 28,621,348.47 yuan.

Per capita consumption: 558.74 yuan.

The report shows that the revenue of the amusement area has basically reached the upper limit, and there will not be much room for growth before adding new amusement projects.

But the tourist area has a lot of room for growth. As long as reasonable drainage is achieved, the number of tourists received can be more than half.

Cao An is quite satisfied with this result.

The turnover reached nearly 30 million on the first day, which is a very explosive result for a new amusement park that has just opened.

It’s just not as dazzling compared with Fanxing’s previous projects.

For example, the national box office of “Three Body” has exceeded 200 million at this time.

Various forecasting agencies predict that the first-day box office of “The Three-Body Problem” is expected to exceed 500 million, and the total box office can exceed 4 billion.

The reason why the forecasting agencies are conservative in predicting the total box office of “The Three-Body Problem” is that “The Three-Body Problem” is not popular enough for the general public.

The appeal to middle-aged and elderly people and children is very general.

You should know that “Boonie Bears”, which ranks second now, has almost 100 million box office.

From this point, it can be seen that children are much more interested in “Boonie Bears” than “The Three-Body Problem”.

Although “Boonie Bears” has eaten up most of the children’s audiences in this Spring Festival period.

But the dominance of “The Three-Body Problem” in this period is unquestionable.

The proportion of screenings is getting higher day by day. On the fourth day of the first lunar month, “The Three-Body Problem” accounted for 55% of the screenings.

Because the high screening of “The Three-Body Problem” caused dissatisfaction among many film production companies, saying that Fanxing maliciously destroyed the film market.

But these voices did not cause much waves at all.

Because even with 55% of the screenings, the attendance rate of “The Three-Body Problem” is higher than these noisy movies.

The theaters would be stupid to increase the screenings of these movies.

On the eighth day of the first lunar month, the Spring Festival holiday officially ended.

The box office of “The Three-Body Problem” raked in 2.749 billion yuan in these seven days, firmly sitting on the throne of the Spring Festival box office champion.

It also temporarily became the box office champion of this year.

The Starry Amusement Park received a total of 500,000 tourists during the eight days of the Spring Festival holiday, which can be said to be full every day.

The revenue reached 287.94 million yuan.

Average daily revenue: 35.9925 million yuan.

Average per person consumption: 575.88 yuan.

The same data also appeared on the table of the Imperial Capital Tourism and Culture Bureau.

It’s just that they don’t have detailed data for the Starry Amusement Park, only an approximate one.

But they have data for the entire Imperial Capital.

The number of tourists in the Starry Amusement Park is indeed not enough compared with the entire Imperial City, but if it is just compared with a scenic spot, it is very eye-catching.

During the Spring Festival holiday, the capital received a total of 17.495 million tourists.

The 500,000 tourists to the Starry Park are indeed too few, accounting for only 2%.

But we have to look at the area. How big is the Starry Park?

Moreover, among the 500,000 tourists who went to the Starry Park, tourists from other provinces accounted for 80%

These 400,000 are almost all new!

In fact, it’s not that people in the capital don’t want to go to the Starry Park, but they can’t get tickets.

People from other provinces are too powerful!

Such impressive data made Director Zeng, the head of the Capital Tourism and Culture Bureau, think that some resources should be allocated to the Starry Park.

The same idea also appeared in Deputy Mayor Zhang, who was in charge of urban construction.in his mind.

He felt that Fanxing’s territory was too small. You know, the Happy Valley in the capital has 52 hectares.

This is still in the city center, but Fanxing is in the suburbs.

So Deputy Mayor Zhang took out a map and thought about allocating another piece of land to Fanxing.

Although there is no accurate data, the popularity of Fanxing Amusement Park has been seen by people all over the country.

A rough estimate can also calculate the revenue of Fanxing Amusement Park during the Spring Festival and its driving effect on the tourism industry.

So many local government leaders’ thinking became active.

They sent invitations to cooperate with Fanxing.

Invite Fanxing to build Fanxing Amusement Park in their own city.

Fanxing Building.

Fang Haoli handed a folder to Cao An.

“Take a look, our amusement park has made a name for itself this time.”

Cao An picked up the document and read it.

“Wow, it’s fast enough!”

Famous cities in China have sent invitations to Fanxing.

The conditions are similar. The local government provides the land and Fanxing provides the technology. If the money is not enough, the local government will take the lead in applying for a low-interest loan for Fanxing.

To sum up: If you have land and money, come quickly.

“What do you think, Sister Fang?” Cao An asked, putting the documents on the table.

“If I were in other companies, I would definitely say that everyone would go and occupy the place first.”

Fang Haoli said with a serious expression: “But this is Fanxing. My idea is that expansion is possible, but it must be stable. We must not carry out several projects at the same time.”


Fang Haoli’s idea is the same as Cao An’s, so he wants to hear her opinion.

“Because I hope Fanxing can become a world-class cultural company.”

Fang Haoli’s answer made Cao An very convinced.

This general manager was not wrongly chosen.

She really cares about the company and looks at the problem from the perspective of Fanxing’s long-term development.

Rather than for short-term interests and good financial statements.

If Fanxing starts construction across the country now, all kinds of problems will definitely arise.

Blind expansion will pollute the current team and attract many unstable factors into the company.

You should know that Fanxing used to be a film and television company, and this is the first time to run an amusement park.

This time, it was completed under the constant supervision of Fanxing executives such as Cao An and Fang Haoli.

When work starts all over the country, will they have so much energy to follow up on the progress of each step in real time?

“I know, we will have a meeting later to discuss where the next Fanxing amusement park will be located.”

After the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first lunar month, the box office of “The Three-Body Problem” has calmed down.

The total box office exceeded 4 billion and reached 4.057 billion.

Originally, Cao An thought that the box office of “The Three-Body Problem” would not change much.

But at this time, Netflix’s “The Three-Body Problem” web series started.

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