After the Spring Festival holiday, Fanxing, Dengfeng, and Sunglasses Tiancheng all started moving.

Fanxing Building has many office areas, so even if all move in, there will not be any crowding.

Although Fanxing is the major shareholder of Dengfeng and Sunglasses Tiancheng, they are still three companies in name.

So the rent should not be less.

In fact, even if the rent is more expensive than the previous venue, the two companies are willing to move in.

Moreover, with the Fanxing genes in the body, they have obtained an internal price that is similar to the previous one.

Now the Internet is very envious of Fanxing Building.

When Wu Jing announced in the company that his company would move to the newly built Fanxing Building, the whole company cheered.

It was more exciting than the bonus at the end of the year.

The situation of Sunglasses Tiancheng is similar.

When people in the company knew that Fanxing built a headquarters building and it was decorated so well.

Xu Jian was often asked by employees whether his family could move in.

After all, more than half of Sunglasses Tiancheng’s genes are from Fanxing, so he can be considered a Fanxing person.

So when Xu Jian announced the news in the company, the employees were so excited that they danced with joy.

They were very active in moving, and they didn’t want to delay for a day.

After the Chinese New Year, they urged the boss to move.

Not only do those with the Fanxing gene want to move in, but other workers also want to work in the Fanxing Building.

Since Fanxing released the video and photos of the new headquarters before the Chinese New Year, Fanxing’s recruitment department has been flooded with resumes.

Many people would rather give up high salaries and want to join Fanxing. What is the reason?

It is to be able to work in the “future”.

Although Fanxing’s salary is not the top in the industry, its benefits are among the best in the capital.

In general, the money that can be saved every year is not less than those high-paying jobs.

Not to mention that working in the Fanxing Building is something that other companies can’t experience at all.

Fanxing’s corporate reputation has maintained a 99% favorable rate so far.

These days, many moving companies can be seen driving into the Fanxing headquarters park in some places in the capital.

The workers on the roadside all showed envious eyes.

The Imperial Capital, Fan Bing’s home.

Cao An turned up the temperature of the air conditioner to prevent the person lying on the bed from catching a cold.

“How about I change the sheets to prevent you from catching a cold.”

Cao An asked with concern.

Fan Bing rolled her eyes at Cao An and wanted to punch him, but she was too weak to move and could only attack with her eyes.

“Take your bath, there are so many troubles, I can handle it myself.”

She lay on the bed and stretched out one leg to push Cao An to the bathroom.

When Cao An came out of the bath, Fan Bing had fallen asleep.

Cao An gently moved her a little, fortunately her bed was bigger.

She gently covered the quilt, turned the air conditioner to sleep mode and left.

It was late when she came outside, this was the center of the Imperial Capital.

It was a bit far to go back to the Starry Headquarters, so she could only go back to the Purple Jade Manor.

But there were not many people there now.

Not only was Villa No. 25 empty, Villa No. 26 was also empty.

They all went to the 11th floor of Fanxing headquarters.

After thinking for a while, Cao An took out his mobile phone and made a call.

“Sister Li, have you eaten yet?”

“I missed the food you cooked.”

“I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

After Cao An had dinner at Zeng Li’s house, they lay on the bed together and watched the Netflix version of “The Three-Body Problem” with a projector.

Netflix’s “The Three-Body Problem” has a total of 8 episodes, each 60 minutes long.

At first, Cao An was quite interested and wanted to see how foreigners would shoot “The Three-Body Problem”.

But as soon as the first episode ended, Cao An turned off the projector.

“What a piece of shit!”

Zeng Li frowned and was speechless.

Cao An had all the filming knowledge of “The Three-Body Problem” Parts 1 and 2 in his mind, so he had a deep understanding of the Three-Body Problem.

But even Cao An, who was familiar with “The Three-Body Problem”, had a face full of question marks when watching the first episode.

What is this about?

There are so many people appearing, Cao An didn’t know who was who.

It took him a long time to react.

The story is basically the same as in “The Three-Body Problem 1”.

But Zhang Beihai, Cheng Xin, Luo Ji, and Yun Tianming all appeared.

Zhang Beihai is an Indian.

Cheng Xin is a “high-end American aesthetic”.

Luo Ji is a black man who loves to fly leaves.

Wang Miao is a Mexican woman.

Yang Dong is the mixed-race daughter of Ye Wenjie and Ivens. ? (╰_╯)?

Luo Ji is Yang Dong’s assistant.

Yun Tianming is an English boy, Cheng Xin’s dog.

Wang Miao and Luo Ji are lovers.

Cheng Xin and Wang Miao are good girlfriends.

Zhang Beihai and Cheng Xin are engaged.

In order to let the protagonists have roles, Wang Miao, who was originally a tool in the original work, was divided into five parts.

Arrangeon these people.

Shi Qiang is the only one who looks a bit like him, but the plot is completely different.

And he has a “daughter” from the Rainbow Clan.

The characters are already very “flourishing”, but the plot is even more unscrupulous.

Most of the time in the first episode is a group of people pretending to be profound, talking about professional terms, and people want to sleep.

But the actual plot is running fast.

At the end of the first episode, it went to the cosmic flicker.

And the cosmic flicker in Netflix’s Three Body is actually the kind of flickering that switches on and off lights.

The sky is “flickering” from black to bright.

And it was seen by all mankind.

Zeng Li even complained that she could do this special effect, creating a pure black mask in the sky.

Then click [Show] [Close] to alternate a few times.

Among them, the characterization of Ye Wenjie is simply unbearable for Cao An to look at.

I thought foreigners would write a lot about this episode, but this version of Ye Wenjie doesn’t have any charm of a commander.

She is just a simple-minded love-brained person who goes to bed with a man.

As one of the most important characters in the whole series, she is portrayed like a piece of shit.

How could such a person understand the law of the dark forest?

This is also the reason why Cao An turned it off and didn’t watch it.

Cao An turned around and hugged Zeng Li, burying his head in her arms, “My sister Li is still the best.”

The next day, when Cao An returned to Fanxing, he happened to meet Fan Bing who had left Fanxing.

Judging from the smile on her face, the deal should have been settled.

Her company will also move into Fanxing, but it will be a normal commercial lease.

Although the rent is a bit more expensive than the center of the imperial city, she is very satisfied with it.

Fanxing is still a suburb now.

But with the explosion of the Fanxing Amusement Park during the Chinese New Year, no one doubts that this place will develop.

From the new construction sites that have sprung up everywhere since the beginning of the year, it can be seen that the focus of the capital’s future construction and development has been placed here.

I believe that it won’t be long before this place will be as prosperous as the capital’s urban area.

Cao An got a piece of news from Xiaoling when he returned to his office.

The box office of “The Three-Body Problem” has actually increased.

From the original daily box office of about 10 million, it has increased to 50 million.

After investigation, it was found that it was actually Netflix’s “The Three-Body Problem” that assisted.

Although Netflix has no business in China, domestic audiences have a lot of ways.

When these audiences opened their eyes to the world, they found that their homes smelled so good.

So many people once again flocked to the cinema to watch the Starry Version of “The Three-Body Problem”, saying that they wanted to clean their eyes.

Those who have not seen the Starry Version of “The Three-Body Problem”, it seems that the Netflix version also wants to see what the movie that has been hyped up online is like.

This gives “The Three-Body Problem”, whose box office has stagnated at 4 billion, hope to go further.

After Cao An learned the news, he sighed in his heart: “I didn’t expect that I could make money twice by selling the copyright to Netflix.”

At noon, Xiaoling reminded Cao An: “Boss, the glorious Mr. Chen is here.”

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