The day after Fanxing and Rongcheng signed the contract, the two parties issued a joint statement.

At the same time, Tianfu TV made a special topic on this matter.

Detailedly elaborated on the cooperation prospects and future plans of both parties.

It is expected that the establishment of Fanxing Amusement Park can drive the surrounding economy, promote the development of the southwest, lead the development of Tianfu’s cultural industry, etc.

It is not known whether it has the effect of promoting economic development, but some people have indeed made a fortune because of this news.

That is the owners of several communities around the location of Fanxing Amusement Park.

Originally, due to the saturation of the real estate market and the economic downturn, housing prices continued to fall.

But with the announcement of this news, the housing prices of these communities instantly stopped the decline and even grew against the trend.

The announcement of this news instantly received enthusiastic pursuit from the people of Tianfu.

“Fuck, Fanxing is coming to Chengdu. I didn’t expect it at all!”

“Great, now I can go to Fanxing Amusement Park without leaving the province.”

“Now I’m at home, I won’t be unable to get tickets, right?”

“You’re overthinking. I can’t get tickets anyway.”

The people in Tianfu and the surrounding areas are happy. People in other places are just envious and make appeals.

“Ah! Why Chengdu? Isn’t Shanghai attractive? Come to Shanghai! I will definitely buy tickets to support it.”

“The second Fanxing Amusement Park should definitely come to my great Central Plains Province. It’s so great to be in the center of the motherland.”

“Yangcheng, Yangcheng, we can buy all the tickets for you in Yangcheng, Pengcheng, and Xiangjiang.”

“You’re talking like we Tianfu people can’t afford it. If you have the ability, don’t come and compete with us for tickets.”

“Just grab it, just grab it. Chengdu is much closer than the imperial capital.”

Internet users from all over the world have asked Fanxing why he doesn’t come to their own cities.

There were so many people discussing this that the term #Everywhere is rushing to buy Fanxing Amusement Park# was directly pushed to the top of the hot search list.

Fanxing officials quickly came out to explain.

{Dear tourists:

We have received your enthusiasm, but since Fanxing is still a small company, it is still in the exploratory stage in the construction of the amusement park.

In order to provide tourists with high-quality entertainment services, we must check every link.

After the subsequent experience is mature, Fanxing Amusement Park will be built in major cities according to the needs of tourists across the country. }

With Fanxing’s guarantee, the debate among netizens has been slightly reduced.

After all, the expansion speed of several large amusement parks in China is very slow.

I didn’t have any ideas before, but now there is a successful case in my own country, how can I not be tempted.

Who doesn’t want to enjoy high-quality entertainment services at their doorstep?

The tickets to Fanxing Amusement Park are not expensive, but it is very expensive with the fare and accommodation fees.

So everyone wants to have one in their city.

After careful consideration, Cao An prepared to go to America.

Powell’s words successfully aroused Cao An’s interest. Although he didn’t know what Warner was like, he actually wanted him to buy shares.

But he could go and take a look, and by the way, recruit some actors for “Pacific Rim”.

Everyone bid farewell to Cao An at the entrance of the Star Building.

There was some reluctance in their eyes.

“Well, it’s not like I won’t come back. I’ll stay there for half a month at most. Maybe I’ll be back next week.”

After Cao An said goodbye to everyone, he got into the car.

America, Los Angeles Airport.

As soon as Cao An walked out of the airport, he saw a familiar figure.

Fox rushed up to Cao An immediately after seeing him, gave him a big hug and said, “Cao, you finally came to America.”

Cao An touched her head and said, “Let’s go.”

She quickly took Cao An to her car.

After getting in the car, she drove Cao An to his Villa 66 in Beverly Hills.

When Cao An arrived, the villa was empty.

Hathaway was filming in New York, and she was a busy person.

Since Cao An decided to come to America at the last minute, she couldn’t spare any time now.

After entering the villa, Fox looked around curiously, with envy in her eyes.

She asked Cao An: “Cao, can I live here?”


Cao An said casually.

Hearing this answer, Fox immediately came to Cao An and hugged his neck.


Before Cao An could speak, he was blocked.

After a long while, she was blurred in her eyes, lying on Cao An’s chest and said: “Cao, you are so nice.”

American girls are unrestrained.

Cao An dragged her and said in her ear: “Good, you haven’t seen it yet.”

That night, the foreigners from the East conquered another piece of land in America.

In order to make the people here surrender, the Eastern foreigners usedThe tactics of swords, guns and artillery combined with Confucian education.

Successfully made the residents here bow down and express their eternal loyalty to the emperor of the East.

The next day, Cao An got up early.

Warner’s matter is urgent, and the sooner this matter is dealt with, the sooner you can feel at ease.

Whether to buy or not, let’s see what the situation is.

Before coming, Cao An conducted a detailed study of Warner’s data in recent years.

It was found that Warner was not as strong as it seemed.

Warner has been losing money as a whole in recent years. Two of the few profitable projects are in cooperation with Fanxing.

It also accounts for the majority of profits.

After the cooperation of “Transformers”, Warner’s subsequent projects have not made a profit.

“The Meg 2: Abyss”, which was cooperated with Dengfeng some time ago, was released in America.

But the box office performance is not ideal. If the box office of the Eastern power does not support it, it will be difficult to make a profit.

But with the current box office performance of Hollywood movies in the East, there is really no hope.

In recent years, the Hollywood movies with high box office in the East are “I Am Legend” and “Transformers” in cooperation with Fanxing.

Cao An guessed that it was the continuous losses that made some Warner shareholders want to get off the ship.

After all, in America, the financial industry is the most profitable.

When Hollywood was glorious in the past, it could still be compared slightly, but now Hollywood’s business around the world is shrinking.

Especially in the East, the world’s second largest box office, Hollywood’s performance is stretched.

Cao An did not go to Warner’s office in Hollywood, but turned a corner and came to a manor.

The entire manor covers an area of ​​nearly 100 acres, which is larger than the Fanxing Amusement Park in the imperial capital.

The rich here are really rich enough to rival a country.

There is a golf course in the manor, and the daily maintenance cost alone is unimaginable for ordinary people.

Cao An’s visit was warmly welcomed, and under Powell’s introduction, he met the owner Eugene here.

Eugene is over 70 years old, but he still looks very tough.

He was very happy about Cao An’s arrival and took him to visit his manor.

Several people talked about the Warner shares during the visit.

Eugene was very hospitable, at least on the surface.

Let Cao An experience the life of the top capitalists in America.

What he experienced before was only a well-off life. The real “life” still depends on the capitalists in America.

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