When filming the first episode of the second season, Zhao Wenzhuo and Sha Yi were still in the group, so this episode of “Running Man” still has the original lineup.

Together with the four main actors of “Passengers”, it can be said that the lineup is full.

No wonder the audience is looking forward to this episode.

The first episode of the first season last year was also filmed in Fanxing, but the Fanxing headquarters was relatively small at that time and could not support the capacity of one episode.

So during the period, some links were filmed in some parks and shopping malls around.

But this time, the territory of Fanxing Building is completely enough to support the filming of one episode.

The beginning of this episode is that the members wake up from the hibernation capsule and their identities are travelers to a distant galaxy.

They are awakened because the spacecraft has a malfunction and they need to complete various challenges to obtain clues, find the malfunction and repair it.

And the audience knows one more information than the team members, that is, there is an insider in this group, and he is the culprit of the malfunction of the spacecraft.

So the team members not only have to find clues to repair the malfunction, but also beware of the sneak attack of the insider.

This insider has never revealed his true identity, and his voice has been processed, so the audience has an extra job to find the insider while watching.

Everyone completes various challenges in various scenes in the Stars Building and obtains clues.

Many scenes inside the Stars Building are shown to the audience, which can be said to make the audience jealous.

The first episode is generally more joyful, everyone plays games together, completes challenges, and has a lot of fun.

But when they get the last clue, Zhao Wenzhuo, who is responsible for the force, is suddenly eliminated, which instantly makes everyone alert.

The joyful atmosphere is gone, and everyone immediately gathers together to discuss countermeasures.

Combining the various clues obtained from completing the challenges before, they get the cause of the failure, which is that there is a problem with the navigation system of the spacecraft.

Now the spacecraft is heading towards an asteroid belt, and dense asteroids will destroy the entire spacecraft.

They need to enter the cockpit to modify the wrong navigation information.

At the same time, Zhao Wenzhuo’s elimination makes them know that there is a behind-the-scenes manipulator behind the scenes.

The first episode of the second season ended in this tense atmosphere.

How could the audience bear this? They were hooked after watching it.

Curse the Stars for being a dog!

Curse it or not, but praise it.

The first episode of the second season left a deep impression on the audience.

Not only is the production more mature, but the team has improved in various camera scheduling, post-production, and editing.

Moreover, the various facilities and structures inside the Stars Building are also displayed in front of the audience.

It made everyone’s eyes light up.

They discussed it online, and #Running Man Season 2# has been on the hot search list.

The next day, Saturday at 8 pm.

More people waited in front of the screen for the broadcast.

The content of the next episode is more exciting. Not only do they have to carry out various challenges, but they also have to prevent the insider.

After sacrificing two team members, Peng Yuchang and Di Liba, the crowd finally successfully opened the door of the cab and found out who modified the navigation information.

The true identity of the insider also surfaced.

It turned out that Zhao Wenzhuo was the first to be eliminated, and Peng Yuchang and Diliba had already turned to become his teammates.

Everyone started the final battle (tearing off the name tags), while looking for scattered keys and various props in the Starry Hall, while avoiding the joint pursuit of Zhao Wenzhuo and the other two.

In the end, everyone worked together to find the key, correct the course, and successfully purified the three people.

It turned out that Zhao Wenzhuo was the first person to wake up, but he found that he woke up too early and was still 100 years away from his destination.

And his hibernation capsule was broken and could not enter hibernation again.

That means he will be alone on an empty spaceship until he dies of old age.

So he suffered from deep space phobia.

He broke down mentally and forced his way into the cockpit to modify the course.

The self-protection system of the spaceship woke up several people and asked them to correct the course of the spaceship.

In the end, everyone put Zhao Wenzhuo into hibernation by using the spare hibernation capsule and flew to their new home together.

The first episode of the second season is over.

The first episode directly raised the popularity of “Running Man”.

There are countless discussions about this episode online, and many people say that watching this episode is like watching a movie.

I am looking forward to “Passengers”.

It successfully helped “Passengers” top the list of what the audience wants to watch.

Not only did “Passengers” receive great publicity, but the Starry Building also became popular again because of this episode.

After all, this kind of real future science fiction-style building is the only one in China.

Since the Starry Building became popular last year, many large companies have also planned to build a headquarters of the same level as the Starry Building.But it is difficult to implement.

All kinds of high-tech equipment inside can be bought, but when combined together, they don’t have the feeling of Fanxing.

There is no way to find Chen Hui, the chief designer of the decoration of Fanxing headquarters, because the general tone of Fanxing’s interior decoration was given by Fanxing, not designed by her.

So big companies can only sigh: There are experts inside Fanxing!

This means that although many projects have been established, none of them have been actually completed, and they are all stuck.

This time, the official appearance of the interior of Fanxing Building once again brought a little bit of Fanxing shock to the outside world.

The facilities for work, rest, diet, sleep, entertainment, etc. revealed in the variety show alone made countless workers jealous.

Once again, the mailbox of Fanxing Recruitment Department exploded, forcing the head of the recruitment department Jiang Li to run to Fang Haoli’s office to complain.

They said that their department could no longer operate, and the large number of emails made them unable to find the right person at all.

The workload has greatly increased, and the task has not been completed.

Now Fanxing recruits very few people, and most of them are technical positions.

Now all kinds of resumes are piled up in the mailbox, making it difficult for the recruitment department to find the talents they need.

Fang Haoli had no choice but to let the operation department release a message on the official account.

First, thank everyone for their support and love for Fanxing.

Then it was stated that Fanxing did not have a large-scale recruitment demand in the near future, and everyone should not blindly submit resumes, but should enjoy life.

If there is a large-scale recruitment information in the future, everyone will be notified in advance.

This message did have a certain effect. After all, most people just follow the trend and never thought they could really pass.

But this situation scared the colleagues.

Fortunately, Fanxing has no plans to expand recently.

“Space Passengers” borrowed the successful promotion case of “Running Man” to let many film and television distributors see a new way of promotion.

They found that the promotion effect of this variety show created by Fanxing was so good.

Because this variety show is very inclusive, it can even completely change the style because of a promotion point.

This is not seen in other variety shows or programs.

So some film and television distribution companies tentatively submitted cooperation applications to Fanxing.

Hope to let their artists appear on “Run” to promote their products.

Fang Haoli saw this and smiled and sighed: “This golden hen that can only lay eggs will lay two eggs in the future.”

“Run” used to make money from ordinary advertisers, but now it can add a new advertiser.

So a strange phenomenon appeared in the industry, film and television companies went to film and television companies to advertise.

These are all later stories. Through the promotion of “Run”, “Passengers” has received a lot of attention.

In the expectation of everyone, it finally ushered in the release.

Whether it is a mule or a horse, it’s time to take it out for a walk.

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