Newton, who likes to tinker with monster corpses, also has new discoveries.

Monsters from different times and places have the same genes.

That is to say, these monsters are clones.

Moreover, the monsters’ brains are very active, and he hopes to use the neural interaction system of the hunter mecha.

Connect the monsters’ brains with human brains to obtain more accurate information about these monsters.

However, this crazy idea was rejected by Li Tianxiang.

The base began to select Rose’s co-pilot, and the candidates competed with Rose.

The conventional candidates were no match for Rose.

They couldn’t last a few rounds in his hands.

At this time, he looked at Mu Wenqian standing next to Li Tianxiang and remembered what she said to him.

Prepare to let her try.

At this time, Mu Wenqian, played by Wang Zhi, took off her coat, revealing a tight sleeveless vest inside.

Unexpectedly, Mu Wenqian, who was usually weak, was actually a strong and powerful girl.

And she was superb in martial arts and defeated Rose, who had been a construction worker for several years.

She was recognized by Rose, but Li Tianxiang was unwilling to let her become a mecha pilot.

On the other side, Newton, who likes to study monsters, secretly used a simple neural interaction device to connect himself to the monster’s brain.

He obtained important information.

The monster is a war machine created by an alien civilization, in order to destroy humans, and then replace them and occupy the earth.

That’s why monsters attack densely populated large cities.

In order to further obtain research materials, Newton decided to find black market monster merchants active in the underground of Hong Kong.

Here he saw all kinds of rare monster products.

For example, the monster’s corpse was ground into powder and sold as an aphrodisiac, and the business was pretty good.

At this time, energy fluctuations appeared in the channel under the Pacific Ocean, and a new round of monster invasions came.

The second battle of the movie was ready to go.

Because there might be two monsters, Li Tianxiang sent Crimson Storm and Cherno Alpha to fight.

The Eureka Raiders stayed behind and provided support at any time.

The reason why he was not allowed to participate in the battle directly was for his subsequent plans.

The nuclear bomb needed to be transported by the Eureka Raiders and could not be seriously damaged.

As Luo Ze and Mu Wenqian did not cooperate well enough, they were temporarily on standby at the base.

The appearance of these three new mechas once again amazed the audience.

The mechas of different styles were so powerful and heavy that people felt their strength at first glance.

The first monster with a long tail, the Tail Rat, appeared.

It launched a sneak attack on the Red Storm directly, but was easily resolved.

The initial battle was indeed as expected by the audience. Whether it was the swiftness and sharpness of the Red Storm or the heavy power of Cherno Alpha, they had the upper hand in the battle with the monsters.

But this round of monsters was smarter. They knew to attack the cockpit of the Hunter Mecha.

The situation was reversed instantly. The Tail Rat used its flexible tail to tear off the cockpit of the Red Storm.

Red Storm, damaged!

Cherno Alpha was also dragged into the sea by the monster, and the hatch was broken, drowning the pilot inside with seawater.

Cherno Alpha, damaged!

In a short period of time, humans lost two Hunter mechas.

It was too late when Eureka Raider came forward to rescue.

Fortunately, as a fifth-generation mecha, he has many ways to attack.

Just as he was about to fire shells to destroy the monster, he didn’t expect that another gorilla-like monster, the ridged turtle, appeared, and this back could accumulate energy to emit electromagnetic pulses.

Instantly, the electric-powered Eureka Raider was paralyzed and unable to move.

The three Hunter mechas that had made great achievements in the past all lost their combat effectiveness and were completely defeated by the new round of two monsters.

And at this time, the tail-standing rat had already raided the city of Xiangjiang, and the ridged turtle stayed to completely destroy the Eureka Raider.

The entire base was paralyzed by the monster’s energy shockwave. At this critical moment, Luo Ze stood up and said, “General, the Dangerous Wanderer is nuclear-powered.”

Luo Ze and Mu Wenqian drove the Dangerous Wanderer to fight!

The appearance of the Dangerous Wanderer attracted the attention of the monster and temporarily saved the Eureka Raiders and the two pilots.

The Dangerous Wanderer and the Turtle fought all the way from the ocean to the city.

In front of the huge monsters and mechas, the tallest buildings of mankind also seemed so dwarfed.

All kinds of objects that are extremely large and hard for humans are fragile cardboard in front of these two.

In the fight, the Dangerous Wanderer used a plasma cannon to get rid of the Turtle.

At this time, the Tail Rat had rushed to the underground bunker and broke through the ground.

Newton only realized at this time that this monster was actually comingFind your own.

Because of the neural interaction, the monster regarded it as a companion.

But before it could make contact, the tail-standing rat sensed the danger.

It turned to attack the dangerous wanderer.

At this time, the dangerous wanderer picked up a huge ship from the seaside, which he held in his hand and used as a weapon.

After several fights, the tail-standing rat found that he was no match for the dangerous wanderer.

So he entangled him, waved his newly grown wings, and wanted to take him into the air and throw him down to smash him.

Seeing this, Luo Ze and Mu Wenqian hurriedly used hand swords to split the flying tail-standing rat in half.

Finally, by using the propulsion device at the critical moment, it landed successfully.

This ten-minute battle was full of climaxes and surprises.

The detailed and realistic pictures and sound effects, combined with the high-burning background music, made the audience excited.

Countless viewers wailed after watching this section.

“I came here to relieve my addiction to the game Pacific Rim: Hunter Mech, but after watching it, I want to play it even more.”

Luo Ze and Mu Wenqian became the heroes of this battle and were admired by thousands of people.

And Mu Wenqian also won the recognition of Li Tianxiang, who recognized that she could become a qualified Hunter Mech pilot.

He Man and Newton found that there was a small monster in the belly of the dead monster.

The two decided to work together to use the neural interaction device to find the secret of the monster.

After this battle, two of the last four Hunter Mechs of mankind were lost.

With only two Hunter Mechs, it is impossible to resist the next monster attack.

Because according to the data, the next monster will be more ferocious and more numerous than this time.

Li Tianxiang realized that he could no longer sit and wait for death. When the next monster comes to the earth through the channel, humans will have no ability to resist.

Must take the initiative to attack.

So he decided to take advantage of the window period to blow up the channel on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

Heck Hansen, the pilot of the Eureka Raider, could no longer drive the Hunter Mech due to a hand injury.

Lacking a pilot, Li Tianxiang decided to go on his own.

Even if this was his last time driving.

He was also a mech pilot before, and he was one of the first batch.

But due to the immature technology at the time, he suffered fatal injuries and could no longer drive the mech, otherwise his body would collapse and die.

But at this critical moment of human survival, he must stand up.

At this time, He Man and Newton knew the secret of the channel through neural interaction with the little monster.

The entire channel has an inspection gate.

The gate only allows monsters to pass through, and the Hunter Mech cannot enter at all.

In other words, the Hunter Mech with a nuclear bomb cannot enter the space-time channel at all, let alone start an explosion in the channel.

But at this time, the Danger Wanderer and the Eureka Raider have already set off with giant nuclear bombs.

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