The last two hunter mechas of mankind slowly dived into the seabed with the last hope of mankind and headed towards the channel.

On the way, they encountered two newly teleported monsters, but these two did not attack the two mechas.

Instead, they circled around.

Just as Li Tianxiang was about to drive the raider into the channel, He Man and Newton came to the command room with the latest intelligence.

They told the front line about their discovery.

{The channel has an identification system that only allows monsters to pass through.

If you want to enter the channel, you must disguise yourself as a monster, so that the identification system will think that the hunter mecha is your own beast, and then it will be allowed to pass.

For example, riding a monster into the channel. }

Just as the four people on the front line were struggling with how to “ride the monster” to pass through, the channel once again showed a huge energy reaction.

A level 5 monster that had never appeared before came through the channel.

[Monster Code: Poison Woman; Level: Level 5]

[Height: 182 meters; Weight: 6750 tons]

Two mechas were scrapped after dealing with two level 4 monsters.

Now it was two against three, and the opponent had a level 5 monster.

Everyone felt a huge pressure instantly.

Not only did they have to defeat three monsters, but they also had to enter the channel and activate the nuclear bomb.

The situation worsened again.

Facing the attack of three monsters, the Dangerous Wanderer and the Eureka Raider were overwhelmed.

After a fierce battle.

The Wanderer successfully killed a level 4 monster at the cost of losing an arm and a leg that was seriously damaged.

But the Wanderer also basically lost its combat effectiveness.

The Eureka Raider, which faced the attack of the level 5 monster, was not much better.

There were cracks in the cockpit, and the seawater was frantically drilling into the cockpit under the huge water pressure.

Even if the level 5 monster did not take action, the two pilots would be drowned by the seawater.

The two monsters have surrounded the Raiders, and the Wanderer is limping and preparing to go over to support.

At this time, Li Tianxiang suddenly said to Luo Ze and Mu Wenqian.

Li Tianxiang: “Wanderer, stay away from us, the farther the better.”

Luo Ze: “Hold on, we are coming.”

Li Tianxiang: “Luo Ze, Wenqian, listen carefully, this is your next task.”

“The Wanderer is a nuclear power system, take it into the channel.”

The two instantly understood Li Tianxiang’s plan when they heard this.

He wanted to sacrifice himself and the Raider to create conditions for the two to enter the channel.

Both the base command center and the Wanderer fell into silence.

They did not refute or persuade, because this was the best choice.

At this time, Chuck, another pilot of the Raiders, looked at Li Tianxiang and said:

“My father always said that if you have a chance, you must seize it.”

“It’s an honor, sir.”

The two looked at each other firmly and pressed the nuclear bomb button together.

At the moment when the two monsters attacked the Raiders, the nuclear bomb exploded.

After the huge explosion, the Ranger used his relatively intact arm to drag a monster corpse and limped towards the passage.

Suddenly, the Level 5 monster Poison Woman appeared in front of the Ranger with wounds all over her body.

It was not dead even though it was facing the explosion of the super nuclear bomb face to face.

It was no longer possible to retreat. Luo Ze and Mu Wenqian controlled the Ranger to use the propulsion device behind him and rushed in front of the Poison Woman.

They knocked her into the passage.

In order to prevent the monster from breaking free, they inserted their hand swords into the Poison Woman’s body and held her tightly.

No matter how the Poison Woman attacked, she would not let go.

Luo Ze controlled the Ranger to use the nuclear power device on his chest to emit energy to burn the Poison Woman to death.

The two fell to the inspection port of the passage together.

Finally, the Ranger entered the passage with the Poison Woman’s corpse.

At this time, Mu Wenqian had fainted due to lack of oxygen.

Luo Ze gave her his oxygen and sent her into the separation cabin to eject.

He continued to sink with the Ranger.

The Wanderer came to the other end of the passage and saw aliens who were constantly making monsters.

This time Rose gave them a “surprise”.

After starting the nuclear-powered engine to melt, Rose also entered the separation cabin and ejected the Wanderer.

At this time, the aliens were very curious about the Wanderer and didn’t understand what it was.

Suddenly, a dazzling white light flashed from the chest of the Wanderer.

The self-destruction program of the nuclear-powered engine was activated, and the power of its explosion was equivalent to that of a nuclear bomb.

The huge explosion not only destroyed the aliens at the entrance of the passage, but also destroyed the entire passage.

Humans finally solved the crisis of alien monsters.

In the base, Heck Hansen, as the temporary commander, immediately ordered a large number of search and rescue aircraft and ships to be dispatched.

It is imperative to find Rose and Mu Wenqian.

On the endless sea, an escape podEmerge from the sea.

Mu Wenqian immediately came out and looked at the sea surface anxiously.

Soon another escape pod also emerged.

She hurried over to open the hatch, allowing Luo Ze, who was short of oxygen to the limit, to breathe a breath of fresh air.

The two looked at each other and smiled after surviving the disaster.

At this time, a large number of planes and ships were heading towards the two to welcome the two heroes who saved the world.

The movie ended.

When the lights came on, the employees of Fanxing had not yet recovered from the shock of the movie.

These people are top talents in the domestic film and television industry. After watching it, they only had one feeling in their hearts.

It was too shocking!

Then there was deep pride, because this movie was the work of their own company.

He was also one of the producers.

Cao An looked around the scene and looked at the expressions on everyone’s faces. He knew that his movie was stable.

The situation was exactly as Cao An expected.

When the first group of viewers who watched “Pacific Rim” walked out of the cinema, they shared their feelings online with great excitement.

“It’s so shocking! This is the first time I’ve been so excited watching a movie.”

“It’s over. I couldn’t sleep after watching the movie because I was so excited.”

“Director Cao has brought us another surprise!”

“The mechas in it are so cool, and the fist-to-flesh fighting feels so cool.”

“After watching it, I have mixed feelings. I am pleased with the excellent movie, but I am also worried that most people in China, except Fanxing, are playing badly.”

“I won’t sleep anymore. I will queue up to play Pacific Rim: Hunter Mech overnight.”

“Director Cao, you are so ‘vicious’. I didn’t have any feelings for Hunter Mech games at first, but after watching the movie, I really want to play it!”

Cao An slept until noon on the first day of the new year.

Mainly because Liu Yifei and Yang Mi insisted on experiencing the feeling of driving a mecha after watching the movie in the early morning this morning.

Cao An was tossed for most of the night.

It was almost five o’clock before he fell asleep.

At noon, Cao An also took the whole company to have a reunion dinner, and then distributed red envelopes.

Since both amusement parks are on track this year, Cao An is not very busy.

After dinner, he took time to catch up on a nap.

After waking up from lunch break, he took out his mobile phone to check the online reviews of “Pacific Rim” and the situation of the Spring Festival.

You don’t know until you see it, and you will be shocked.

Now the Internet is flooded with discussions about this movie.

Several of the hot search lists are about “Pacific Rim”.

The strong performance of “Pacific Rim” is good for the audience.

But it is like pouring a bucket of cold water on other Spring Festival movies.

At this time, Jia Lin, the main creator of “Hello, Li Huanying”, was also very anxious.

Originally wanted to wait a while, but it seems that he can’t wait any longer.

If she waits any longer, the daylily will be cold.

So she picked up the phone and called the person in charge of the hot search.

“Yes, put all the entries I gave you on the hot search.”

“First! Who is first?”

“Ring Pacific, forget it, second will be fine.”

(Thank you for your support!)

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