“And I will love the world you love.

I wish you the smile you wish for.

I am holding your hand.

Please take me to tomorrow.”

In front of the recording studio, Cao An and several staff members stood in front of the soundproof glass and listened to the beautiful singing coming from the speakers.

This song is particularly moving under the gentle voice of Wang Fei.

“The mountains and rivers are safe, and the fireworks are ordinary.

But you look as you wish.

Children, sleep peacefully.

Like you love deeply.


Everyone present knew the wish story corresponding to this song, so when the song, plot, and history were combined, everyone on the scene stopped talking.

Quietly appreciate this song.

In the recording studio, Wang Fei had already completely entered the state, and the whole person was immersed in the song.

Every sentence is a reflection of her true feelings.

There are no high-end vocal techniques, just singing from the heart.

The most sincere feelings bring the most perfect sound.

“And I will dream of the reunion you dream of.

May what you wish be forever.

Walk the long road you walk.

Love you like this.

I will also see the world you have not seen.

Write the poem you have not written.

The moon in the sky, the thought in my heart.

You are always by my side.

Make an appointment with you, a clear life.

Like your young face.”

After the recording of the whole song was finished, everyone present was still immersed in the emotion of the song.

It took a long time for Wang Fei to sort out her mood and come out of the recording studio.

“Sister Fei, you are so strong!”

Cao An gave Wang Fei a thumbs up and said.

“You are too flattering. This is all because of Director Cao’s good lyrics and music.”

Wang Fei smiled and said, “I have heard that Director Cao is not only highly skilled in filming, but also a genius in music. This time I have seen it.”

“Alas, I was inspired when writing the script at that time, it is not worth mentioning.”

Cao An waved his hand and joked.

“Director Cao, don’t be modest. I’ve seen you sing “Miracle Reappears”. If you don’t come to the music industry, it’s a complete waste of your talent.”

After receiving the invitation to cooperate with Fanxing, Wang Fei got to know Fanxing in depth.

She found the two versions of Cao An singing “Miracle Reappears”. After listening to them, Wang Fei felt that it was a loss for the domestic music industry that Cao An did not release a record.

“I’m already very busy with filming. If I sing again, even if I’m an iron man, I can’t stand it!”

Cao An replied.

At this time, Zhao Jinmai came to Wang Fei and held her arm, “Sister Fei, you sang so well, I cried when I heard it.”

Zhao Jinmai had a deep understanding of Ruyuan’s story. Now she heard Wang Fei singing Ruyuan.

All kinds of memories came into her heart, and she couldn’t help crying.

The three chatted for a while, and Chen Zhiyi, who was in charge of the recording, came to Wang Fei with a smile and said:

“Teacher Wang sang so well, there is no need to re-record, this one is perfect.”

“It’s all thanks to everyone. If you need to re-record, please feel free to contact me. I should be in the capital for some time recently.”

“Okay.” Cao An interrupted the two people’s politeness.

“Sister Fei finally came to Fanxing as a guest, and I must take you to experience our Fanxing food.”

It was noon, and Cao An took Wang Fei to the Fanxing Canteen box.

Although Fanxing Canteen is just a company canteen, there are many delicious foods in it.

After hearing about it, Michelin wanted to give Fanxing Canteen a star, but was rejected by Cao An.

Your own canteen needs you, a tire buyer, to evaluate it?

Fanxing Canteen has collected many famous chefs from all over the world over the years.

In addition to some more niche foods, most of the world’s delicacies can be eaten here.

Most of the subsequent special effects production of the Ruyuan segment of “My Motherland and Me” is done in the post-production.

Cao An has worked with Liu Jian for many years and is very confident in him.

Just check the progress regularly.

After he finished “My Motherland and Me”, he continued to shoot “The Wandering Earth 2”.

During this period, there was news from Warner that “Pacific Rim: Past in North America” ​​was completed.

Sunglasses Tiancheng immediately sent a team to America to guide the post-production special effects production of Past in North America.

Looking back, they were still people who went to Hollywood to study. After a few years, they can already guide Hollywood.

After checking the progress of Ruyuan, Cao An asked Liu Jian: “Did you think there would be such a day?”

“How could I have thought that one day, I would actually send people to Hollywood to guide instead of learning.”

This kind of thing can be said to be the first time in China, and Liu Jian has been very excited these days.

The whole person walks more vigorously than usual.

The waist is no longer painful, it is straightened.

The neck is no longer sore, it is lifted.


Time enters 7In July, the crews of “My Motherland and I” also began to finish filming and enter post-production one after another.

Just as they finished filming, Cao An’s “As You Wish” was already completed.

Upon hearing this news, these directors had to sigh that Cao An’s speed was really fast.

But they would not doubt that Cao An’s fast shooting speed was perfunctory.

This person is well-known in the industry for being a fast hand, and the industry can feel that the internal industrialization of Fanxing has been completed.

Cao An’s fast shooting of film and television dramas can be explained by his strong ability, but the production cycle of the works of several other directors in Fanxing is also about half faster than that of the outside world.

This has to admit that the internal operation mechanism of Fanxing has worked.

The situation is just as these people think, Guo Fan’s “Escort” was the second to be completed.

While these directors were still busy with post-production, Cao An’s “The Wandering Earth 2” had already been half finished.

Fanxing Film and Television Base.

In a white room, Andy Lau stood in the middle of the room in a white coat and looked around in panic.

He kept muttering:

“I’m already dead.”

“But I’m already dead.”

A mechanical male voice answered:

“I have a slightly different view on the definition of ‘already’ and ‘dead’ than you.”

Dong Dong Dong!

Dong Dong Dong!

Dong Dong Dong!

A heavy knock on the door sounded, and Tu Hengyu, played by Andy Lau, looked at the door with a puzzled look on his face.

The camera continued to move up, capturing the entire makeshift room.


With Cao An’s order, the Tu Hengyu line of “The Wandering Earth 2” was officially completed.

Two lines of words appeared on the screen on the set.

[Congratulations to Mr. Andy Lau for the official completion]

[Congratulations to Wang Ruoxi for the official completion]

Applause broke out at the scene, and a staff member handed a bouquet of flowers to Andy Lau.

And Cao An picked up another smaller bouquet and handed it to Wang Ruoxi.

She happily took it, “Thank you, uncle.”

Cao An’s face sank as he joked, and he asked, “What did you call me?”

Wang Ruoxi quickly changed his words and said, “Thank you, brother!”

Liu Dehua, who was standing by, heard the conversation between the two and joked, “Director Cao, Ruoxi calls me uncle, but calling you brother doesn’t make me feel old.”

“It’s okay, let’s talk about our own things.”

A week after the Tu Hengyu line was finished, Cao An received news from the Starry Amusement Park.

The construction of the amusement building for the space elevator was completed and passed the inspection.

The Liu Peiqiang line of “The Wandering Earth 2” can finally start filming.

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