The space elevator ride is not a separate project, but a set.

Many scenes of Liu Peiqiang’s line will be filmed here.

When Wu Jing arrived at the set, he complained to Cao An: “Boss, you finally remembered me.”

His line, as the plot at the beginning of the movie, was filmed last.

“Can you blame me for this? And how is your practice? If you fail during the filming, don’t blame me for deducting your salary.”

Cao An looked at him speechlessly and asked.

“Don’t worry, I will never embarrass the company!”

At this time, Sha Yi, Wang Zhi and others also came over, and there were many actors from non-Fanxing Star behind them.

There are many actors in this line, and there are many international friends.

It is more complicated to shoot and takes longer than the other two lines.

Late at night, the crew finished work.

All the staff went home.

Cao An and Wang Zhi came to a four-wheeled tram next to the crew.

The two returned to the 11th floor of Fanxing Building together.

Wu Jing and Sha Yi have rooms on the 11th floor of the Fanxing Building, but they don’t live there all the time.

After all, they are both married, and their homes are in the capital, so they can get there with just one foot on the gas.

As long as it’s not too late, they go back to their own homes.

The other actors went back to the hotel next door.

Fanxing has developed very quickly in recent years, and has grown from a wasteland into a brand new city with tall buildings.

Various supporting facilities such as hospitals, schools, hotels, and shopping malls have also been basically completed.

It can be said that the prosperity here is no worse than that of the center of the capital.

And because everything here is planned uniformly, it is more comfortable overall.

Those old urban diseases are almost invisible here.

And because the flow of people here has skyrocketed, in order to solve the traffic problem, a subway station [Fanxing North Station] was opened to the north of Fanxing Amusement Park.

Highways and other ground transportation have long been built, and the main road connecting to the main urban area of ​​the capital is a spacious eight-lane highway.

In the middle of the night, you can often see the rich young men of the capital driving luxury cars here to race.

Cao An and Wang Zhi randomly found a small white tram and went back to Fanxing Building together.

In order to facilitate the staff of Fanxing to quickly travel to various locations in Fanxing Park, Fanxing is equipped with several small four-person trams in various places.

Fanxing employees have a cute nickname for this car: “Little White Dragon” or “White Dragon Horse”.

The maximum speed is 35KM/H, so there is no need to worry about danger.

All small cars are equipped with automatic driving and emergency braking systems.

There has not been a traffic accident in half a year.

Since they have been working all day, Cao An doesn’t want to drive.

After getting in the car, the two directly located the location at Fanxing Building and turned on automatic driving.

Not long after getting in the car, Wang Zhi fell asleep and leaned on Cao An.

I don’t know if it was intentional or deliberate.

Cao An’s entire right arm was held in the middle by her.

The night in Fanxing Park was very quiet, and there were not many people along the way.

After all, outsiders can’t come in here, and the employees of Fanxing are either busy at the amusement park or sleeping at home.

Who would hang out outside for nothing?

More than ten minutes later, the little white dragon stopped steadily at the door of Fanxing Building.

Cao An gently pushed Wang Zhi next to him, “Wake up, we’re here.”


Wang Zhi woke up in a daze, looked up at Cao An with squinted eyes, and let go of his hand.

It was hot today, and it was still a bit stuffy even at night, so she was wearing thin clothes.

Plus the bumps along the way, her clothes were a bit messy.

From Cao An’s perspective, his eyes went black and he didn’t see anything.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-
He swallowed unconsciously.

Wang Zhi smiled with satisfaction at Cao An’s reaction.

After the two got off the car, the little white dragon automatically went to the parking lot next to Fanxing Building.

Take the elevator to the 11th floor and arrive at Wang Zhi’s room first.

“Good night.”

“Good night.”

After saying goodbye, Cao An originally wanted to go back to his room to rest.

But after thinking about it, he turned around and went into Yang Mi’s room.

In fact, Yang Mi is also an actor in Liu Peiqiang’s line, but she didn’t join the group until she played the role of a female rebel.

Yang Mi was half asleep when she suddenly felt that there was someone beside her.

At first, she was shocked, but when she saw that it was Cao An, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

It was September.

The filming of “The Wandering Earth 2” has come to an end.

Lin Hao finished filming “Detective Chinatown 2” and returned to China from America.

Warner’s “Pacific Rim: Past in North America” ​​is almost finished.

They decided to release it this Christmas.

Fanxing is responsible for the domestic distribution of this film, and it will be released in two places at the same time.

ShuangWhether the new cooperation model of the two parties can work depends on the performance of this movie on Christmas.

As long as this movie can make money, subsequent cooperation will be launched quickly.

The various IP universes created by Cao An will develop rapidly.

It will take a long time to support an IP universe by relying on Fanxing to do it one by one.

If the market proves that the cooperation model of “Pacific Rim: Past in North America” ​​is feasible, then Fanxing will cooperate with excellent film and television production companies around the world.

Its IP influence will increase exponentially.

As long as Fanxing can control the quality of the finished product.

Even if it can’t be controlled, it doesn’t matter if a few bad movies are produced.

Don’t make all bad movies, plus Fanxing maintains the quality of its own works, it won’t have much impact on the main IP.

After all, it’s not made by Fanxing, and the audience’s tolerance will be much higher.

But if it succeeds, the feedback effect on Fanxing IP will be huge.

Failure is not a loss, success is a big profit.

In early September, all sections of “My Motherland and Me” were completed.

An internal preview was held.

The main creators of the film participated, mainly to see if there were any problems with the combination of several clips.

After watching the film, several directors were very satisfied with the film.

Especially when the last scene of the film came out, these directors all looked at Cao An sitting in the back row.

They lamented how this person could think of this ending.

After the end, several people chatted in the conference room.

Feng Xiaogang gave Cao An a thumbs up and said, “Cao boy, this time I’m not convinced by anyone but you.”

Guan Hu interrupted, “Old Feng, what do you mean? Are you saying that we all shot very badly?”

The other directors immediately turned their heads and stared at Feng Xiaogang, who quickly shrank his head and explained:

“Misunderstanding, misunderstanding. What I meant was that everyone shot very well, and Director Cao’s work connected everyone together and raised the overall level.”

At this time, Mr. Yang, the person in charge of this film, stood up and said, “It seems that everyone is very satisfied with this film, and I am also satisfied.”

“Here, on behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to thank all the great directors for their support.”

“I declare that the internal preview of “My Motherland and Me” has passed.”

Everyone stood up and applauded.

As October 1 approached, the whole country was filled with a sea of ​​red.

No premiere was held.

On October 1, “My Motherland and Me” was officially released.

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