October 1st, National Day.

It is rare for Chinese people to have a longer holiday, although there are still some annoying rest breaks.

But a seven-day holiday can still give people a little rest.

With the development of the economy, choosing to travel has become a holiday choice for many people.

But those who know about domestic travel during holidays know that most of the famous attractions are crowded.

So there are still a large number of people who choose to lie down at home or play around.

And going to the movies is a very good choice.

It can not only avoid the fatigue of traveling and crowds, but also experience a different life and enjoy different scenery.

Today, the first choice of most audiences who walked into the cinema was “My Motherland and Me”.

The gimmick of this movie is really too big.

Eight top domestic directors jointly created it.

All proceeds will be used for charity.

All the leading actors performed for free.

The film industry’s gift to the motherland’s birthday.

Anyway, if you want to watch a movie during the National Day holiday, you can’t avoid this one.

This movie did not disappoint the audience’s expectations.

There are already reviews about this movie online.

Since there are eight stories, it is normal to have mixed reviews, but overall the reviews are good.

“What an interesting model, you can watch eight movies for the price of one movie.”

“Each story has its own director’s characteristics. I can guess which director shot it without looking at the list.”

“I don’t know about the others, but Director Cao’s is too easy to guess. He is the only one in China who has this kind of imagination and ability.”

“I can only say that the organizing committee of the competition picked up a treasure. Without Director Cao’s clip, the other seven clips would seem a bit dry.”

“Cao An really gave this movie a soul, especially the last clip, which made me cry.”

“Without Cao An’s clip, it’s 7 points, and with Cao An’s clip, it’s 9 points.”

“My Motherland and Me, Director Cao, you know how to stick to the topic.”

The heated discussions on the Internet, especially the discussion about the “As Wish” clip shot by Cao An, attracted many viewers to the cinema.

These viewers all want to see what Cao An has brought out to make a movie sublime.

Words like giving souls were even said.

“Sister Zhi, hurry up, the movie is about to start.”

Zhao Jinmai urged Wang Zhi in his room.

“Okay, okay.”

Wang Zhi casually put on a coat and set off with Zhao Jinmai arm in arm.

The two left the Star Building, got on a Little White Dragon and headed for the Star Cinema.

Zhao Jinmai had a good relationship with Wang Zhi when she was in Villa No. 26. After returning from college, she chose a room on the 11th floor of Star, which was next to Wang Zhi.

This was her first work after she officially returned to college, so she naturally wanted to see it, so she took Wang Zhi, who was on vacation, with her.

The two took the employee channel, and they could enter the Star Cinema from the other side by just scanning their faces.

The two came to the top floor, where a dense crowd of people were already standing waiting for ticket inspection.

Zhao Jinmai exclaimed: “Are there so many people here? They bought tickets but didn’t go out to play, but came to watch movies?”

This was Zhao Jinmai’s first visit to Fanxing Cinema. She originally thought that Fanxing Cinema had a threshold for amusement park tickets, so there shouldn’t be many people.

After all, they have already bought tickets, so wouldn’t it be better to spend more time to play?

Fanxing Amusement Park’s attractions are only available here, but the movies are the same in any theater.

“You don’t know this, our theater has the highest attendance rate in the entire imperial capital.”

Wang Zhi explained to his “uninformed” sister.

Fanxing has specially sent people to investigate this situation.

The result is that many people who bought tickets to Fanxing Amusement Park will go to see if Fanxing Cinema has the movies they want to watch.

Because the tickets to Fanxing Amusement Park are all-day passes, and you can’t enter again after leaving.

But who can play for a whole day?

So many people play for a while first, and then go to Fanxing Cinema to watch a movie.

After watching the movie, we were almost done with our rest, so we went out to continue playing.

“Miscalculated.” Zhao Jinmai said to the crowd.

“Let’s go, the ticket check has started.”

Wang Zhi took Zhao Jinmai to the back of the ticket check line.

After a while, the two entered the theater, and their theater was full.

After a brief chat, the movie started.

At the beginning, there was the golden dragon logo, and then the icon of the National Directors Competition.

Then it became richer, with several film and television company logos in a row.

There were too many participating production units, making this movie the movie with the longest pre-roll.

After the pre-roll, the movie officially started.

At the beginning, there was a black screen, and a slightlyA tender voice.

“When can we live this kind of life?”

Another middle-aged voice answered:

“As long as we start to catch up now, I believe that one day we can live a rich life.”

“Even if we can’t, our children and our children’s children will definitely be able to.”

In a dilapidated village.

A political commissar is teaching soldiers, telling them about the outside world and future life.

The interesting story has not been finished yet, the order to march came, and the whole team immediately took action.

Their goal is-the imperial capital.

The scene turned and came to the battlefield with artillery fire.

The young soldier who asked the question just now sat in the trench with a simple bandage on his right foot. His comrades passed by him one by one and charged forward.

He also wanted to stand up with his comrades.

At this time, his squad leader ran over and helped him up.

“Squad leader, I can still charge.”

The young soldier grabbed the squad leader who was about to turn around and leave and said with a firm expression.

The squad leader looked at him and laughed, jokingly said: “Your legs are broken, but you are still charging. Stay on the battlefield.”

“Squad leader, do you think we can win?” Seeing that the squad leader was about to leave, he asked with some doubt.

“Of course.”

The squad leader said in a firm tone: “Not only can we win, but we can also create a world where everyone can eat well, wear warm clothes, and not worry about anything.”

The young man imagined the world described by the squad leader and was full of envy.

“That must be the prosperous world that the political commissar said, but does such a world really exist?”

“It must exist.”

The squad leader looked ahead, turned around and patted the young man on the shoulder.

“Kid, live well, we will see you in the prosperous world!”

After that, he picked up the gun and charged towards the enemy without hesitation.

For the prosperous world in his heart!

The camera followed the young man’s gaze and looked at the soldiers who charged forward without hesitation. They were all for their ideals and the prosperous world in their hearts.

The camera lifted up and a red flag fluttered.

The golden title of the movie “My Motherland and I” appeared.

Then the screen went black.

{September 30, 1949}

{Imperial Capital}

{On the eve of the founding ceremony}

A foreigner’s report on the investigation of spies sounded, and the picture slowly appeared.

The wounded young man in front had recovered from his wounds, carrying his weapon and walking quickly into a courtyard, and then guarding and investigating the surrounding area.

A leader said to the searching soldiers very seriously:

“Tomorrow’s ceremony, notify them immediately.”

“The square is completely blocked within a radius of two kilometers, and it will be investigated again.”

“No one is allowed to enter without my order.”

The camera zoomed up and came to the top of the courtyard. Even the roof was guarded.

At this time, two big red words appeared.


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