The three mysterious personnel immediately separated.

One controlled the space elevator, and the other punished those who were dishonest.

The last female personnel came to Han Duoduo and snatched her and the other two reserve astronauts’ name tags.

And through special equipment, she covered the information of the three people with her own information, thus obtaining legal identity.

At the same time, on the ground.

Zhang Peng chatted with his former Maozi classmate Andre.

The staff found that all the drones in the base had been manually removed from the safety pins.

In an instant, thousands of drones in the base broke away from control and flew over the base.

It was so dense that it was very bluffing.

After the assembly was completed, these drones attacked the ground staff.

Zhang Peng and Andre immediately took action and drove fighter jets to clean up these out-of-control drones.

An air battle broke out over the base.

Those who have played Thunder Fighter here felt very familiar.

Because there is this level in the game.

While fighting on the ground, fighting also took place in the space elevator.

In order to protect Han Duoduo’s safety, Liu Peiqiang locked her in the original cabin.

He entered the opposite cabin with two other reserve astronauts whose name tags were taken away and fought with three mysterious personnel.

But the first two were just ordinary reserve astronauts, who had not yet been regularized, and their major was not combat.

They were knocked down by the opponent in one move.

Liu Peiqiang carefully used the environment and various tools to fight with them.

Several people fought from normal gravity to complete weightlessness, and the punches were flesh and flesh, which was very exciting to watch.

The battle on the ground was even more intense, and dense drones attacked the space elevator base frantically.

Suddenly Zhang Peng found that many missiles were flying from a distance, but these missiles were not aimed at his fighter jets, but turned and flew into the sky.

The target of these missiles was the space elevator.

As expected, the missiles caught up with the rising space elevator and stuck to its outer shell.

The attackers inside cooperated to press the control button at the right time to destroy the elevator cabin and the entire bracket together.

The location connecting the space elevator and the Ark space station was blown up.

In order to regain control of the drone, the ground control center used the latest quantum computer 550C.

With its powerful computing power and adaptive and self-compiling characteristics, 550C quickly regained control of the drone and the space elevator through the network.

Stop all out-of-control drones and return all the cabins of the meteorite to the ground.

The ground battle is coming to an end and everything is returning to normal.

In the cabin where Liu Peiqiang is, the attacker also took out the controller and prepared to detonate the missile that has been attached to the outer shell.

Just when Liu Peiqiang was about to give up, Han Duoduo removed the mechanical arm exoskeleton from the space suit.

A punch broke the tempered glass separating the two cabins.

Took the controller from Liu Peiqiang and handed the mechanical arm to Liu Peiqiang.

The latter took a swing and knocked the last attacker away.

At this time, the space elevator began to slow down as the distance from the ground approached.

Weightlessness disappeared, and everyone fell back to the ground from the air.

The bald attacker who had just been knocked away stood up and said something about the immortality of digital life, preparing to take back the remote control and detonate the missile.

Just as he was about to press the button, Han Duoduo, who was wearing a mechanical arm, shouted.

“You broke my flower!”

He punched it away.


The bald head hit the beam, making a crisp sound.

It was a good start.

“I’ll kill you (Modu dialect)”

Han Duoduo roared domineeringly.

Others were also frightened by her momentum.

“Give me the flower.”

The people who were still locked up collected the petals scattered around them.

At this time, Han Duoduo, who looked like a female man, was particularly beautiful in Liu Peiqiang’s eyes.

Just as everyone was celebrating their victory, a huge building fell from the sky.

[Space Station Falls]

Seeing this, Liu Peiqiang rushed up and protected Han Duoduo in his arms.

The huge space station fell to the ground, creating a huge crater.

The shock wave destroyed all the surrounding buildings.

After the attack, the entire space elevator area was in ruins, with countless casualties.

The space elevator defense battle was exciting and exciting, and the audience was excited.

Many people thought that this was the final decisive battle. After all, such a large-scale battle is the final climax in other movies.

But they looked down at the time.

Only more than half an hour had passed, and the movie was not even halfway through.

The opening was so explosive, how exciting it would be later!

Many viewers had this idea when they saw this.The future development is more and more expected.

United government.

Hao Xiaoxi was speaking on the podium about my country’s subsequent plans.

Due to the attack on the space elevator, many countries decided to withdraw from or postpone the mountain-moving plan.

my country took the responsibility and undertook the feasibility verification work alone.

Many countries have lost interest in the mountain-moving plan and stood up and left during Hao Xiaoxi’s speech.

Only our country is still insisting.

At the meeting, America’s representative Mike found Zhou Zhezhi and told him about America’s situation.

Now many people in America do not believe in the mountain-moving plan, and Congress is already discussing withdrawing from the mountain-moving plan and switching to the digital life plan.

In response to this situation, Zhou Zhezhi took out his mobile phone and clicked on a photo.

This is a photo of the earth taken by America’s Voyager 1.

In the vast universe, the earth is just a small white dot.

“This little white dot is everything to us.”

“The Mountain Moving Plan is to build 10,000 engines on this little white dot and take it to a new home 2,500 years later.”

“Mike, do you believe it?”

Mike had no confidence in this question and said casually.

“It’s just a random photo.”

But Zhou Zhezhi’s eyes were firm at this time.

“I believe it, my children will believe it, and my children’s children will believe it.

By that time, I believe we will see the blue sky again and flowers will hang on the branches.”

The camera came to the outside of the United Government Building. Hao Xiaoxi was puzzled that only our country was responsible for the feasibility verification of the Mountain Moving Plan.

“It’s not fair that only we are responsible.”

Zhou Zhezhi said: “In the face of danger, there is only responsibility.”

The camera was raised to reveal the moon hanging in the sky.

And the perspective also came to the planet that has always been with the earth, the moon.

Humanity will build three engines here to push it away from the earth.

The Tuhengyu Line officially began.

A young female voice sounded.

“Dad, how do I solve this problem?”

Tu Hengyu, played by Andy Lau, woke up from the hibernation capsule. He dreamed of his daughter again.


He stumbled into a room and found a computer that was already a little dusty.

He turned on the computer and plugged in the U-shaped device that appeared at the beginning of the movie.

His daughter Tu Yaya appeared on the computer monitor.

The two of them had a friendly conversation as if they were on a video call.

Tu Yaya asked Tu Hengyu about Sudoku, asked him to braid her hair, and wanted to hug her father.

All of this seemed so real, not like a video.

But the 2-minute countdown at the bottom of the screen gave people a chill.

The digital life mentioned in the opening officially debuted!

“Tu Hengyu, the last batch of supplies has arrived, come out and gather quickly.”

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