In order to speed up the construction of the lunar engine, Andre brought the 550C quantum computer to the lunar base.

550C quantum computer.

The most advanced self-sensing, adaptive, self-organizing, and reshaping compiling computing core.

After connecting to the hardware, the underlying operating system can be generated in real time.

Self-organizing engine construction.

After listening to Ma Zhao’s introduction, Tu Hengyu immediately thought of his daughter Tu Yaya.

The look in his eyes when he looked at 550C was different.

With the assistance of 550C, the construction speed of the lunar engine was greatly improved.

During a break, Tu Hengyu deliberately let Ma Zhao see Tu Yaya, who had generated autonomous consciousness after 425 iterations of 550A.

Through memories, the audience learned about Tu Yaya’s situation.

It turned out that Tu Yaya died in a car accident. Tu Hengyu transferred his daughter’s data to the digital life card when she was dying.

Then he used the 550A computer iteration for many years, trying to give Tu Yaya a complete life.

However, after so many iterations, Tu Yaya still only has 2 minutes to live.

This has reached the maximum limit of the 550A hardware.

To break through, a more powerful computer is needed.

Due to the solar storm and the safety buckle jam, the 550C was burned before it could be moved to a safe location.

The completed lunar engine could not be ignited.

Tu Hengyu contributed his 550A computer for ignition on the condition of joining the subsequent 550 series quantum computer research and development.

Although the performance of 550A is much worse than that of 550C, it is barely enough for ignition.

When the lunar engine was ignited, the planetary engine on Earth was also undergoing ignition tests.

After anxious waiting, both engines achieved results.

The feasibility of the mountain-moving plan was successfully verified.

The whole world burst into fierce cheers.

Because if this plan succeeds, it will ensure that most people survive this world-destroying catastrophe.

Then the speed of the whole movie accelerated, from 2045 to 2058.

More than a decade has passed in a flash in various news.

News broadcasts in various languages ​​not only let the audience know what has happened in these years, but also create an epic feeling for the film.

In the past ten years, the world has completed the construction of 5,321 engines through 550C.

Liu Peiqiang and Han Duoduo got married and had a son.

The coalition government passed the underground lottery bill, and our country strongly questioned the fairness of this bill.

Zhang Peng became an astronaut.

The 550 series has made new progress, and the more powerful 550W has been successfully developed.

The space elevator has been repaired and a navigator space station has been built to guide the earth.

The Mountain Moving Plan was officially renamed the “Wandering Earth” plan.

The audience who saw this were shocked to find that the name of the movie finally appeared at this time.

The theme is pointed out.

At a meeting, our representatives showed several pieces of information.

In 1987, a picture was obtained, which predicted 2044 (space elevator crisis).

Last week, I received another picture of unknown origin, which showed [205807].

And the time is exactly 2058.

A huge crisis is coming.

In this year, humans will ignite the three engines on the moon to push the moon away from the earth.

Han Duoduo suffered from cancer because of too much solar radiation.

In order to allow his son to qualify for the underground city, Liu Peiqiang went to interview astronauts.

Here 550W officially debuted, and Liu Peiqiang and Tu Hengyu also “met” for the first time through the one-way glass.

Tu Hengyu looked at 550W’s excellent ability, and the plan hidden deep in his heart began to emerge.

He wanted to connect Tu Yaya’s digital life card with 550W.

With the powerful computing power of 550W, Yaya will definitely have a complete life.

In July 2058, the ignition of the moon-by-moon engine indicated that the moon will leave humans forever.

At the same time, Tu Hengyu sneaked into the room where 550W was placed one night and uploaded Tu Yaya’s data to 550W.

Watching Tu Yaya’s two minutes of life turn into 70 years on the screen, he smiled with relief.

All his efforts were worth it.

At the moment when Tu Yaya and 550W were connected, a series of super-conscious shots connected Tu Yaya, Tu Hengyu, the moon, and the data space.

At the same time, the power of the moon-by-moon engine suddenly increased, and then overloaded and exploded.

This caused the movement trajectory of the moon to change from moving away from the earth to crashing into the earth.

If not handled, the moon will collide with the earth.

A huge crisis hangs over the world.on the heads of the world’s human beings.

At the same time, the mobile phones of politicians from all countries received a mysterious number.

These numbers represent the number of nuclear weapons in the world.

It seems to be reminding humans that there is another solution to the current problem.

That is the backup plan proposed by our country during the moon-by-moon plan, using global nuclear weapons to destroy the moon.

In the face of a huge crisis, all forces were summoned.

Liu Peiqiang received an emergency entry notice.

After sending his wife off for the last time, he went to the Navigator Space Station.

Zhou Zhezhi also changed into a Zhongshan suit and prepared for a speech.

At the United Government Conference, Zhou Zhezhi showed a human skeleton fossil.

“This is a fossil from 15,000 years ago, a human femur that was broken and healed. It is a symbol of the birth of human civilization.

15,000 years ago, a thigh bone fracture was fatal because you could not avoid danger or find food, and could only wait where you were and be eaten by wild animals.

But this femur healed.

This means that after he was injured, someone treated his wounds, someone provided him with water and food, and someone protected him from wild animals.

It is this kind of mutual help and solidarity that allows us to survive and continue the fire of civilization.”

Zhou Zhezhi’s sonorous speech not only infected the representatives of various countries in the movie.

The audience outside the screen was also deeply moved by it.

“It seems to remind us that today, 15,000 years later, another broken femur is in front of us.

Will we make the same choice as we did 15,000 years ago?”

Zhou Zhezhi’s speech awakened the solidarity of mankind around the world.

All countries contributed their nuclear weapons to detonate the moon.

The lunar crisis response plan was formulated.

It is divided into three steps.

Step 1: Use the space station to transport global nuclear weapons to the moon and arrange them in a phased array in the Campanus crater.

Step 2: Connect global nuclear weapons in series, use the space station as a relay satellite, and remotely detonate. Trigger lunar nuclear fusion, causing the moon to collapse and disintegrate on its own.

Step 3: Restart the root servers in the imperial capital, Tokyo, and Dulles, restart the global Internet, ignite the global planetary engine, escape from the lunar debris, and embark on a new journey.

Although it is divided into three steps, these three steps are carried out simultaneously.

The tense atmosphere in the movie is passed on to all the audience who watch this movie.

Even the atmosphere in the cinema has become tense, and there are fewer noises.

The real climax of Wandering Earth 2 is coming.

(Additional update, there are two more chapters)

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