Jia Lin would not be stupid enough to confront Fanxing, a giant.

If the quality of “Dark Forest” is average, or it has obvious audience selection.

For example, the previous “Pacific Rim” is very attractive to mecha enthusiasts, but average to ordinary audiences.

She will not pay attention to Fanxing’s movies.

Just do your own publicity. After all, whether the box office of a movie can rise depends on attracting ordinary audiences to pay to enter the theater.

But this “Dark Forest” is completely different. The audience is too wide. Men, women, old and young can watch it.

And the quality is very high. This is a movie with high achievements in both business and art.

This kind of movie naturally has extremely high traffic. Coupled with Fanxing’s publicity, no matter how normal the hype is, it cannot compete with it.

For example, the comparison of the quality of the two is 3:10. After the publicity, the attractiveness to ordinary audiences goes from 3 to 10.

But Fanxing will also promote, and the audience will also be like tap water, that is, from 10 to 20.

Lao Ai’s theory of relativity said: Everyone has made progress, which means that no one has made progress.

There is a movie that is more popular, more discussed, and of better quality than hers, so no matter how she promotes it, the effect will not be very good.

So in addition to the regular promotion, she also wants to pull “Dark Forest” off the altar and tie it together.

She promotes the miracle of weight loss, the counterattack of ordinary people, and the awakening of women.

At that time, there will naturally be many boxing fighters standing on her side to help her speak, and then the other movie will naturally be pulled into the discussion.

These fighters will see that the female protagonist is a tool man, and all men save the world, so they will just smell the smell and go over.

Based on her understanding of this group of people, she will definitely do so.

After all, the thoughts of this group of people have nothing to do with gender.

It is just pure selfishness, blaming all their failures and misfortunes on the external environment.

They think they are fairies in the sky, and it is the bad environment and the oppression of outsiders that make them unhappy.

Even if they can’t get involved, they will quietly push from behind and point a direction.

She doesn’t expect these fighters to be able to overthrow “Dark Forest”.

Just let these people mention “Dark Forest” and “Hot and Spicy” together every time.

If the two things are often mentioned together, the audience who don’t know the truth will naturally have an idea that the two movies are of the same level.

This achieves the desired effect.

The release of “Dark Forest” undoubtedly dropped a heavy bomb on the domestic film market.

It has been a long time since a movie with such excellent production and full of commercial and artistic effects was born.

Even Cao An’s previous movies focused on one direction and rarely took both ends into consideration.

So after watching this movie, the audience couldn’t help expressing themselves after walking out of the cinema.

On Weibo, at 4 a.m., #Dark Forest Cao An’s best movie# was sent to the top of the hot search.

“Director Cao is so good, The Three-Body Problem is awesome!”

“The Dark Forest is so good, it makes my scalp numb.”

“The plot is perfect, the acting is superb, the special effects are awesome, and the rhythm is comfortable. In summary: you will regret it if you don’t watch it.”

“This is the Three-Body Problem movie in my mind, and I think some of Director Cao’s treatments are even more exciting than in the novel.”

“Director Cao’s acting is so explosive, he brought Luo Ji to life, PS: Director Cao has given out benefits!”


On Doudou, viewers posted a lot of their own thoughts after watching the movie, and the video structure is very simple. In the middle of the night, they hold a mobile phone and frantically output their feelings after watching the movie.

Everyone is praising this movie, which naturally makes many viewers curious about how good this movie is.

On A B, various film and television bloggers couldn’t sleep after watching it. After posting a dynamic that praised The Dark Forest, they immediately started to work on videos.

In the past, they usually watched the entire Spring Festival movie and then made a summary video.

But the excellence of “Three-Body 2: The Dark Forest” made these UP hosts feel that it was worth making a separate video for it first.

On Fanxing, this is Fanxing’s base camp, and almost all interfaces are promoting or praising “The Dark Forest”.
-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

As long as you open this software during this period, you can almost know “The Dark Forest” and be interested in watching it.

After dawn, the huge online voice plus Fanxing’s publicity.

Almost swept the entire Internet.

Its momentum was so huge that Jia Lin, who spent money on publicity, was stunned.

How can this be fought.

The Internet has a siphon effect. If there is a huge traffic topic, the traffic of the entire Internet will gather towards it.

The difference between the second and the tenth is actually not that big.After all, most people pay attention to the most dazzling first place, who cares about who ranks second.

The last place is more famous than the second place.

This is scarcity, and it is better to be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix.

Just like what students hear most is who ranks first in the class and who ranks first in the grade.

The tenth place in the first grade of the class is more famous than the second place in the second grade.

Put aside the uncertain factors.

Being the first in an ordinary class is more conducive to a person’s growth than being a middle-level person in an elite class.

Being an ordinary worker in a big place is not as comfortable as being a leader in a small place.

And under the huge momentum of “The Dark Forest”, “Hot and Sour” became a middle-level student in the elite class.

It is stuck.

And it has been released, so it is impossible to go to the ordinary class.

One-track mind becomes two-sided.

At noon the next day, Cao An and Gao Yuanyuan went to Villa No. 24 to wish Cao’s father and mother a happy new year.

Today, the two are a little mysterious.

During the meal, Cao’s father took out several boxes from the room.

Cao’s mother said to the daughters-in-law: “You have been wronged by following my son, and you can’t call me mom and dad in vain.”

Then she gave New Year gifts to the four people one by one, and the first one was given to Zeng Li, who was closest to her.

Zeng Li took it and opened it. A pair of snow-white bracelets were lying in the box, which was very beautiful.

There was also a big red envelope, which was almost full.

She said to Cao’s mother happily: “Thank you, mom.”

“What about me?” Cao’s father asked while holding the other three boxes.

“Thank you, dad.”

Hearing this dad, Cao’s father was so happy.

Then the two gave Gao Yuanyuan, Yang Mi, and Liu Yifei a pair of bracelets and a big red envelope.

The colors of the bracelets were slightly different, but they were all top-notch products.

Listening to the three people’s “Dad, Mom”, the two felt that it was all worth it.

After sending them out, Cao An watched the four people trying them on and looking at them. He looked at his parents with a wronged look and asked:

“Mom, what about me?”

“Go away, no, don’t be so ungrateful.”

Mother Cao rejected Cao An with disdain, causing everyone to laugh.

The joyful reunion dinner ended with Cao An alone feeling disappointed.

Liu Yifei and the other two stayed for a while after dinner and then left, after all, they also had to go back to their own homes.

Zeng Li also went to rest and take a nap.

Only the three members of the Cao family were left sitting in the living room.

Cao An touched his head and asked awkwardly:

“Mom, do you still have this kind of bracelet?”

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