Sitting in the car, Cao An was a little confused for a moment.

His parents were kicked out.

There was no way, he couldn’t go home, so he had to go back to the company to work overtime.

He came to his office at the headquarters of Fanxing to check the relevant data of “Dark Forest”.

As of the time of data statistics, it was 2 pm on the first day of the first lunar month.

The box office of “Dark Forest” has exceeded 500 million (including pre-sales), leading the entire Spring Festival.

“Hot and Spicy” which Jia Lin had high hopes for only 122 million, which is completely incomparable.

Moreover, “Dark Forest” has a good reputation on various platforms. 80% of the audience think it is a movie worth watching after watching it.

Fanxing has a special public opinion monitoring department, and it will monitor the situation on major websites before and after each movie is released.

If there is any abnormal situation, it will be reported and handled immediately.

“Dark Forest” has no major abnormal situation for the time being, but it has been detected that “Hot and Spicy” has increased its publicity and promotion efforts.

Fanxing didn’t care about this. Everyone else released their movies at the same time, so they could promote them however they wanted, just don’t mess with them.

Due to the coming of the Spring Festival holiday, in addition to Cao An’s movie, the box office of “Detective Chinatown 3” and “Reclaim Dulles” released earlier also saw a slight increase.

Of course, even the increase cannot be compared with the newly released movies.

“Reclaim Dulles” is about to be released, and now it has achieved 1.358 billion in China, which is very good.

The box office of “Detective Chinatown 3” has reached 3.487 billion. According to the current trend, there is a great hope that it will exceed 3.5 billion before it is released.

After checking the movie, Cao An looked at the sales of Yusha again.

After the new product was launched, it was still snapped up by consumers.

Now all the new products are sold out, but the production of old products has increased, and there is still inventory for the time being.

In the evening, Cao An came to Gao Yuanyuan’s house for dinner.

Gao’s father and mother didn’t care much about Gao Yuanyuan’s affairs, but they hinted at the dinner table that they should have a child quickly.

This made the two of them a little embarrassed, and they could only agree to consider it later.

In the evening, Gao Yuanyuan leaned on Cao An’s chest and asked, “What do you think of my parents’ advice?”

“I listen to Sister Yuanyuan.”

“Then I will take a break for a year or two after I finish filming “The Legend of Zhang Beihai.”


Cao An turned around and hugged her, “Sister Yuanyuan, how about we practice first.”

“Don’t, this is at my parents’ house, it’s not good.”

“It’s okay, we just need to be careful.”

On the second day of the first lunar month, the box office statistics for the first day of the Spring Festival movie have come out.

“The Three-Body Problem 2: The Dark Forest”, the first-day box office was 678 million (excluding pre-sales), ranking first.

“Hot and Sour”, the first-day box office: 234 million, ranking second.

“Article 20”, the first-day box office: 118 million, ranking third.

“Deep Sea”, first day box office: 64.75 million, ranked fourth.

Pleasant Goat’s return work “Pleasant Goat: Frame the Future”, the box office is not ideal, only 14.79 million, ranked seventh.

Due to the strength of “Dark Forest”, the Spring Festival box office has formed a siphoning trend.

Many viewers who just want to watch a movie go to the cinema, and their first choice is often “Dark Forest”.

This makes the trend of this movie even crazier on the second day, and it is a foregone conclusion to surpass the first day box office.

Jia Lin felt powerless when she saw that she had worked hard to promote, but the effect was not obvious.

If her promotional concept wants to achieve the effect, there must not be a movie that is better than herself in all aspects, otherwise the effect will be greatly reduced.

She suddenly missed Fanxing’s publicity and distribution system.

At least she doesn’t have to be as tired as she is now.

In the past, “Hello, Li Huanying” was also suppressed by Fanxing’s “Pacific Rim”.

But at that time, everyone was a friendly army, and Fanxing would not be stingy to bring Li Huanying when promoting “Pacific Rim”.

Moreover, the styles of Pacific Rim and Li Huanying are very different, and there is not much actual competition.

But this time it is completely different.

The Dark Forest is more ferocious than Pacific Rim, and the quality of her new movie is not as good as the previous one.

At the same time, Fanxing will not take her with her this time.

Just when she was struggling, the assistant suddenly gave her a bad news.

“There are many comments cursing the Dark Forest in the comment section of the video related to “Hot and Spicy”.

Jia Lin hurriedly asked: “Did you arrange it?”

“How could I do that? I was stupid enough to touch Fanxing.”

“What’s going on?”

“I don’t know too much.”

After some investigation, it was found that those fighters were attracted by Jia Lin’s propaganda of female awakening.

Following herThe idea was to focus on the Dark Forest, but it all happened too fast.

Before the release of his own film, he promoted his own film Women’s Awakening crazily, and the next day he went to belittle Cao An’s Dark Forest.

Now the yellow mud is falling off the crotch, it’s shit if it’s not shit.

“What should I do?” asked the assistant.

Jia Lin thought for a while and said, “No matter, it’s not ours anyway.”

It’s good for his current movie to be able to get involved in the Dark Forest.

Even if Fanxing questioned him, he could spread his hands and say that it was not arranged by him.

Fanxing also discovered this situation, but before Fanxing took action.

The audience and fans of Dark Forest spontaneously washed away these bad voices.

Just kidding, Fanxing’s efforts and reputation over the years are not for show.

And how can such a good work as Dark Forest tolerate this group of people to taint it.

This is in China, not abroad.

The version is not that new.

The mainstream three views are still normal, and they have not been brainwashed by ZZZQ.

As more and more viewers watch the Spring Festival movies, the audience really put “Dark Forest” and “Hot and Spicy” together for discussion.

It’s just that the latter is the one that is wildly belittled.

The former has become the kid next door, which is good in every aspect.

Whether it is the turning point, character growth, lens prediction, or plot depth, Dark Forest is much better.

As for the special effects, there is no need to discuss them at all.

I don’t know if it is annoying because of the overwhelming publicity of Hot and Spicy.

There are more and more criticisms about this movie on the Internet, and all kinds of unreasonable points have been found by netizens.

The most critical one among them gave Hot and Spicy a fatal blow.

That is, it is impossible for the protagonist to lose weight with the salary and time of a restaurant waiter.

The counterattack of ordinary people that Jia Lin has been promoting is also false.

To achieve the effect in the movie, a professional team must be equipped.

Nutritionists, doctors, coaches, and various expensive props can achieve this effect.

The cost is unimaginable for ordinary people.

If an ordinary person really tried so hard to lose weight like in the movie, he would not lose weight but die.

“Hot and Scorching” had good box office in the first few days, but the stamina became worse and worse in the later days.

On the contrary, Zhang Yimou’s “Article 20” gradually surpassed it with word of mouth.

The seventh day of the first lunar month.

The daughters-in-law of the Cao family returned to the imperial capital one after another.

At the same time, Cao’s father and mother gave away a lot of New Year gifts and red envelopes, which directly emptied their small coffers.

And Cao An was also preparing to take everyone to South America for vacation.

But he was a little worried when he saw so many people.

With so many people gathered together, could he handle it by himself?

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