“Maybe I’m exhausted and in a mess.

Maybe I’m humble and have done nothing all my life.

Everyone is born the same.

Just call me a nobody~”

Cao An successfully brought the audience into a frenzy, and the whole venue was filled with a sea of ​​excitement.

Even people who are usually very reserved became active in this atmosphere.

Singing loudly with others.

Venting out their inner emotions crazily.

Self-doubt for studying hard but not making any progress.

The loss of hitting a wall everywhere after graduation.

Depression after a breakup.

The heartbreak of a loved one leaving.

The despair of repeating a boring life every day.

And so on…

All of them were vented out in songs at this moment. Many people were sweating and exhausted by the end of the song.

At the beginning, Cao An would follow along, but in the end he had stopped singing and completely handed the entire stage to the audience.

After the song “Nobody” ended, the atmosphere on the scene reached its peak, but Cao An found that the atmosphere was a little wrong.

The audience’s emotions were vented, but they did not rise again.

According to the plan, this song was the last program of this concert. Cao An should announce the end at this time and let the guests come on stage to take a bow, and then let the audience leave in an orderly manner.

However, the audience was excited and wanted to leave.

I don’t know who took the lead in shouting “Encore”, and then the sound of “Encore” began to sound throughout the venue.

(Encore, transliterated Encore. It means one more song, return to the stage for an encore; it is the audience’s recognition and praise for the performer.)

Not only did the sound of encores rise and fall on the scene, but the barrage of encores was also flooded in various live broadcast rooms.

This concert held by Fanxing is great.

Everyone was reluctant to leave.

The people in the lounge were also shocked by this scene. These encores were all recognized by the audience from the bottom of their hearts.

I admire Cao An even more in my heart.

In the past, Cao An might be a director, a boss, or an actor in everyone’s mind.

But from today on, he has another identity – a singer.

Standing on the stage, Cao An was also shocked by the scene in front of him.

In the dark, he quickly made a choice.

He first came to the conductor of the Magic City Philharmonic Orchestra and asked her: “Teacher, can we add another song?”

At this time, she was also very excited and nodded immediately and said: “Of course.”

After confirming, Cao An turned to the internal communication and began to arrange the work of singing an additional song.

The conductor began to conduct the instrumentalists on both sides.

The encore has not started yet, but she wants to give feedback to the audience.

So a guitar solo suddenly came out on the dark main stage, followed by a drum set, a piano…

Hearing the music, the audience became more excited.

Because this means that Cao An agreed to their request and will perform an additional program later.

The voice of “encore” on the scene became stronger.

Everyone in the lounge was a little confused about what to do at this time, after all, this situation was not mentioned during the rehearsal.

According to the plan, they should go on stage to take a bow, but the staff did not come to notify them.

Suddenly, Cao An’s voice came from the notification speaker in the room.

“Everyone, how about we sing an extra song?”

Hearing Cao An’s voice, everyone smiled and answered together:

“That’s what I meant.”

After discussing with everyone about singing an extra song, Cao An told the conductor the news.

The other party said that it was completely fine and let him rest assured.

In the internal communication channel.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-










After hearing that all departments were ready, Cao An took a deep breath.

“The show begins!”

As his voice fell, the lights on the stage came on again.

Illuminating Cao An again.

The moment he appeared, the whole venue erupted in enthusiastic cheers.

Sitting in the lounge, Shuchang looked at the screen with shining eyes and said to Liu Yifei beside him: “Xixi, he is so handsome!”

“That’s right.”

Liu Yifei said very proudly, then stood up and said to Shuchang: “I’m going to go on stage, I’ll accompany you later.”

Looking at Liu Yifei’s cheerful back, Shuchang sighed in his heart: “This man is so charming, no wonder this little girl is obsessed with him.”

On the stage, Cao An picked up the microphone and said: “Thank you, thank you for your support.”

“Maybe we are just one of the countless people, and we haven’t done anything earth-shattering in our lives.””Live an ordinary life, make ordinary friends, and form an ordinary family.”

“Our life is not always smooth, and sometimes we are overwhelmed by life.”

“But… I believe that hard work will definitely pay off. It may not make us rich, but it will definitely give us a happier tomorrow.”

“Because… miracles will definitely happen!”

As Cao An finished speaking, the conductor raised his hands and the music started.

As soon as this prelude came out, the audience instantly knew which song it was.

A song that Fanxing fans are very familiar with – “Miracle Reappears”.

“Just like the sun piercing through the night, the dawn quietly crosses the horizon.”

After Cao An sang the first sentence, the lights immediately shone not far away, illuminating Liu Dehua’s figure.

He immediately followed with the next sentence: “Whose figure shuttles through the reincarnation.”

After him, the guests of this concert appeared one by one.

Each person sang a sentence, giving this classic inspirational song to every audience at the scene and watching this concert.

After singing a sentence, the guests will come to stand next to Cao An.

Finally, everyone sang together.

“Face danger with a smile

Dreams will come true soon

Take courage and move forward firmly

A miracle will definitely happen~”

Everyone used a song to end the concert and sent blessings to all the audience.

May their lives be smooth.

May their future be happy.

A miracle will definitely happen!

At the end of the song, everyone waved to the four directions to express their gratitude.

The audience responded with warm applause and cheers, which continued until everyone left the stage.

The Stars Concert officially ended!

The audience left the venue in an orderly manner with satisfaction.

Although the Stars concert ended this time, the impact it produced is far from over.


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