Not only the audience was impressed by this concert, but also talked about it with great relish.

Even the guests and artists from Fanxing were excited.

The atmosphere is contagious, and the atmosphere of today’s concert was so good.

Especially at the end, the audience and the singers on the stage complemented each other and pushed this concert to a higher level.

On the way back to the hotel, the topic of everyone’s conversation was tonight’s concert.

It was really impressive and unforgettable.

On the way back, Cao An and Zeng Li sat together.

Asked her: “How do you feel today, Sister Li?”

“It’s very novel. I thought I would be a little uncomfortable after not showing my face in public for so long.”

Zeng Li was still a little excited at this time and said: “I didn’t expect the audience to be so enthusiastic. My body naturally entered the singing state.”

This was the first time Zeng Li appeared in front of the audience after she became pregnant. The song she sang was the theme song of “I’m Not the God of Medicine” “Just Ordinary”.

This time, many artists from Fanxing sang a song on stage, some sang alone, and some sang in chorus.

Only Gao Yuanyuan could not come due to special reasons, and she must be a little lonely.

Cao An decided to accompany her well after returning.

When the people of Fanxing returned to the hotel to rest, the discussion about this concert on the outside network continued.

Various slices and various live videos went viral on the Internet.

Almost every one of them can have a good number of views after being released.

Many people directly searched #Fanxing Concert# and sorted them in the order of release time, and went to the latest release to find videos with different perspectives from their own.

Among them, Cao An’s “Nobody” chorus and the last group of stars chorus “Miracle Reappearance” are the two most popular programs.

Especially the former, what does it feel like to sing together with 80,000 people.

It feels like the soul is about to leave the body.

Every audience member who came back from the scene said that this Fanxing concert was so cool.

The atmosphere on the scene is simply invincible.

Whether it is the lighting, stage design, music, or singers, the quality is explosive.

The key is that this concert is still free.

Some people speculate that the cost of Fanxing to hold this concert is definitely more than 10 million.

It is impossible to make a profit with ticket fees alone.

This really proves what Fanxing said at the beginning: this concert is a thank-you letter to all fans.

After this concert, Fanxing has risen to a higher level in the eyes of fans.

Fanxing is happy, but other companies are a little embarrassed.

You do so well and it’s free, how can our peers do this?

But some things really can’t be copied.

Fanxing can hold such a big carnival-style concert, but other companies can’t.

For capital, a business that kills its head can be done, but no one will come to a business that loses money.

This kind of business that loses money but makes a lot of noise cannot be approved by regular companies at all.

So fans of other movies and TV shows can only watch helplessly, while fans of Fanxing are having a carnival.

“It was so exciting. This is definitely a concert I will never forget.”

“I feel guilty for watching this concert for free. I will definitely buy a ticket to support Director Cao’s “Iron Man.”

“The atmosphere on site is really great. You can’t feel it when watching the live broadcast. It’s so cool.”

“The last “Miracle Reappearance” was definitely added at the last minute, otherwise it would not have taken so long to prepare.”

“Boss Cao is really good to us.”

“Today is the Chinese New Year for Fanxing fans.”

“I don’t know what to say, I’ll just wish everyone a happy new year here.”


If you only look at the concert, Fanxing will naturally lose money.

After all, the live broadcast is free, there are no ads, and 10,000 tickets are given away for free.

But if you look at it from a higher perspective and put it in the entire Fanxing.

Then the concert organized by Cao An did not lose money, but made money.

After the concert, Fanxing Mall ushered in a large transaction.

In just two hours, there were nearly 10 million transactions.

The transaction volume on the second day was also very rapid, up more than 500% from usual.

Many fans went to the Stars Mall to buy all kinds of items they wanted after watching the concert.

They called it: buying tickets!

Not only in the Stars Mall, the movie “Nobody” that was being screened suddenly welcomed a large number of viewers.

The daily box office had already dropped to the 10 million level, but on the second day of the concert, the daily box office exceeded 100 million again.

It shocked the entire industry.

This situation has never been seen before!

In the final analysis, the chorus of 80,000 people singing “Nobody” that night was too shocking.

It was circulated wildly on the short video platform, and even some people who don’t usually watch movies saw this video.

Such a shocking scene will naturally arouse the interest of some people.Coupled with the ticket purchase campaign initiated by Fanxing fans, the movie, which was released for 18 days, has a second spring.

The daily box office has returned to the period of over 100 million yuan.

Originally, major institutions expected the box office of this movie to be around 2.5 billion yuan, but after this incident, they adjusted it to 3 billion+.

Some people have already studied this phenomenon.

Analyze the impact of a concert on a movie in theaters.

But after a thorough analysis, it was found that this situation could not be replicated at all. This is a “promotional method” unique to Fanxing.

As for whether this Fanxing concert is a promotion for “Nobody”.

Both Cao An and other Fanxing staff will deny it.

This project has not considered other things since the project was established.

This is a thank-you letter from Fanxing to all fans.

The aftermath of the concert has not yet ended, and Fanxing has started a new move.

With the approach of the Spring Festival, Cao An’s “Iron Man” and Chengdu Fanxing Animation Studio’s “Kung Fu Panda 2” are about to be released.

The publicity department immediately launched a large-scale promotion for the two films.

The industry sighed that the annual box office harvester is here again.

For so many years, Fanxing has only released two movies at the same time during the Spring Festival.

Many people speculate that these two movies may absorb half of the box office during the Spring Festival.

And Fanxing’s first large-scale promotion for “Iron Man” started with a small helmet.

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