The scale of publicity for Ready Player One is a bit scary.

It covers almost all the audiences in China who want to watch movies, at least letting them know that a movie that looks awesome is about to be released.

Such a big show has made all the domestic film and television practitioners sigh.

Fanxing’s resources are too strong.

Such a high-standard movie promotion has never been seen before.

Although August is in the summer season, there are no movies released this year.

Especially after Cao An’s Ready Player One was scheduled, most other film companies chose to avoid such a big show.

Some small movies don’t matter, anyway, the audience does not conflict with Ready Player One.

And because of the strength of Ready Player One, other movies avoided it, but gave some low-cost movies with low costs more opportunities.

It is easier to survive in the face of a big boss than a bunch of small bosses.

Even if Cao An’s Ready Player One is good, you can’t keep watching it over and over again.

After watching Ready Player One, those who still want to watch movies can watch their own movies.

And because it is in the same schedule, when various bloggers talk about Ready Player One, they can also talk about their own movies.

This is all free exposure.

So the schedule in August in China is very harmonious.

Except for the star-studded Ready Player One, there are no big-budget, high-profile movies.

The rest are ordinary movies with few stars, and the genre does not conflict with Ready Player One.

For example, Love Sunday, The House of Death, Our Youth, and The Brush Spirit.

The production costs of these movies are very low, less than one million at the least, and only a few million at the most.

So these movies have very low expectations for the box office, and they can make a profit of eight or nine million.

If the box office can exceed 10 million, the whole project will be a huge success.

There are also streaming media copyrights, and they can still make hundreds of thousands at least.

These movies not only have no intention of competing with Ready Player One, but also want to follow this big ship to drink soup.

It is precisely because other movies besides Ready Player One are not worth mentioning, and there is no capital behind them.

Cinemas across the country are very generous in scheduling Ready Player One.

Even in some places, the scheduling on August 3rd accounts for 90%.

Strong publicity and huge scheduling share have created a super high pre-sale box office for Ready Player One.

——81.4994 million.

This result directly refreshed the record of domestic movie pre-sale box office.

It caused another round of discussion.

It brought the audience’s desire to watch Ready Player One to a high point.

Almost the entire film and television industry is looking forward to the release of this movie, and they all want to see how high it can reach.

Whether its quality can bear such a big momentum.

Amid the anticipation of everyone, the sun set on August 2nd.

Many people began to prepare for watching the midnight show of Ready Player One.

For example, they went to dinner early and made an appointment with their friends.

Especially in the Fanxing Cinema, many tourists finished their fun in the amusement park early and came to the building where the Fanxing Cinema is located to wait.

The lower floors were crowded with people.

At 11:30 pm, almost all the people here disappeared instantly.

Those who wanted to watch movies went to the top-floor theater, and those who did not watch movies left early because they were about to close.

Before the ticket check began, there were long queues at each ticket gate.

The audience held snacks and drinks in their hands and waited for “Ready Player One”, which was brought by Fanxing and many domestic and foreign companies.

This movie is not only highly anticipated among the audience.

People inside Fanxing also want to watch this movie.

Cao An also took everyone today, especially the “Ready Player One” crew to watch this movie in the circular theater on the 12th floor of Fanxing Building.

After the movie is officially released, the crew will start a high-intensity national roadshow promotion.

It’s not okay if you don’t know the plot of the movie.

Cao An will also participate, but not too much, only a few shows.

The audience is used to it. It is a great luck to meet Cao An. It doesn’t matter if they don’t meet him.

As long as he does his job well and brings more and better movies to the audience, no one cares about these.

Many people came to the circular theater today. Basically, all the artists and related staff from the company came.

Everyone sat down at random, and the center seat was consciously reserved for Cao An.

Although Cao An did not announce that he would sit here, everyone thought he should sit in the best position for watching movies.

Yang Mi and Liu Yifei also sat on Cao An’s left and right skillfully this time.

Seeing that almost everyone had come, Cao AnLet the staff start showing the movie.

This time the release version was shown, so the beginning of the show took more than a minute for each producer to appear one by one.

There is no way, who said that there are so many producers in this movie.

However, the people in the company were not annoyed, but felt very happy.

These are all the connections of Fanxing!

After the last company logo ended, the movie officially began.

The first scene at the beginning is the slums of the Folding District.

Everyone in the company knows this scene, after all, the shooting location is in the Fanxing Amusement Park.

Then there is a super long one-shot to the end, which takes the protagonist out of the house, all the way down, and finally into a mountain of abandoned cars.

Start the Oasis device and put on the VR device to enter the Oasis game.

This one-shot directly shows the customs and customs of the entire Folding District Slums and the popularity of the Oasis game clearly in front of the audience.

After entering the Oasis, through the confession of the protagonist Wade, plus a quick interlude, a series of forward shots are used to show the various worlds in the Oasis.

From here on, the audience deeply felt what popularity is.

Almost all the games or movies that players are familiar with can be found in this section.

Fanxing’s Xianxia, ​​Monsters, Space Elevator, Teyvat, Journey to the West…

Other companies’ Canyon, Martial Arts, MC, Assassin, Azeroth, Red Dead Redemption, Sewer…

Almost all the audience can see familiar elements in this section.

Bring them a knowing smile, and the two fans are ecstatic.

Then the camera came to the landing hall, and Wade’s game character [Z] walked out of a portal.

He officially started his Oasis game journey.

The plot of “Ready Player One” is very simple, without too many complicated things.

After introducing the world view, the main line is officially entered through the chat between Wade and his friend, a bald mechanical strongman [Aiqi].

The Oasis game was created by Li Di, who left a will when he died.

He left three Easter eggs in the Oasis game. The first person to find the three Easter egg keys will inherit his shares in the game company, which is worth about 500 billion US dollars.

And most importantly, the control of the Oasis game.

So the players of the entire Oasis began to look for the Easter eggs hidden by Li Di in the game.

Now the first Easter egg is to participate in a city racing competition and reach the finish line.

The protagonist and his friend Aichi participated in this competition together.

The journey of competing for the Easter egg key began.

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