[Past and Future]

Seeing the theme of the second round of the competition, Cao An was a little confused.

Is this about the past or the future?

In order to better examine the topic, Cao An could only call his instructor, Teacher Zhao.

“Teacher Zhao, I don’t understand the theme this time. Is it the past or the future?”

When Teacher Zhao heard Cao An’s question, he immediately smiled and said, “I knew you would ask me.”

So he explained to Cao An.

“In fact, the main goal of the competition has never been to frame the director with the theme, but to make the director shoot better works.”

“This time the theme is actually very broad. I will expand it to ‘examine the past and look to the future’.

You can shoot the past or the future, it all depends on your own choice.”

After hearing Teacher Zhao’s explanation, Cao An instantly understood a lot.

At this point, Teacher Zhao paused for a while and said to Cao An: “Based on my understanding of the group of great directors in China, most people may choose the past.”

Teacher Zhao did not continue to speak, some things cannot be said too clearly.

Cao An immediately understood what the teacher meant when he heard this.

“Thank you, teacher. I know what kind of movie I should make.”

After hanging up the phone, Cao An carefully thought about the theme of this time and what Teacher Zhao had just said.

Examine the past and look to the future.

If you want to shoot with the past as the theme, you should deconstruct it, analyze it, and summarize the gains and losses.

If you want to shoot with the future as the theme, you should imagine it, expand it, and depict hope.

This is the key point of this theme.

If the movie made confuses this point and is made into “Looking at the past and examining the future”, it is afraid that it will not get many points from the judges.

And the last sentence of Teacher Zhao means: the old guys in China are unlikely to shoot the future, and they are all gathered in the past.

If Cao An can shoot a movie with the future as the theme, then the competition will be much smaller, and it will be easier to get points from the judges.

After figuring out that he has to solve the problem with “future” in this round of the competition.

Cao An directly set the keywords to [future] [hope] to extract movies.


[Congratulations to the host for obtaining all the knowledge of the filming of the movie “The Wandering Earth”. 】

Cao An was delighted when he learned that he had won this movie.

This movie was highly praised by Cao An. Although its production was not mature and the special effects were not detailed enough, it made Cao An see the hope of domestic science fiction movies.

However, the workload of this movie was more than that of Cao An’s previous movies.

Fortunately, the time given for this competition was relatively sufficient, with one and a half years, and the deadline was the National Day next year.

After estimating the time and technology in his mind, he should be able to shoot this movie.

If he had won “The Wandering Earth 2”, Cao An would not have the confidence to make it within a year and a half.

After temporarily solving the domestic competition, Cao An came to the set and started working.

Before starting the filming, he found Liu Jian who was with the group.

“Brother Liu, do you know about the start of the second round of the domestic director competition?”

“Well, I just saw the news.”

“My entry this time has high requirements for special effects. Brother, whether I can advance depends on you!”

Cao An patted Liu Jian on the shoulder.

First give him some strength. If he is not stimulated, he will not know where his potential lies.

Watching Cao An’s back as he walked towards the set, Liu Jian felt a huge pressure.

Because he could feel that Cao An was not joking with him, the next movie Cao An was going to shoot would be a huge test for him and himself.
-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

After arriving at the set and explaining the content of today’s shooting to the staff, Cao An was waiting for Hathaway to put on makeup.

Today, a scene of emotional outburst in the movie will be shot, which is very demanding for her.

After Hathaway put on makeup, the whole person looked a lot more decadent and dejected.

Messy hair, blood stains can be seen on the body, and the clothes are also torn.

“Annie, you know what to be afraid of next, just ask me if you have any questions.”

“Got it, thank you Cao.”

“Yeah.” Seeing that the protagonist was ready, Cao An immediately called out: “Steve”

A black-backed German Shepherd immediately rushed to Cao An and kept rubbing his hand with his head.

“Okay, it’s your turn.”

Cao An carried it to the test bench and patted its head, “Don’t move.”

Steve really lay on the test bench obediently, looking at Cao An quietly.

This scene made everyone at the scene exclaim, especially the people from Warner.

Although Steve, as a retired military dog, is more humane than ordinary dogs,They were still shocked to hear Cao An’s words.

The dog trainer standing next to the Warner staff stood there with an embarrassed look on his face.

He was originally invited by Warner to help train Steve to cooperate with the filming, but since the dog met Cao An, he was no longer needed.

Cao An’s words were much more useful than his dog trainer.

Seeing that the dog was ready, the other staff immediately started working.

Hathaway also came to the test bench and prepared to start the performance.

With a sound of “action”, the filming officially began.

After a period of anxious rescue for Shaman (the dog), Nefer, played by Hathaway, found that all the drugs had no effect.

Its condition was rapidly deteriorating, and it would become a zombie dog in a short time.

Desperate, she could only sit in the corner holding Shaman helplessly.

Her eyes were full of regret and despair, tears filled her eyes, but she forced herself not to let them flow out.

When she saw the hair of Sandman falling from her hand, she knew that there was no time.

She pursed her lips and gritted her teeth, resisting the grief in her heart, and suddenly exerted force on her hands, strangling Sandman to death in her arms.


As Cao An’s signal of ending came out, Hathaway immediately let go of Steve, and the latter hurried to Cao An.

Cao An glanced at Hathaway, who was still immersed in grief, and patted Steve on the back.

The latter immediately understood what Cao An meant, came to Hathaway, whimpered twice, and then licked her hand.

Comfort her not to be sad, she is not really dead.

Hathaway was comforted by Steve and quickly adjusted.

Touching Steve’s head, she whispered to him: “Thank you.”

Then she turned to Cao An and smiled, “Thank you.”

This time she spoke in Chinese, although with a little accent.

Cao An smiled back at her and praised her performance.

“You acted very well. Take a break and prepare for the next scene.”

While Cao An was filming in America, the title and introduction of his next work were also spread to China.

[Movie name: “The Wandering Earth”]

[Director: Cao An]

[Screenwriter: Cao An]

[Introduction: In the future, the sun is about to be destroyed, and the solar system will no longer be suitable for human survival. Faced with desperation, humans will start the “Wandering Earth” plan, trying to escape the solar system with the earth and find a new home for humans…]

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